SOCAR Proceedings

SOCAR Proceedings

Published by "OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).

SOCAR Proceedings is published from 1930 and is intended for oil and gas industry specialists, post-graduate (students) and scientific workers.

Journal is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS and Russian Scientific Citation Index, and abstracted in EI’s Compendex, Petroleum Abstracts (Tulsa), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts database.

A.P.Chizhov1, R.U.Rabaev1, V.E.Andreev1, A.V.Chibisov1, Z.A.Kuangaliev2, E.R.Efimov1, D.V.Ivanov3

1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 2Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after S. Utebayev, Atyrau, Kazakhstan; 3«MakOil» JSC, Nurlat, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Theoretical features of improving the oil recovery efficiency from carbonate reservoirs in the Volga-Ural province

Currently, the share of hard-to-recover oil reserves confined to carbonate reservoirs is more than 20% of the Volga-Urals hydrocarbon reserves. The use of traditional acid stimulation in conditions of a complex structure of carbonate reservoirs and low reservoir pressure is ineffective. In order to increase the efficiency of hydrochloric acid treatment, theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out aimed at increasing the efficiency of the work being carried out to stimulate the inflow to production wells that operate carbonate reservoirs. Filtration of the acid solution into low-permeability intervals of the carbonate reservoir involves the use of reverse counter-current capillary impregnation mechanisms. Analytical research methods made it possible to determine that the activation of the impregnation processes is carried out under conditions of nonstationarity of the pressure parameters of the reservoir system. Numerical modeling of the exposure process allowed to optimize the exposure parameters.

Keywords: well; bottom-hole zone; carbonate reservoir; reservoir; displacement; acid; impact; efficiency.

Currently, the share of hard-to-recover oil reserves confined to carbonate reservoirs is more than 20% of the Volga-Urals hydrocarbon reserves. The use of traditional acid stimulation in conditions of a complex structure of carbonate reservoirs and low reservoir pressure is ineffective. In order to increase the efficiency of hydrochloric acid treatment, theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out aimed at increasing the efficiency of the work being carried out to stimulate the inflow to production wells that operate carbonate reservoirs. Filtration of the acid solution into low-permeability intervals of the carbonate reservoir involves the use of reverse counter-current capillary impregnation mechanisms. Analytical research methods made it possible to determine that the activation of the impregnation processes is carried out under conditions of nonstationarity of the pressure parameters of the reservoir system. Numerical modeling of the exposure process allowed to optimize the exposure parameters.

Keywords: well; bottom-hole zone; carbonate reservoir; reservoir; displacement; acid; impact; efficiency.


  1. Markhasin, I. L. (1977). Physical-and-chemical mechanics of oil formation. Moscow: Nedra.
  2. Chizhov, A. P., Smirnov, V. B. (2010) Engineering geology. Ufa: UGNTU.
  3. Khisamutdinov, N. I., Vladimirov, I. V., Kazakova, T. G. (2007). Problemy sokhraneniya produktivnosti skvazhin i neftenasyshchennykh kollektorov v zaklyuchitel'noy stadii razrabotki. Sankt-Peterburg: Nedra.
  4. Kotenev, Yu. A., Chibisov, A. V., Ganeev, D. A. (2013). Distribution of residual oil in the emptiness of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic collectors of deposits in late stage of development. Problems of Gathering, Treatment and Transportation of Oil and Oil Products, 3, 5-10.
  5. Ivanov, D. V. (2018) Povysheniye effektivnosti izvlecheniya vysokovyazkoy tyazheloy nefti zalezhey Melekesskoy vpadiny. Ufa: UGNTU.
  6. Surguchev, M. L., Zheltov, Yu. V., Simkin, E. M. (1984). hysical and chemical microprocesses in. the oil and gas reservoirs. Moscow: Nedra.
  7. Chizhov, A. P., Andreev, V. Ye., Chibisov, A. V., et al. (2016). Stimulation of inflow from carbonate reservoirs for the Volga-Urals conditions. Problems of Gathering, Treatment and Transportation of Oil and Oil Products, 3, 35-42.
  8. Andreyev V. Ye., Chizhov A. P. (2009). Development of hydrochloric acid stimulation of carbonate reservoir and prediction of its results. Problems of Gathering, Treatment and Transportation of Oil and Oil Products, 2, 5-11.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400460


I.D.Mukhametgaliev, А.K.Agliullin, R.A.Ismakov, M.E.Loginova, A.R.Yakhin

Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Russia

The development of the modeling of the BHA for directional drilling

The article discusses the development of technology for directional drilling of oil and gas wells in the perspective of modeling downhole operations. The most significant mathematical models developed by Soviet and foreign scientists in the XX century are listed. An example of calculating the reaction on a bit based on the most widely used method of initial parameters is shown. In the process of a typical calculation of the deflecting force on the bit, it was possible to set the boundary conditions on the bottom hole assembly (BHA) supports in a natural form, using a well-known approach for calculating the deflection of the beam. The obtained results of calculations were applied in the construction of a simulation model for computer simulation based on a virtual program-simulator of the drilling directional wells. The simulating software allowed us to evaluate the effect of the Zenith angle of the well and the rigidity of the oriented layout on the deflecting force on the bit, the deflection of the turbo drill along the length from the bit to the nearest lower point of contact of the well wall.

Keywords: historical analysis; directional drilling; drilling simulation; the reaction on the bit; the BHA parameters.

The article discusses the development of technology for directional drilling of oil and gas wells in the perspective of modeling downhole operations. The most significant mathematical models developed by Soviet and foreign scientists in the XX century are listed. An example of calculating the reaction on a bit based on the most widely used method of initial parameters is shown. In the process of a typical calculation of the deflecting force on the bit, it was possible to set the boundary conditions on the bottom hole assembly (BHA) supports in a natural form, using a well-known approach for calculating the deflection of the beam. The obtained results of calculations were applied in the construction of a simulation model for computer simulation based on a virtual program-simulator of the drilling directional wells. The simulating software allowed us to evaluate the effect of the Zenith angle of the well and the rigidity of the oriented layout on the deflecting force on the bit, the deflection of the turbo drill along the length from the bit to the nearest lower point of contact of the well wall.

Keywords: historical analysis; directional drilling; drilling simulation; the reaction on the bit; the BHA parameters.


