SOCAR Proceedings

SOCAR Proceedings

Published by "OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).

SOCAR Proceedings is published from 1930 and is intended for oil and gas industry specialists, post-graduate (students) and scientific workers.

Journal is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS and Russian Scientific Citation Index, and abstracted in EI’s Compendex, Petroleum Abstracts (Tulsa), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts database.

I.S.Guliyev1, V.Yu.Kerimov2, A.V.Osipov2, R.N.Mustaev2

1ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan;
2Russian Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia

Generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons at great depths under the Earth's Crust

The discovery of large deposits of oil and gas at great depths in the Caspian Sea (Shah Deniz) and the Gulf of Mexico (Tyupi, Tibor) confirmed predictions petrogas great depths of the earth's crust. In a world in the depth interval 4500-8103 m has already developed more than 1,000 oil and gas fields. However, despite the obvious achievements, the overall efficiency of exploration work remains low, mainly due to the use of traditional forecast-search models. The purpose of this article is to study the processes of generation, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons at great depths under the Earth's crust. For the study of the problem we were held pyrolytic studies of rock samples from the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan. The samples were 
investigated by pyrolysis installation on Rock-Eval. To study and analysis of the above processes in a large depth of the earth's crust has been used technology of modeling of hydrocarbon systems. The research results have been integrated into the creation of three-dimensional models of hydrocarbon systems at great depths, taking into account geodynamics and geo-fluid-dynamics of the studied regions.

Keywords: great depths; Caspian sea; Earth's crust; generation; migration; accumulation; hydrocarbons; pyrolytic studies; mud volcano.

The discovery of large deposits of oil and gas at great depths in the Caspian Sea (Shah Deniz) and the Gulf of Mexico (Tyupi, Tibor) confirmed predictions petrogas great depths of the earth's crust. In a world in the depth interval 4500-8103 m has already developed more than 1,000 oil and gas fields. However, despite the obvious achievements, the overall efficiency of exploration work remains low, mainly due to the use of traditional forecast-search models. The purpose of this article is to study the processes of generation, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons at great depths under the Earth's crust. For the study of the problem we were held pyrolytic studies of rock samples from the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan. The samples were 
investigated by pyrolysis installation on Rock-Eval. To study and analysis of the above processes in a large depth of the earth's crust has been used technology of modeling of hydrocarbon systems. The research results have been integrated into the creation of three-dimensional models of hydrocarbon systems at great depths, taking into account geodynamics and geo-fluid-dynamics of the studied regions.

Keywords: great depths; Caspian sea; Earth's crust; generation; migration; accumulation; hydrocarbons; pyrolytic studies; mud volcano.