  1. Mukhametgaliev, I. D., Agliullin, A. H., Ismakov, R. A., Al-Suhili, M. H. (2020). Stages of origin and development of directional drilling of wells for mining. History of Science and Technology, 4. 53-59.
  2. Mukhametgaliev, I. D., Ismakov, R. A., Gabsalikhov, A. G. (2014). Whipstock for drilling side barrels from wells. RU Patent 143548.
  3. Mukhametgaliev, I. D., Agliullin, A. H., Ismakov, R. A., Mukhametgalieva, C.T. (2020). History and features of development of technology and technology of tilt-directional drilling of oil and gas wells in the XX century. History of Science and Technology, 8, 39-50.
  4. Willers, Fr. A. (1941). Das Knicken schwerer Gestänge. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 21(1), 43-51.
  5. Grigoryan, A. M. (1969). Opening of layers by multi-hole and horizontal wells. Moscow: Nedra.
  6. Ioannesyan, R. A. (1953). Fundamentals of theory and technology of turbine drilling. Moscow: Gostoptehizdat.
  7. Woods, G., Lubinski, A. (1960). The curvature of the wells during drilling. Moscow: Gostoptekhizdat.
  8. Grechin, E. G., Ovchinnikov, V. P. (2010). Design of technical means for drilling curved wells: textbook. Tyumen: Express publishing and printing center.
  9. Callas, N. P., Callas, R. Y. (1980). Boundery value problem is solved. Oil and Gas Journal, 17, 76.
  10. Milheim, K. (1979). Behaving of multistabili Zers of bottom hole assembly. Oil and Gas Journal, 14(37), 27-31.
  11. Toutain, P. (1981). Analizing drill string behavior. An introduction to deviation control parameters. Part I. World Oil, 5(6), 2455-2457.
  12. Toutain, P. (1981). Results of dimentional study give recommendations for inclination control. Part II. World Oil, 5(7), 4341-4350.
  13. Toutain, P. (1981). What effects azimuth control. Part III. World Oil, 5(9), 4976-4982.
  14. Yangirov, F. N., Yakhin, A. R., Matyushin, V. P., Mukhametgaliev, I. D. Downhole MWD systems. Training manual. Ufa: Gilem.
  15. Ismakov, R. A., Rakhmatullin, D. V., Mukhametgaliev, I. D. (2015). Application of the virtual computer simulator program "Slide Master 1.18" for training practical skills of drilling oil and gas wells using downhole telemetry systems. Oil Province, 4(4), 122-135.
  16. Agliullin, A. H. (2007). The emergence and formation of oil production processes in the Ural-Volga region In the XVIII-XX centuries. Dissertation for the degree of doctor of technical sciences. Ufa: NIIReaktiv.
  17. Ismakov, R. A., Rakhmatullin, D. V., Mukhametgaliev, I. D. (2014). Designing the profile of a directional well with the use of a computer. Electronic training manual. Ufa: UGNTU.
  18. Ismakov, R. A., Rakhmatullin, D. V., Mukhametgaliev, I. D. (2016). Qualification selection of engineering and technical personnel in the field of directional drilling using the Slide Master 1.18 engineering simulator. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Achievements, problems and prospects of development of the oil and gas industry» in Almetyevsk. Almetyevsk State Oil Institute.
  19. Ismakov, R. A., Hafizov, A. R., Mukhametgaliev, I. D., et al. (2016). Analysis of simulation training complexes for training practical drilling skills. Oil and Gas business, 4(14), 9 – 13.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400461


A.V.Lyagov1, I.A.Lyagov2, I.N.Suleymanov1

1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 2LLC «Perfobore», Moscow, Russia

Anti-vibration - stabilizing drill bottomhole assembly for «Perfobore» technical system

The article discusses the method of bottomhole assembly (BHA) for the «Perfobore» technical system, investigated as a complex of elastic-viscous working elements - coupled oscillators located in a dynamically disturbed section of the assembly. The length of the section is determined using the group velocity of propagation of the energy of a packet of quasi-harmonic waves differing from each other in phase and frequency, with prevailing natural frequencies, which are calculated after statistical processing of the obtained dynamograms of phase trajectories. Then, the working elements of the technical system are assembled with selected natural frequencies and taking into account various bending and torsional stiffnesses of the component assemblies (oscillators), and the damping properties of the assemblies are enhanced by the additional placement of hydromechanical axial load regulators with a variable vibration isolation coefficient in the calculated places of the «motion stability nodes».

Keywords: Perfobore; bottomhole drill string assembly; dynamically disturbed section; wave generator; oscillation; modulation; throb; group velocity; phase trajectory; spectral densities. 

The article discusses the method of bottomhole assembly (BHA) for the «Perfobore» technical system, investigated as a complex of elastic-viscous working elements - coupled oscillators located in a dynamically disturbed section of the assembly. The length of the section is determined using the group velocity of propagation of the energy of a packet of quasi-harmonic waves differing from each other in phase and frequency, with prevailing natural frequencies, which are calculated after statistical processing of the obtained dynamograms of phase trajectories. Then, the working elements of the technical system are assembled with selected natural frequencies and taking into account various bending and torsional stiffnesses of the component assemblies (oscillators), and the damping properties of the assemblies are enhanced by the additional placement of hydromechanical axial load regulators with a variable vibration isolation coefficient in the calculated places of the «motion stability nodes».

Keywords: Perfobore; bottomhole drill string assembly; dynamically disturbed section; wave generator; oscillation; modulation; throb; group velocity; phase trajectory; spectral densities. 


  1. Belorussov, V.O. (1988) Selection of bottom hole assemblies for directional drilling of wells abroad. V 8. Moscow: VNIIOENG.
  2. Lyagov, I.A., Gubaidullin, A.G., Lyagov, A.V., Popov, A.N. (2019) Predicting the risks of jamming to exclude the possibility of sticking the technical system «Perfobur» when drilling branched channels in terrigenous collectors. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Engineering of georesources, 330 (10) 126-136.
  3. STO 03-144-90. (1990) Instructions for drilling directional cluster wells in Bashkiria. Ufa: BashNIPIneft.
  4. Griguletskiy, V.G., Lukyanov, V.T. (1990). Bottom drill string design. Moscow: Nedra.
  5. Ishemguzhin I.E., Lyagov A.V., Ishemguzhin E.I.. (2000). Bottom hole assembly method. RF patent 2147669.
  6. Balitsky, P.V. (1975). Interaction of the drill string with the bottom hole. Moscow: Nedra.
  7. Chelomey, V.N. (1978). Vibrations in technology: a reference book in 6 volumes. Volume 1. Moscow: Mechanical Engineering.
  8. Lyagov, I.A., Lyagov, A.V., Suleimanov, I.N., Kachemaeva, M.A. (2015) Creation of the technical system «Perfobur» and the study of its performance in a strongly curved channel with forced longitudinal vibrations. Oil and Gas Business, 5, 45-105.
  9. Lyagov, I. A. (2014) Bottomhole formation zone completion through ultra deep multibranch channels: experimental research of a new technology. In Mine Planning and Equipment Selection Proceedings of the 22nd MPES Conference. Dresden: Springer International Publishing, 1221-1229.
  10. Lyagov, I. A. (2014). Analysis of the results of field tests of the technical system «Perfobur». Analytical synthesis of basic units of «Perfobur» with increased reliability for drilling extra-long channels along the predicted trajectory. Petroleum Engineering, 1, 52-76.
  11. Lyagov, A.V. (2005). Dynamic arrangements for downhole drilling. Dissertation for the degree of doctor of technical sciences. Ufa: Ufa State Oil Technical University.
  12. Lyagov, I.A. (2014). Substantiation and development of a technology for secondary penetration of productive formations by branched wells of ultra-small diameter. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg Mining University.
  13. Lyagov, I.A., Vasilev, N.I, Reich, M., Mezzetti, M. (2014). Analytical research and experimental tests on the technology fov drilling small diameter channels with small radius of curvature. Oil Gas European Magazine, 40(3), 124-129.
  14. Kopylov, V.E., Artyushkin, V.N. (1983). Quick-release and elastic drill pipe joints. Tyumen: TSU.
  15. Lyagov, A.V., Lyagov, I.A. (2014). Selection of permissible radii of curvature of ultra-small diameter wells (channels) for the Perfobur technical system. Exposition Oil and Gas, 6, 47-52.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400462


Gen.G.Gilaev1, M.Ya.Khabibullin2, G.G.Gilaev3

1Samaraneftegaz JSC, Oil and Gas Production Department, Samara, Russia; 2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch in Oktyabrsky, Russia; 3Kuban State Technological University, Institute of Oil, Gas and Energy, Krasnodar, Russia

Basic aspects of using acid gel for propant injection during fracturing works in carbonate reservoirs in the Volga-Ural region

In JSC Samaraneftegaz, in recent years, there has been a steady trend towards a reduction in the proportion of proppant fracturing and an increase in the proportion of acid stimulation. After analyzing the previously performed hydraulic fracturing works on the carbonate reservoirs of Samaraneftegaz JSC, as well as world experience, it can be assumed that an increase in the duration of the effect of hydraulic fracturing in carbonate reservoirs can be achieved through a combination of acid fracturing with the use of a proppant (proppant) , where a crosslinked acid gel can serve as the main sand-carrying fluid. However, due to the difference in the geological conditions of carbonate reservoirs, on which the experience of using acid gel as the main sand-carrying agent was considered, the feasibility of using proppant fracturing technology on a cross-linked acid gel requires a set of studies.

Keywords: terrigenous formations; carbonate; siliceous; reservoirs; hydraulic; fracturing; proppant. 

In JSC Samaraneftegaz, in recent years, there has been a steady trend towards a reduction in the proportion of proppant fracturing and an increase in the proportion of acid stimulation. After analyzing the previously performed hydraulic fracturing works on the carbonate reservoirs of Samaraneftegaz JSC, as well as world experience, it can be assumed that an increase in the duration of the effect of hydraulic fracturing in carbonate reservoirs can be achieved through a combination of acid fracturing with the use of a proppant (proppant) , where a crosslinked acid gel can serve as the main sand-carrying fluid. However, due to the difference in the geological conditions of carbonate reservoirs, on which the experience of using acid gel as the main sand-carrying agent was considered, the feasibility of using proppant fracturing technology on a cross-linked acid gel requires a set of studies.

Keywords: terrigenous formations; carbonate; siliceous; reservoirs; hydraulic; fracturing; proppant. 


  1. Parfenov, A. N., Shashel, V. A., Sitdikov, S. S. (2007). Features and experience of proppant hydrofracturing application at Samaraneftegaz OAO. Oil Industry, 11, 38-41.
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  11. Suleimanov, R. I., Zainagalina, L. Z., Khabibullin, M. Y., et al. (2018). Studying heat-affected zone deformations of electric arc welding. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
  12. Rickman, R., Mullen, M. (2008, September). A practical use of shale petrophysics for stimulationdesign optimization: All shale plays are not cloning of the Barnett Shale. SPE115258-MS. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
  13. Khabibullin, M. Ya. (2020). Increasing the efficiency of separation of liquid systems when collecting reservoir fluid. Oil and Gas Business, 18(2), 64-71.
  14. Gilaev, G. G., Gorbunov, V. V., Kuznetsov, A.M., et al. (2012). Increasing the efficiency of chemicals in Rosneft Oil Company. Oil Industry, 11, 22-24.
  15. Glushchenko, V. N., Ptashko, O. A., Kharisov, R. Ya., Denisova, A. V. (2010). Acid treatments: compositions, reaction mechanisms, design. Ufa: Gilem.
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  17. Abbasov, E. M., Agaeva, N. A. (2014). Propagation of the constructed of pressure waves in fluid with the account dynamic connection of system the well-formation. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 77-84.
  18. Konnov, Yu. D., Sidorkin, D. I., Khabibullin, M. Ya. (2018). Mechanization of technological process of roundtrip operations in well servicing and workover. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 15-24.
  19. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, E. M. (2010). Bottomhole pressure build-up during oil displacement by water with allowance for non-instantaneous inflow stopping. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 20-24.
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  23. Mukhametshin, V. V., Andreev, V. E., Dubinsky, G. S., et al. (2016). The usage of principles of system geologicaltechnological forecasting in the justification of the recovery methods. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 46-51.
  24. Khabibullin, M. Ya., Suleimanov, R. I. (2019). Improving the reliability of welded joints of pipelines in the system for maintaining reservoir pressure. Oil and Gas Business, 17(5), 93-98.
  25. Nsoga, V. N., Hona, J., Pemha, E. (2017). Numerical simulation of heat distribution with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity in a two-dimensional liquid flow. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 18(6), 507-513.
  26. Litvin, V. T., Strizhnev, K. V., Shevchuk, T. N., Roshchin, P. V. (2018). Acid treatment of the bottomhole formation zone of the Bazhenov formation after hydraulic fracturing. Oil Industry, 4, 70-73.
  27. Khabibullin, M. Ya. (2019). Development of the design of the sucker-rod pump for sandy wells. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
  28. Gilaev, Gen. G., Khabibullin, M. Ya., Gilaev, G. G. (2020). Prospects for the use of acid gel for pumping proppant in the process of hydraulic fracturing of carbonate formations in the Samara region. Oil Industry, 8, 54-57.
  29. Yamaletdinova, K. Sh., Khaladov, A. Sh., Dudnikov, Yu. V., et al. (2017). The effectiveness of acid treatments of injection wells. Success of Modern Natural Science, 12, 278-283.
  30. Assem, A. I., Nasr-El-Din, H. A., De Wolf, C. A. (2013). Formation damage due to iron precipitation in carbonate rocks. SPE-165203-MS. In SPE European Formation Damage Conference & Exhibition.
  31. Khabibullin, M. Ya. (2019). A systematized approach to methods of water injection into injection wells. Oil and Gas Business, 17(3), 80-86.
  32. Rady, A., Nasr-El-Din, H. A. (2015). Iron precipitation in calcite, dolomite and sandstone cores. SPE-176574-MS. In SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference.
  33. Rabie, A. I., Nasr-El-Din, H. A. (2015). Sodium gluconate as a new environmentally friendly iron controlling agent for HP/HT acidizing treatments. SPE-172640-MS. In SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference.
  34. Litvin, V. T., Strizhnev, K. V., Roshchin, P. V. (2015). Features of the structure and intensification of oil inflows in complex reservoirs of the Bazhenov formation of the Palyanovskoye field. Theory and practice, 10(3). http://www.
  35. Shaken, M. Sh. (2019). Studying the applicability of acid treatment in conglomerate reservoir. SOCAR Proceedings, 4, 23-31.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400463



Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Oil production facilities management improving using the analogy method

For the conditions of an oil fields group characterized by an insufficiently high degree of oil reserves recovery, an algorithm for objects identifying using parameters characterizing the objects’ geological structure and having a predominant effect on the oil recovery factor is proposed. The proposed algorithm allows us to substantiate and use the analogy method to improve the oil production facilities management efficiency by targeted selection of the information about the objects and processes occurring in them, removing uncertainties in low density conditions, the emergence of real-time decision-making capabilities, determination of optimal ways of current problems solving, reducing the probability of erroneous decisions making, justifying the trend towards the goals achieving.