  1. Ad.A.Aliyev, I.S.Guliyev, F.G.Dadashov, R.R.Rakhmanov. Atlas of the world mud volcanoes. B.: Nafta-Press, 2015.
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  3. I.S.Guliev, V.YuKerimov, R.N.Mustaev. Fundamental challenges of the location of oil and gas in the south Caspian Basin //Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. –2016. -Vol. 471. -No. 1. -P. 1109-1112.
  4. E.G.Aliyeva. Model of HC generation and accumulation applied to prospects of Caspian deep water part //Proceedings of 65th EAGE Conference and Exhibition. Stavanger. Norway. -2003. -P.4
  5. V.Yu.Kerimov, A.V.Bondarev, R.N.Mustaev, A.V.Osipov. Basin modeling in the regions with complex structural and tectonic features //Proceedings of Hedberg Research Conferences – “The future of basin and petroleum systems modeling”. Santa Barbabra. California, USA. – 3-8 April 2016.
  6. V.Yu.Kerimov, A.V.Osipov, E.A.Lavrenova. The hydrocarbon potential of deep horizons in the southeastern part of the Volga-Urals oil and gas province //Oil Industry. -2014. –№4. –P. 33-35.
  7. V.V.Ivanov, I.S.Guliyev. Mass exchange, hydrocarbon formation and phase transitions at the sedimentary basins. B.: Nafta-Press, 2002.
  8. Yu.I.Korchagina, I.S.Guliyev, K.S.Zeynalova. Neftegazomaterinskiy potentsial gluboko-pogruzhennyih mezozoysko-kaynozoyskih otlozheniy Yuzhno-Kaspiyskoy vpadinyi /v kn.: Problemi neftegazonosnosti Kavkaza. M.: Nauka, 1988.
  9. T.Hantshel, A.Rauerauf. Fundamentals of basin modeling. USA: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2008.
  10. V.Yu.Kerimov, A.A.Gorbunov, E.A.Lavrenova, A.V.Osipov. Models of hydrocarbon systems in the Russian Platform–Ural junction zone //Lithology and Mineral Resources. - 2015. –Vol. 50. –No. 5. -С. 394.
  11. V.Yu.Kerimov, A.V.Osipov, R.N.Mustaev, A.S.Monakova. Modeling of petroleum systems in regions with complex geological structure //in: Geomodel-2014 - 16th EAGE Science and Applied Research Conference on Oil and Gas Geological Exploration and Development.
  12. V.Yu.Kerimov, R.N.Mustaev, S.S.Dmitrievsky, et al. The shale hydrocarbons prospects in the low permeability Khadum formation of the Pre-Caucasus //Oil industry. – 2015. –№10. –P. 50-53.
  13. V.Yu.Kerimov, G.Ya.Shilov, R.N.Mustaev, S.S.Dmitrievskiy. Thermobaric conditions of hydrocarbons accumulations formation in the low-permeability oil reservoirs of Khadum suite of the Pre-Caucasus //Oil industry. –2016. –№2. –P. 8-11
  14. B.M.Valyaev. Rol aktivnoy vtorichnoy flyuidizatsii v izmenenii napryazhennogo sostoyaniya v razuprochnenii i deformatsiyah mineralnyih kompleksov //DAN SSSR. –1987. –T. 293. –No. 1. –S.177–181. 
  15. A.N.Dmitrievsky, I.A.Volodin. Formation and dynamics of energoactive zones in geological medium // Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2006. - Vol. 411A. - No. 9. - P. 1412-1416.
  16. A.N.Dmitrievskiy, I.E.Balanyuk. Sovremennyie predstavleniya o formirovanii skopleniy uglevodorodov v zonah razuplotneniya verhney chasti koryi //Geologiya
    nefti i gaza. –2003. –No. 1. –S. 2–8.
  17. Sh.F.Mehtiyev, M.Z.Rachinskiy. O vozmozhnom mehanizme formirovaniya zalezhey nefti i gaza i o prichinah zakonomernogo izmeneniya svoystv neftey i vod v Apsheronskoy oblasti neftegazoobrazovaniya i neftegazonakopleniya //DAN Azerb. SSR. - 1967. - T. 23. –S. 26.
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  19. I.S. Guliev. Vozbuzhdennye osadochnie kompleksi i ih rol v dinamicheskih protsessah i formirovanii neftegazovyih mestorozhdeniy //Trudy mezhdunarodnogo sovechaniya-seminara «Noveyshaya tektonika i ee vliyanie na formirovanie i razmeschenie zalezhey nefti i gaza». Baku. 1999. -S. 44–52.
  20. I.S.Guliev, F.A.Kadirov. A mechanism of intrastratal migration of hydrocarbons //Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. -2000. - Vol. 373A. -No. 6. -P. 941 -943.
  21. V.Yu.Kerimov, M.Z.Rachinsky. Geo-fluid dynamic concept of hydrocarbons accumulation in natural reservoirs //Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. -2016. -Vol. 471. -№ 1. -Р. 1123–1125.
  22. M.Z.Rachinsky, V.Yu.Kerimov. Fluid dynamics of oil and gas reservoirs. USA: Scrivener Publishing Wiley, 2015.
  23. A.N.Dmitrievskii, A.V.Karakin, I.E.Balanyuk. The concept of fluid regime in the upper crust (the hypothesis of crustal waveguide) //Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. -2000. - Vol. 374. - No. 7. - p. 1189-1191.
  24. V.Yu.Kerimov, R.N.Mustaev, A.V.Bondarev. Evaluation of the organic carbon content in the low-permeability shale formations (as in the Case of the Khadum Suite in the Ciscaucasia Region) //Oriental Journal of Chemistry. -2016. -Vol.32. -№6. -P.3235-3241.
  25. V.Yu.Kerimov, U.S.Serikova, R.N.Mustaev, I.S.Guliyev. Deep oil-and-gas content of South Caspian Basin //Oil industry. -2014. –№5. –P. 50-54.
  26. V.Yu.Kerimov, R.N.Mustaev, B.V.Senin, E.A.Lavrenova. Basin modeling tasks at different stages of geological exploration //Oil industry. -2015. –No. 4. –P. 26-29
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20170100302