Keywords: method of analogies; differentiation; degree of reserves recovery; production facilities development management. 

For the conditions of an oil fields group characterized by an insufficiently high degree of oil reserves recovery, an algorithm for objects identifying using parameters characterizing the objects’ geological structure and having a predominant effect on the oil recovery factor is proposed. The proposed algorithm allows us to substantiate and use the analogy method to improve the oil production facilities management efficiency by targeted selection of the information about the objects and processes occurring in them, removing uncertainties in low density conditions, the emergence of real-time decision-making capabilities, determination of optimal ways of current problems solving, reducing the probability of erroneous decisions making, justifying the trend towards the goals achieving.

Keywords: method of analogies; differentiation; degree of reserves recovery; production facilities development management. 


  1. Milovidov, V. D. (2015). Proactive innovation management: knowledge mapping. Oil Industry, 8, 16-21.
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  7. Kudryashov, S. I., Belkina, E. Yu., Khasanov, M. M., et al. (2015). Quantitative approach of using of analogs in exploration and field development. Oil Industry, 4, 43-47.
  8. Andreev, A. V., Mukhametshin, V. Sh., Kotenev, Yu.A. (2016). Deposit productivity forecast in carbonate reservoirs with hard to recover reserves. SOCAR Procеedings, 3, 40-45.
  9. Mukhametshin, V. V. (2017). The need for creation of a unified comprehensive method of geological and field analysis and integration of data on effective influence on the bottom-hole formation zone. Oil Industry, 4, 80-84.
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  12. Zeigman, Yu. V., Mukhametshin, V. Sh., Khafizov, A. R., Kharina, S. B. (2016). Prospects of application of multifunctional well killing fluids in carbonate reservoirs. SOCAR Procеedings, 3, 33-39.
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  14. Allan, J., Sun, S. Q. (2003). Controls on recovery factor in fractured reservoirs: lessons learned from 100 fractured fields. SPE-84590-MS. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
  15. Andreeva, N. N., Valiullin, I.M. (2015). Study of the international experience in testing facilities for fuel & energy sector machinery and technologies. Oil Industry, 7, 107-111.
  16. Akhmetov, R. T., Mukhametshin, V. V., Andreev, A. V., Sultanov, Sh. Kh. (2017). Some testing results of productive strata wettability index forecasting technique. SOCAR Procеedings, 4, 83-87.
  17. Mukhametshin, V.V. (2017). Eliminating uncertainties in solving bottomhole zone stimulation tasks. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Assets Engineering, 328(7), 40-50.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400464


А.I.Ponomarev1, T.T.Ragimov1, E.S.Yushin2

1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 2Russian Research Institute for Natural Gases and Gas Technologies, Moscow, Russia

Automated systematic method for calculating the operating mode of gas wells using concentric tubing during self-pressure

The article proposes a solution to the problem of operating wells, at the bottom of which, during the production of reservoir products, fluid accumulates. It is shown that traditionally this field problem is solved by carrying out underground repairs, which creates the risk of the wells not being brought back to the initial parameters, primarily in terms of flow rate. The solution to this type of complication in the wells of the Cenomanian deposit of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field is to transfer the wells to operation using concentric lift columns. This relatively new innovative technology allows for the removal of liquid from the bottom together with gas, thereby avoiding killing the well and its subsequent repair, as well as possible stimulating treatments to restore the necessary flow. It is shown that by calculating the dependencies and the software package it is possible to determine the critical and recommended flow rates for well operation without complications.

Keywords: concentric lift column; self-зressure; gas production; liquid accumulation at the bottom; algorithm for calculating critical flow rate. 

The article proposes a solution to the problem of operating wells, at the bottom of which, during the production of reservoir products, fluid accumulates. It is shown that traditionally this field problem is solved by carrying out underground repairs, which creates the risk of the wells not being brought back to the initial parameters, primarily in terms of flow rate. The solution to this type of complication in the wells of the Cenomanian deposit of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field is to transfer the wells to operation using concentric lift columns. This relatively new innovative technology allows for the removal of liquid from the bottom together with gas, thereby avoiding killing the well and its subsequent repair, as well as possible stimulating treatments to restore the necessary flow. It is shown that by calculating the dependencies and the software package it is possible to determine the critical and recommended flow rates for well operation without complications.

Keywords: concentric lift column; self-зressure; gas production; liquid accumulation at the bottom; algorithm for calculating critical flow rate. 


  1. Yushin, E. S. (2019). Tekhnika i tekhnologiya tekushchego i kapital'nogo remonta neftyanyh i gazovyh skvazhin na sushe i na more. Uhta: UGTU.
  2. R Gazprom 2-3.3-556-2011. (2011). Rukovodstvo po ekspluatacii skvazhin senomanskih zalezhej po koncentricheskim liftovym kolonnam. Moskva: OAO «Gazprom».
  3. Minlikaev, V. Z., Dikamov, D. V., Koryakin, A. YU. i dr. (2014). Novyj etap sovershenstvovaniya tekhnologij ekspluatacii skvazhin senomanskih zalezhej. Gazovaya promyshlennost', 3, 85-88.
  4. Minlikaev, V. Z., Dikamov, D. V., Mazanov, S. V. i dr. (2015). Opyt ekspluatacii skv. 514 senomanskoj zalezhi Urengojskogo NGKM, oborudovannoj koncentricheskimi liftovymi kolonnami. Gazovaya promyshlennost', 5, 85-88.
  5. STO Gazprom 2-2.3-1017-2015. (2015). Ekspluataciya gazovyh skvazhin mestorozhdenij Nadym-Pur-Tazovskogo regiona po koncentricheskim liftovym kolonnam. Moskva: OAO «Gazprom».
  6. SHulyatikov, V. I., Geresh, G. M., Ploskov, A. A. (2013). Opyt primeneniya i dal'nejshie perspektivy vnedreniya tekhnologij i oborudovaniya dlya kontrolya i ekspluatacii skvazhin mestorozhdenij Bol'shogo Urengoya /sbornik nauchnyh trudov OOO «Gazprom dobycha Urengoj» «Prioritetnye napravleniya razvitiya Urengojskogo kompleksa». Mosvka: «Izdatel'skij dom Nedra», 349-357.
  7. Dikamov, D. V., SHulyatikov, I. V., Mel'nikov, I. V. (2010). Osobennosti ekspluatacii skvazhin po koncentricheskim liftovym kolonnam na mestorozhdenii Medvezh'e. Materialy VIII Vserossijskoj nauchnotekhnicheskoj konferencii posvyashchennoj 80-letiyu RGU nefti i gaza im. I.M. Gubkina «Aktual'nye problemy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Rossii». Moskva: RGU nefti i gaza.
  8. Minlikaev, V. Z., Dikamov, D. V., Gluhen'kij, A. G. i dr. (2010). Ekspluataciya samozadavlivayushchihsya skvazhin v usloviyah zavershayushchego etapa razrabotki mestorozhdeniya. Gazovaya promyshlennost', 2, 76-77.
  9. Dikamov, D. V., Shulyatikov, I. V. (2008). Well operation through concentric tubing: background and prospects. Science and Technology in the Gas Industry, 4, 11-19.
  10. Dikamov, D. V., Minlikaev, V. Z., Imsheneckij, M. A., SHulyatikov, I. V. (2011). Osobennosti ekspluatacii skvazhin po koncentricheskim liftovym kolonnam. Neftegaz, 1, 64-67.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400465


R.U.Rabaev1, R.N.Bakhtizin1, S.Kh.Sultanov1, V.I.Smurygin2, S.A.Blinov3, T.B.Bakishev3

1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 2SUE RK «Chernomorneftegaz», Simferopol, Russia; 3LLC «Kresol-nefteService», Ufa, Russia

Substantiation of application of the technology of acid hydraulic facing insea shelfgas condensate carbonate reservoirs

The article discusses the problems of effective application of acid hydraulic fracturing (HF) technologies in carbonate reservoirs. The optimal technology of acid fracturing has been substantiated, adapted to the geological and production conditions of the development of productive deposits and mining equipment of a gas condensate field of the sea shelf. The results of the design and calculation of the predicted flow rate for specific geological and production conditions of candidate wells are presented.

Keywords: carbonate reservoir; gas condensate field; stimulation of oil production; acid hydraulic fracturing; displacement fluid; proppant; treatment design. 

The article discusses the problems of effective application of acid hydraulic fracturing (HF) technologies in carbonate reservoirs. The optimal technology of acid fracturing has been substantiated, adapted to the geological and production conditions of the development of productive deposits and mining equipment of a gas condensate field of the sea shelf. The results of the design and calculation of the predicted flow rate for specific geological and production conditions of candidate wells are presented.

Keywords: carbonate reservoir; gas condensate field; stimulation of oil production; acid hydraulic fracturing; displacement fluid; proppant; treatment design. 


  1. Smurygin, V. I., Rabaev, R. U., Blinov, S. A., et al. (2019). Justification of the technology of intensification of gas production from productive layers with different types. Journal of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Engineering of Georesources, 330(2), 75–82.
  2. Smurygin, V. I., Rabaev, R. U., Muslimov, B. S., Sultanov, S. Kh. (2018). Justification of the reasons for the decrease in the productivity of wells of gas and gas condensate fields on the offshore. Exposition Oil Gas, 1(61), 46–51.
  3. Karacharova, Y. V., Beznosikov, A. F. (2016). Technologies for carrying out geological and technical measures in gas wells. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference «Modern technologies in the oil and gas industry» dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the branch.
  4. Zdolnik, S. E., Nekipelov, Y. V., Gaponov, M. A. (2016). Implementation of new technologies for hydraulic fracturing at carbonate facilities of «Bashneft» fields. Oil Industry, 7, 92-95.
  5. Ivanov, S. I. (2006). Stimulation of oil and gas inflow to wells. Moscow: «Nedra-Business Center».
  6. Frenier, W., Wilson, D., Crump, D., Jones, L. (2000, October). Use of highly acid-soluble agents in well stimulation services. SPE-63242-MS. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
  7. Baykov, N. M. (2003). New technologies of acid treatment of productive strata. Oil Industry, 3, 114.
  8. Magadova, L. A., Ponomareva, V. V., Davletshina, L. F., Mukhin, M. M. (2010). Study of xanthan thickeners used in acid hydraulic fracturing technologies. Oil and Gas Technologies, 2, 25-28.
  9. Ermilov, O. M., Aliev, Z. S. (2009). Operation of wells gas. Moscow: Nauka.
  10. Zheltov, Y. P. (2006). Development of oil and gas fields. Moscow: Nedra.
  11. Gvozdev, B. P., Gritsenko, A. I., Kornilov, A. E. (1988). Operation of gas and gas condensate fields. Moscow: Nedra.
  12. Sereda, N. E., Nifantov, V. I., Malyshev, S. V. (2005). Estimation of fracture parameters during acid hydraulic fracturing in wells penetrating carbonate reservoirs. Construction of Oil and Gas Wells on Land and at Sea, 7, 17-19.
  13. Kharisov, R. Y. (2011). An integrated approach to the choice of the optimal acid composition for stimulating wells in carbonate reservoirs. Oil Industry, 2, 78-82.
  14. Garumov, R. A., Sukovitsyn, V. A., Gavrilov, A. A., et al. (2017). Reagent compositions aimed at restoring and increasing the productivity of gas wells with difficult mining and geological conditions. Oil. Gas. Innovations, 8, 52–57.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400466


G.G.Gilaev1, M.Ya.Khabibullin2, D.G.Antoniadi1, T.V.Khismetov3

1Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar, Russia; 2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch in Oktyabrsky, Russia; 3STC GEOTECHNOKIN LLC, Moscow, Russia

Development of devices for implementation pulse nonstationary waterflooding

To further improve the efficiency of the non-stationary flooding (acceleration of capillary impregnation oil closed pores) at the bottom of injection wells installed devices, creating pulses in the pumped liquid, with a packer. The article deals with a device designed for this purpose. A mathematical model of the device and output expressions to define the basic operating parameters of output. For comparison of theoretical calculations show the results of bench testing device. In view of previous research, the authors of substantiated the effectiveness of such devices for the nonstationary flooding in the system to maintain reservoir pressure. The preliminary positive data on fishing the use of these devices in the fields of NC «Rosneft» in 2015-2016.

Keywords: unsteady flooding; power number; method of averaging the Ritz; the elliptical integral. 

To further improve the efficiency of the non-stationary flooding (acceleration of capillary impregnation oil closed pores) at the bottom of injection wells installed devices, creating pulses in the pumped liquid, with a packer. The article deals with a device designed for this purpose. A mathematical model of the device and output expressions to define the basic operating parameters of output. For comparison of theoretical calculations show the results of bench testing device. In view of previous research, the authors of substantiated the effectiveness of such devices for the nonstationary flooding in the system to maintain reservoir pressure. The preliminary positive data on fishing the use of these devices in the fields of NC «Rosneft» in 2015-2016.

Keywords: unsteady flooding; power number; method of averaging the Ritz; the elliptical integral. 