«KazNIPIMunayGas» JSC, Aktau, Kazakhstan

3D structural-tectonic modeling of geological structure of the deposit of «Kalamkas» field

The major challenge in regions with complex tectonics and structural framework, where horizontal drilling is associated with high risks for the geometrization of possible exploration targets, is to obtain a consistent structural interpretation of geological and geophysical data. A complex structural-tectonic interpretation of the geological structure of the deposit of «Kalamkas» field has been presented here. This interpretation includes the mapping of horizons and faults, as well as paleoreconstructions and check of the conceptual model equilibrium.

Keywords: «Kalamkas» field; tectonic; disjunctive fault; kriging; model. 

The major challenge in regions with complex tectonics and structural framework, where horizontal drilling is associated with high risks for the geometrization of possible exploration targets, is to obtain a consistent structural interpretation of geological and geophysical data. A complex structural-tectonic interpretation of the geological structure of the deposit of «Kalamkas» field has been presented here. This interpretation includes the mapping of horizons and faults, as well as paleoreconstructions and check of the conceptual model equilibrium.

Keywords: «Kalamkas» field; tectonic; disjunctive fault; kriging; model. 


  1. Peeschet nachalnyih zapasov nefti, gaza i poputnyih komponentov yurskoy produktivnoy tolschi mestorozhdeniya Kalamkas po sostoyaniyu izuchennosti na 01.01.2006 g. TEO KIN. Aktau: AO «KazNIPImunaygaz», 2007.
  2. M.N.Korostyishevskiy, L.E.Dorofeeva i dr. Utochnenie stroeniya i emkostno-filtratsionnyih svoystv zalezhey nefti v yurskih otlozheniyah mestorozhdeniya Kalamkas. Otchet po teme No. 230. Aktau: KazNIPIneft, 1987.
  3. E.A.Gladkov. Geologicheskoe i gidrodinamicheskoe modelirovanie mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza. Tomsk: Tomskyi politehnicheskiy universitet, 2012.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20170100303


Y.Rugang1*, P.Chunyao1, Z.Zhenhua1, J.Dongxu2

1Great Wall Drilling Company, Beijing, China;
2CCDC International Ltd.,Beijing, China

Study on the structure of filter cake layer of water based drilling fluid

The objective of this work is to provide a new insight into the spatial distribution of physical, chemical structure of the filter cake layer. The spatial distribution was characterized by various analytical techniques, including high-temperature high-pressure (HTHP) fluid loss test, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrum (EDs), particle size distribution (PSD), fluorescence test, pore size, porosity, density, water and polymer content measurement etc.. Specific cake resistance and the permeability of the filter cake were measured. The results obtained show that the spatial distribution of filter cake layer structure changes from the top layer to bottom layer. A large amount of deformable colloid particles in the filter cake layer is beneficial to the reducing of the cake permeability. The polymer and water content of the cake layer decreased from the top cake layer to the bottom cake layer. Through the SEM images, cake layer was found to have a loose outer surface when compared with the bottom cake layer.

Keywords: filter cake layer structure; spatial distribution; scanning electron microscopy; particle size distribution; fluorescence test.

The objective of this work is to provide a new insight into the spatial distribution of physical, chemical structure of the filter cake layer. The spatial distribution was characterized by various analytical techniques, including high-temperature high-pressure (HTHP) fluid loss test, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrum (EDs), particle size distribution (PSD), fluorescence test, pore size, porosity, density, water and polymer content measurement etc.. Specific cake resistance and the permeability of the filter cake were measured. The results obtained show that the spatial distribution of filter cake layer structure changes from the top layer to bottom layer. A large amount of deformable colloid particles in the filter cake layer is beneficial to the reducing of the cake permeability. The polymer and water content of the cake layer decreased from the top cake layer to the bottom cake layer. Through the SEM images, cake layer was found to have a loose outer surface when compared with the bottom cake layer.

Keywords: filter cake layer structure; spatial distribution; scanning electron microscopy; particle size distribution; fluorescence test.


  1. F.Civan. A multi-phase mud filtrate invasion and wellbore filter cake formation model //Paper SPE-28709-MS presented at the International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition of Mexico held in Veracruz, Mexico, 1994.
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  3. V.Kelessidis, C.Tsamantaki, N.Pasadakis, et al. Permeability, porosity and surface characteristics of filter cakes from water-bentonite suspensions //Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics held in At Skiathos, Greece, -2007. -Vol. 56. -P. 173-182.
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  7. B.S.Bageri, S.H.Al-Mutairi, M.A.Mahmoud. Different techniques for characterizing the filter cake //Paper SPE-163960-MS presented at the SPE Middle East Unconventional Gas Conference & Exhibition held in Muscat, Oman, 28-30 January 2013.
  8. W.Li, C.Kiser, Q.Richard. Development of a filter cake permeability test methodology //Paper presented at the American Filtration & Separations Society 2005 International Topical Conferences & Exposition, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 19-22 September 2005.
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  21. S.Elkatatny. Evaluation of micronized ilmenite as weighting material in water-based drilling fluids for HPHT applications //Paper SPE-163377-MS presented at the SPE Kuwait International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition held in Kuwait City, Kuwait, 2012. 
  22. Y.Rugang, J.Guancheng, Y.longyun, et al. The effect of inorganic salt on the structure of filter cake of water based drilling fluid //SOCAR Proceedings. -2014. -No. 1. -P. 30-38.
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  28. B.S. Bageri, A.Al-Majed, S.Al-Mutairi, et al. Evaluation of filter cake mineralogy in extended reach and maximum reservoir contact wells in sandstone reservoirs //Paper SPE-163519-MS presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5-7 March 2013.
  29. S.-H.Hong, W.N.Lee, H.-S.Oh, et al. The effects of intermittent aeration on the characteristics of bio-cake layers in a membrane bioreactor //Environmental Science & Technology. -2007. -Vol.41. - No.17. - P.6270-6276.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20170100304


B.A.Suleimanov1*, E.M.Abbasov1, M.R.Sisenbayeva2

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan;
2«KazNIPIMunayGas» JSC, Aktau, Kazakhstan

Mechanism of live oil viscosity anomaly near to bubble point pressure

The article presents experimental studies of the phase behavior by the flash liberation test and the viscosity of the live oil at different pressures. Unlike typical studies at the pressure near the saturation pressure, the measurements were conducted at the relatively small pressure increment of 0.08-0.25 MPa. The viscosity anomaly was discovered experimentally near to phase transition point in the range of the pressure levels P/Pb = 1-1.14 (Pb – bubble point pressure) and shows that it decreases about 70 times in compare to the viscosity at the reservoir pressure. It was found that the bubble point pressure decreases significantly (up to 36%) with surfactant addition. Furthermore, the viscosity of the live oil at the surfactant concentration of 5 wt.% decreases almost 37 times in compare to the viscosity at the reservoir pressure. The mechanism of observed effects was suggested based on formation of the stable subcritical gas nuclei and associated slippage effect. The mechanism for stabilization of the subcritical nuclei by the combined action of the surface and electrical forces, as well as the morphology of the formed nanobubbles, was considered. The model for determining the oil viscosity with the account of the slippage effect was suggested.

Keywords: live oil; phase transition; viscosity anomaly; subcritical nucleus; slippage effect; surfactant; surface tension; electrical charge.

The article presents experimental studies of the phase behavior by the flash liberation test and the viscosity of the live oil at different pressures. Unlike typical studies at the pressure near the saturation pressure, the measurements were conducted at the relatively small pressure increment of 0.08-0.25 MPa. The viscosity anomaly was discovered experimentally near to phase transition point in the range of the pressure levels P/Pb = 1-1.14 (Pb – bubble point pressure) and shows that it decreases about 70 times in compare to the viscosity at the reservoir pressure. It was found that the bubble point pressure decreases significantly (up to 36%) with surfactant addition. Furthermore, the viscosity of the live oil at the surfactant concentration of 5 wt.% decreases almost 37 times in compare to the viscosity at the reservoir pressure. The mechanism of observed effects was suggested based on formation of the stable subcritical gas nuclei and associated slippage effect. The mechanism for stabilization of the subcritical nuclei by the combined action of the surface and electrical forces, as well as the morphology of the formed nanobubbles, was considered. The model for determining the oil viscosity with the account of the slippage effect was suggested.

Keywords: live oil; phase transition; viscosity anomaly; subcritical nucleus; slippage effect; surfactant; surface tension; electrical charge.