  1. Vladimirov, I. V., Almukhametova, E. M., Varisova, R. R. (2016). Analysis of the influence of non-stationary waterflooding on the results of hydrodynamic studies of wells. Oilfield Engineering, 10, 55-57.
  2. Suleimanov, R. I., Gabdrakhimov, M. S., Khabibullin, M. Y., et al. (2018). The study of hydraulic hammer device in drilling tool assembly in hydraulical rotary drilling. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 7(2), 28-30.
  3. Guseva, D. N., Kurbanova, G. Ya., Vasiliev, V. V. (2016). Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-stationary waterflooding for layer-by-layer heterogeneous deposits with different mobility of oil. Oilfield Engineering, 4, 20-23.
  4. Khabibullin, M. Ya., Suleimanov, R. I. (2018). Selection of optimal design of a universal device for nonstationary pulse pumping of liquid in a reservoir pressure maintenance system. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 54(3-4), 225-232.
  5. Khabibullin, M. Ya., Suleimanov, R. I. (2019). Improving the reliability of welded joints of pipelines in the system for maintaining reservoir pressure. Oil and Gas Business, 17(5), 93-98.
  6. Gilaev, G. G., Gorbunov, V. V., Kuznetsov, A. M., et al. (2012). Increasing the efficiency of using chemical reagents at OAO NK Rosneft. Oil Industry, 11, 22-24.
  7. Mukhametshin, V. V., Andreev V.E., Dubinsky G. S., et al. (2016). The usage of principles of system geological-technological forecasting in the justification of the recovery methods. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 46-51.
  8. Konnov, Yu. D., Sidorkin, D. I., Khabibullin, M. Ya. (2018). Mechanization of technological process of roundtrip operations in well servicing and workover. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 15-24.
  9. Gilaev, G. G., Manasyan, A. E., Fedorchenko, G. D., et al. (2013). Oil deposits in carbonate deposits of the Famennian stage of the Samara region: the history of discovery and prospect of prospecting. Oil Industry, 10, 38-40.
  10. Abbasov, E. M., Agaeva, N. A. (2014). Propagation of the constructed of pressure waves in fluid with the account dynamic connection of system the well-formation. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 77-84.
  11. Gilaev, G. G., Manasyan, A. E., Letichevsky, A. E., et al. (2014). Hydraulic fracturing as a tool for the development of fields in the Samara region. Oil Industry, 11, 65-69.
  12. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, E. M. (2010). Bottomhole pressure build-up during oil displacement by water with allowance for non-instantaneous inflow stopping. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 20-24.
  13. Khabibullin, M. Ya. (2019). A systematized approach to methods of water injection into injection wells. Oil and Gas Business, 17(3), 80-86.
  14. Timoshenko, S. P., Young, D. H., Weaver, U. (1985). Oscillations in engineering. Moscow: Mechanical Engineering.
  15. Korn, G. A., Korn, T. M. (1984). Handbook of mathematics for scientists and engineers. Moscow: Nauka.
  16. Khabibullin, M. Ya. (2020). Increasing the efficiency of separation of liquid systems when collecting reservoir fluid. Oil and Gas Business, 18(2), 64-71.
  17. Bale, A., Smith, M. B., Klein, H. H. (2010, September). Stimulation of carbonates combining acid fracturing with proppant (CAPF): a revolutionary approach for enhancement of sustained fracture conductivity and effective fracture half-length. SPE-134307-MS. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
  18. Suleimanov, R. I., Zainagalina, L. Z., Khabibullin, M. Y., et al. (2018). Studying heat-affected zone deformations of electric arc welding. Paper 032053. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400467


T.S.Sultanmagomedov, R.N.Bakhtizin, S.M.Sultanmagomedov

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Experimental study of pipeline movements in permafrost soils

In article present the developed methodology will allow monitoring pipeline displacements under changes in operating conditions, as well as simulating unfavorable processes (thawing of soil, formation of taliks, violation of thermal insulation). The planning of the experiment was carried out to obtain the calculated mechanical characteristics of the soil, depending on the temperature and humidity, used to calculate the stress-strain state of the pipeline. A mathematical computer model has been developed to determine the radius and temperature field of the thawing halo around the pipeline. A template for displaying experimental data for their use in the finite element analysis of pipeline displacements during soil thawing is presented.

Keywords: permafrost soil; axial displacements; monitoring; operating conditions; stress-Strain state. 

In article present the developed methodology will allow monitoring pipeline displacements under changes in operating conditions, as well as simulating unfavorable processes (thawing of soil, formation of taliks, violation of thermal insulation). The planning of the experiment was carried out to obtain the calculated mechanical characteristics of the soil, depending on the temperature and humidity, used to calculate the stress-strain state of the pipeline. A mathematical computer model has been developed to determine the radius and temperature field of the thawing halo around the pipeline. A template for displaying experimental data for their use in the finite element analysis of pipeline displacements during soil thawing is presented.

Keywords: permafrost soil; axial displacements; monitoring; operating conditions; stress-Strain state. 


  1. Koptev, D. P. (2020). Norilsk spill: lessons and consequences. Drilling and oil, 8, 3-9.
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  7. Makarycheva, E. M., Larionov, V. I., Novikov, P. A. (2013). Experimental studies of the thawing halo for verification and calibration of predictive mathematical models. Bulletin MGTU named after N.E.Bauman. Series «Natural Sciences», 1 (48), 109–116.
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  10. Askarov, R. M., Gumerov, A. K., Karimov, R. M., Shamilov, Kh. Sh. (2020). Influence of bending radius on longitudinal stresses in long operation pipelines. Science and Technology of Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transport, 3, 234-242.
  11. Harris, N. A., Zakirova, E. A. Rusakov, А. I. (2017). Conjugate problem of regulated heat exchange of an oil pipeline in permafrost soils. Oil and Gas Business, 1(16), 54-61.
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  13. Bakhtizin, R. N., Sultanomagomedov, S. M., Sultanmagomedov, T. S., et al. (2020). Experimental studies of the resistance of frozen soil to longitudinal displacements of the pipeline with changes in temperature and humidity. Science and technology of pipeline transport and oil products, 3, 243-251.
  14. Adler, Yu. P., Markova, E. V., Granovsky, Yu. V. (1976). Planning an experiment to find optimal conditions. Moscow: Nauka.
  15. Gishkelyuk, I.A., Stanilovskaya, Yu.V., Evlanov, D.V. (2015). Forecasting of thawing of permafrost soils around a long underground pipeline. Science and Technology of Pipeline Transport and Oil products, 1, 20-25.
  16. Gishkelyuk, I.A., Stanilovskaya, Yu.V. (2013). Computer 3D modeling of thawing halo of soils with ice wedges around the pipeline. Pipeline Transport. Theory and Practice, 6, 14-21.
  17. Tsytovich, N.A. (1963). Mekhanika gruntov. Moscow: Gosstroyizdat.
  18. Nishimura, S., Gens, А., Olivella, S., Jardine, R.J. (2009). THM-coupled finite element analysis of frozen soil: formulation and application. Geotechnique, 3, 159-171.
  19. Li, H., Lai, Y., Wang, L., et al. (2019). Review of the state of the art: interactions between a buried pipeline and frozen. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 171-186.
  20. Borodavkin, P. P. (1973). Underground pipelines. Moscow: Nedra.
  21. Dimov, L. A., Dimov, I. L. (2015). General stability of underground TG in the longitudinal direction: methods of determination and calculation. Gas Industry, 3, 40-44.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400468


I.V.Burenina, M.V.Gerasimova, M.A.Khalikova, I.A.Soloveva, L.A.Avdeeva

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Concept for managing constraints of an oil field development project

The article is devoted to the identification and evaluation of specific design constraints in the implementation of oil field development projects. A sequence of stages for identifying, evaluating, and managing project constraints is formed. The characteristic of the levels of manageability of project constraints is given and the actions of the manager for each level are defined. A method is proposed for determining the ranks of restrictions, taking into account the probability of occurrence of a restriction and the degree of its influence on the project result. The system of values of the point scale for assessing the levels of manageability of project restrictions is defined. Relationship established of the riskiness of the project and the level of manageability of the design constraints.

Keywords: project constraints; risk; oil field development рroject; manageability level; constraint rank. 

The article is devoted to the identification and evaluation of specific design constraints in the implementation of oil field development projects. A sequence of stages for identifying, evaluating, and managing project constraints is formed. The characteristic of the levels of manageability of project constraints is given and the actions of the manager for each level are defined. A method is proposed for determining the ranks of restrictions, taking into account the probability of occurrence of a restriction and the degree of its influence on the project result. The system of values of the point scale for assessing the levels of manageability of project restrictions is defined. Relationship established of the riskiness of the project and the level of manageability of the design constraints.

Keywords: project constraints; risk; oil field development рroject; manageability level; constraint rank. 


  1. Nielsen, K.R. (2007, September) Current risk management issues in the oil & gas industry. In 2007 Deutsche Bank Oil & Gas Conference. London, UK – 27 September 2007. Deutsche-Bank-Oil-and-Gas-Conf-2007.pdf.
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  12. Badiru, A. B., Osisanya, S. O. (2013). Project management for the oil and gas industry: a world system approach. USA: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  13. Skogdalen, J. E. (2011). Risk management in the oil and gas industry. Integration of human, organisational and technical factors. University of Stavanger Norway.
  14. Sokolov, V. G., Tokarev, A. N. (2008). Analiz innovacionnyh proektov v usloviyah neopredelennosti /v sbornike nauchnyh trudov po materialam mezhregional'nyh i nauchnyh konferencij, pod obshch. red. N.V Fadejkinoj. Ch.2, T.1. Novosibirsk: SAFBD.
  15. Gerasimova, M.V., Yamilova, Ya.V. (2017). Algorithm of identification of deviations from planned costs of supplying activity of the oil processing enterprise. Eurasian law journal, 5(108), 331-335.
  16. Suda, Kh. A., Abdul Rani N.S., Rahman, H. A., Chen, W. (2015). A review on risks and project risks management: oil and gas industry. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 6(8), 938-943.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400470


E.R.Babayev3, I.I.Safiullina2, E.Kh.Karimov3, I.Z.Mukhametzyanov3, A.Yu.Bakhtina3, E.M.Movsumzade3

1Academician A.M.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives, ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa, Russia; 3Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia;

Acrylic polymers for conditions of weakly acid conversion to resins, complex syntheses

The paper presents materials on the conversion of acrylic monomers to acrylic polymers. Similarly, polymers and copolymers obtained from acrylonitrile were prepared. On the basis of the results of quantum chemical calculations, the parameters of polymer and copolymer materials were established, which will make it possible to evaluate the possibilities of complexes of acrylonitrile polymers for the production of membranes.

Keywords: complexes; salts of transition metals; resins; membranes; ab initio calculations. 

The paper presents materials on the conversion of acrylic monomers to acrylic polymers. Similarly, polymers and copolymers obtained from acrylonitrile were prepared. On the basis of the results of quantum chemical calculations, the parameters of polymer and copolymer materials were established, which will make it possible to evaluate the possibilities of complexes of acrylonitrile polymers for the production of membranes.

Keywords: complexes; salts of transition metals; resins; membranes; ab initio calculations. 


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  12. Movsum-zade, N. Ch., Safiulina, I. I., Puzin, Yu. I. (2013). Preparation of d-metals and copoly(styreneacrylonitrile-butadiene) complexes. Industrial Production and Use Elastomers, 2, 16-21.
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  14. Safiullina, I. I., Puzin, Yu. I., Syrlybaeva, R. R., Movsum-zade, N. Ch. (2014). Synthesis of metalpolymeric complexes on the basis of polyacrylonitrile and a copolymer. Oil Processing and Petrochemistry, 6, 34-38.
  15. Safiullina, I. I., Puzin, Yu. I., Syrlybaeva, R. R., Movsum-zade, N. Ch. (2014). Synthesis of metal-polymer complexes based on polyacrylonitrile and copolymers. Industrial Production and Use Elastomers, 4, 8-13.
  16. Guseynova, S. N., Babaev, E. R., Movsumzade, N. Ch., et al. Сomplexation transition metal salts with some silicon organic nitrites: thermodynamics, reaction mechanism and practical properties. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 66-76.
  17. S a f i u l l i n a , I . I . , D u b i n i n a , A . E . , B a b a e v , E . R . , M o v s u m z a d e , E . M . ( 2 0 1 5 ) . C o m p l e x e s o f n i t r i l e s c o p o l y m e r s a s e f f e c t i v e a n t m i c r o b e s compound’s. I n d u s t r i a l P r o d u c t i o n a n d U s e Elastomers, 2, 16-19.
  18. Safiullin, I. I., Dubinin, A. E., Babayev, E. R., Movsumzade, E. M. (2015). Complexes of acrylonitrile and copolymers thereof as effective antimicrobial additives. Oil Processing and Petrochemistry, 11, 39-42.
  19. Safiullina, I. I., Belyaeva, A. S., Puzin, Y. I., et al. Synthesis and propertiesof metalbased polymers, polyacrylonitrile and acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene rubber salts of Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe. Baskirskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal, 22(4), 26-32.
  20. Syrlybaeva, R. R., Movsum-zade N. Ch., Safiullina I. I., et al. (2015). Polymer-metal complexes of polyacrylonitrile and its copolymers: synthesis and theoretical study. Journal of Polymer Research, 22(6), 100.
  21. Guseynova, S.N., Movsumzade, E.M., Movsumzade, N.CH., Safiullina, I.I. (2016). Synthesis from dimethylsiloxanes. Oil & Gas Chemistry, 2, 59-63.
  22. Safiullina, I. I., Puzin, Y. I., Syrlybaeva, R. R., et al. (2016). Thermodynamics of complexation reactions of d-elements salts and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 73-80.
  23. Sabitova, G. F., Karimov, E. H., Safiullina, I. I. i dr. (2016). Ugleplastiki (karboplastiki, uglerodoplasty) – kompozity, armirovannye uglerodnymi voloknami. Promyshlennoe proizvodstvo i ispol'zovanie elastomerov, 3, 22-29.
  24. Safiullina, I. I., Belyaeva, A. S., Puzin, YU. I. i dr. (2016). Poluchenie metall-polimernyh kompleksov poliakrilonitrila s solyami kadmiya, hroma i marganca. Promyshlennoe proizvodstvo i ispol'zovanie elastomerov, 1, 3-7.
  25. Karimov, E. H., Karimov, O. H., Safiullina, I. I., Movsum-zade, E. M. (2016). Armiruyushchie napolniteli elastomerov, polimerov, plastikov i kauchukov. Promyshlennoe proizvodstvo i ispol'zovanie elastomerov, 1, 15-22.
  26. Mamedovа, P. Sh., Babaev, E. R., Belyaeva, A. S., et al. (2016).Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of sulfurcontaining phenol derivatives. Baskirskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal, 23(4), 84-89.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400469


Y.N.Savicheva, O.A.Baulin, A.A.Enikeeva

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Reduction of the effect of toxic substances on the human body in the production of oil-oxidizing bacteria

One of the most effective methods for cleaning soil and water bodies from oil and oil products is the biotechnological method using oil-degrading bacteria. However, their production is a rather complicated process, during which many unfavorable factors act on the human body. The paper considers the process of cleaning an industrial fermenter with a CIP (Cleaning in Place) contactless cleaning system. An automatic metering valve for supplying direct steam during sterilization has been proposed. This reduces the human factor and the risk of workers being poisoned by surfactant species used to clean the fermenter.

Keywords: fermenter; bioreactor; surfactant species; metering valve; oil-degrading bacteria. 

One of the most effective methods for cleaning soil and water bodies from oil and oil products is the biotechnological method using oil-degrading bacteria. However, their production is a rather complicated process, during which many unfavorable factors act on the human body. The paper considers the process of cleaning an industrial fermenter with a CIP (Cleaning in Place) contactless cleaning system. An automatic metering valve for supplying direct steam during sterilization has been proposed. This reduces the human factor and the risk of workers being poisoned by surfactant species used to clean the fermenter.

Keywords: fermenter; bioreactor; surfactant species; metering valve; oil-degrading bacteria. 


  1. Kuskil'din, R. A., Zakirova, Z. A., Lyum'er, V. V. (2016). Sovershenstvovanie urovnya promyshlennoj bezopasnosti i ohrany truda pri provedenii ogneopasnyh rabot. Sbornik statej, dokladov i vystuplenij IX Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoprakticheskoj konferencii molodyh uchenyh «Aktual'nye problemy nauki i tekhniki – 2016».
  2. Onishchenko, G. G., Novikov, S. M., Rahmanin YU. A. i dr. (2002). Osnovy ocenki riska dlya zdorov'ya naseleniya pri vozdejstvii himicheskih veshchestv, zagryaznyayushchih okruzhayushchuyu. Moskva: Federal'nyj centr gossanepidnadzora Minzdrava Rossii.
  3. Ismailov, N. M. (2017). Biotechnology of oil production. Principles and application. Moscow: INFRA-M.
  4. Volova, T. G. (1999). Biotechnology. Novosibirsk: SB RAS Publishing House.
  5. Savicheva, Y. N., Zakirova, Z. A., Valieva, A. V., Abdullina, D. R. (2017). Minimizing the risks of toxic personnel application by automation of the fermentation process for obtaining oil-oxidizing bacteria. Oil and Gas Business, 6, 165-178.
  6. Rayan, T. R., Aust, S. D. (1992). Rol' zheleza v kislorodno-oposredovannoj toksichnosti. Toksikologiya, 22. S.119-141.
  7. Alam, M. Z., Ogaki, S. (2002). Rol' perekisi vodoroda i gidroksil'nogo radikala pri vydelenii ostatochnogo effekta ul'trafioletovogo izlucheniya. Vodnaya sreda, 74, 248-255.
  8. Pharmaceutical quality for the 21st century a riskbased approach progress report. (2007). USA: FDA.
  9. Kuskildin, R. A., Abdrakhmanov, N. Kh., Zakirova, Z. A., et al. (2017). Modern technologies for operation control monitoring increasing industrial safety level on oil and gas industry objects. Problems of Gathering, Treatment and Transportation of Oil and Oil Products, 2(108), 111-120.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400471


K.V.Moiseev1,2, V.S.Kuleshov1, R.N.Bakhtizin2

1Mavlutov Institute of Mechanics, Ufa, Russia; 2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Free convective of a linear heterogeneous liquid in a square cavity at side heating

In this work the problem of free convection of the Newtonian poorly stratified liquid in the cell warmed up from left and cooled from right with the heat-insulated horizontal boarders is presented. Liquid with small concentration of salt and initial linear stratification on cell height is considered. The model of double diffusion in a Boussinesq approximation is applied to model the process. The problem is solved both in two - and three-dimensional statement by means of a control volume method and a SIMPLE algorithm. It is shown that vortex structures at the layered mode of convection have quasi-two-dimensional character.

Keywords: convection; stratified fluid; vortex structures; double diffusion; layered flow. 

In this work the problem of free convection of the Newtonian poorly stratified liquid in the cell warmed up from left and cooled from right with the heat-insulated horizontal boarders is presented. Liquid with small concentration of salt and initial linear stratification on cell height is considered. The model of double diffusion in a Boussinesq approximation is applied to model the process. The problem is solved both in two - and three-dimensional statement by means of a control volume method and a SIMPLE algorithm. It is shown that vortex structures at the layered mode of convection have quasi-two-dimensional character.

Keywords: convection; stratified fluid; vortex structures; double diffusion; layered flow. 


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  22. Moiseev, K. V., Volkova, E. V., Urmancheev, S. F. (2013). Effect of convection on polymerase chain reaction in a closed cell. Procedia IUTAM, 8, 172-175.
  23. Kuleshov, V. S., Moiseev, K. V., Khizbullina, S.F., et al. (2018). Convective flows of anomalous thermoviscous fluid. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 10(4), 529–537.
  24. Khafizov, F. Sh., Afanasenko, V. G., Khafizov, I. F., et al. (2008). Use of vortex apparatuses in gas cleaning process. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 44, 425-428.
  25. Kulakov, P. A., Kutlubulatov, A. A., Afanasenko, V. G. (2018). Forecasting of the hydraulic fracturing efficiency as components of its design optimization. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 41-48.
  26. Malyshev, V. L., Moiseeva, E. F. (2018). molecular dynamics simulations of heterogeneous nucleation in liquid argon in the presence of solid particle. High Temperature, 56, 833-835.
  27. Malyshev, V. L., Moiseeva, E. F., Kalinovsky, Yu. V. (2018). Comparative study of the determination of thermodynamic properties of methane based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state and the molecular dynamics simulations. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 33-40.
  28. Gershuni, G., Zhukovitakii, E. (1976). Convective stability of incompressible fluids. IPST CAT: Israel Programfor Scientific Translations.
  29. Patankar, S. (1980). Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow. Electro Skills Series: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400472


V.L.Malyshev, E.F.Moiseeva

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Analysis of various approaches to accurately prediction of phase equilibrium of binary helium systems based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state

The paper presents a detailed algorithm for calculating the vapor-liquid phase equilibrium for multicomponent systems based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state. Various approaches are considered that make it possible to improve the quality of predicting phase equilibrium by the example of eight binary helium systems containing nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, and n-butane. The influence of the acentric factor and the binary interaction parameter on the accuracy of the helium systems phase behavior predicting is analyzed. The optimal interaction coefficients for the presented systems are found under the assumption that this parameter does not depend on temperature. The temperature range of applicability of various approaches is determined, which makes it possible to maximize the description of the phase behavior of helium systems.

Keywords: helium; Peng-Robinson equation of state; phase equilibrium; binary interaction parameter. 

The paper presents a detailed algorithm for calculating the vapor-liquid phase equilibrium for multicomponent systems based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state. Various approaches are considered that make it possible to improve the quality of predicting phase equilibrium by the example of eight binary helium systems containing nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, and n-butane. The influence of the acentric factor and the binary interaction parameter on the accuracy of the helium systems phase behavior predicting is analyzed. The optimal interaction coefficients for the presented systems are found under the assumption that this parameter does not depend on temperature. The temperature range of applicability of various approaches is determined, which makes it possible to maximize the description of the phase behavior of helium systems.

Keywords: helium; Peng-Robinson equation of state; phase equilibrium; binary interaction parameter. 


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200400473