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  27. М. Фольмер. Кинетика образования новой фазы. М.: Мир, 1986.
  28. Д.Хирс, Г.Паунд. Испарение и конденсация. М.: Металлургия, 1966.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20170100305


N.M.Quy1, P.N.Trung2*

1Vietnam Petroleum Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam;
2PetroVietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam

Impacts of condensate blockage and the effectiveness of technical solutions to improve well deliverability in gas condensate wells in Vietnam

In order to study the effectiveness of several technologies to improve gas and condensate recovery, including production regime (gas rate, pressure drawdown control), well stimulation (acidizing, hydraulic fracturing), the utilization of highly deviated and horizontal wells and gas injection (gas cycling, dry gas injection), a numerical simulation model for the near-wellbore region of a production well in the Nam Con Son gas condensate field offshore Vietnam, was constructed to model the condensate banking process in the vicinity of the well-bore and its impacts on the well productivity index.

Keywords: condensate blockage; dew point pressure; well productivity index; well deliverability; near-wellbore modeling.

In order to study the effectiveness of several technologies to improve gas and condensate recovery, including production regime (gas rate, pressure drawdown control), well stimulation (acidizing, hydraulic fracturing), the utilization of highly deviated and horizontal wells and gas injection (gas cycling, dry gas injection), a numerical simulation model for the near-wellbore region of a production well in the Nam Con Son gas condensate field offshore Vietnam, was constructed to model the condensate banking process in the vicinity of the well-bore and its impacts on the well productivity index.

Keywords: condensate blockage; dew point pressure; well productivity index; well deliverability; near-wellbore modeling.


  1. G.Coskuner. Performance prediction in gas condensate reservoirs //Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. -1999. –Vol. 38. –No. 8. –P. 32-36.
  2. T.Ahmed, J.Evans, R.Kwan, T.Vivian. Wellbore liquid blockage in gas condensate reservoirs //Paper SPE-51050-MS presented at the SPE SPE Eastern Regional Meeting held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, PA, 9-11 November 1998.
  3. Kh.A.Feyzullayev, I.M.Aliyev. The influence of composition of hydrocarbon mixture on condensate recovery in the development of depletion method //SOCAR Proceddings. –2014. –No. 3. –P. 71-76.
  4. R.S.Barnum, F.P.Brinkman, T.W. Richardson, A.G. Spillette. Gas condensate reservoir behavior: productivity and recovery reduction due to condensation //Paper SPE-30767-MS presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, 22-25 October 1995. 
  5. W.-M.Sung, W.-Ch.Lee, K.-J.Lee, et al. The analysis of gas productivity by the influence of condensate bank near well //Geosystem Engineering. –2011. -Vol.14. –No.3. –P. 135-144.
  6. D.B.Bennion, F.B.Thomas, B.Schulmeister. Retrograde condensate dropout phenomena in rich gas reservoirs – Impact on recoverable reserves, permeability, diagnosis, and stimulation techniques //Technical note of Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. -2001. –Vol. 40. –No. 12. –P. 5-8.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20170100306


O.A.Abdukamalov1, L.N.Serebryakova2, A.R.Tastemirov2

1ТОО «GlobalMunayService»;
2«KazNIPIMunayGas» JSC, Aktau, Kazakhstan

Experience of shock action for bottomhole zone treatment of injection wells in the fields of Western Kazakhstan

Technology of shock-wave treatment (SVT) for bottomhole zone clean out has been recently put into practice on the fields of Kazakhstan. The process involves usage of ARPD solvents, scale solvents and non-ionic surfactants. The combined effect of impulses generated by special equipment, and selected for specific chemical compositions that dissolve inorganic salts and ARPD increases the rate of deposit removal under SVT for several times. The results of injection wells’ bottom-hole zone cleanup by SVT method using chemical compositions in «Zhetybai»field showed that the average well injectivity in 38 injection wells has grown from 7 m3/day to 195 m3/day followed cleanup, and the injection pressure here reduced by 0.4-0.5 MPa, which proves the process efficiency.

Keywords: shock-wave treatment; bottomhole zone; «Zhetybai» field; surfactants; ARPD.

Technology of shock-wave treatment (SVT) for bottomhole zone clean out has been recently put into practice on the fields of Kazakhstan. The process involves usage of ARPD solvents, scale solvents and non-ionic surfactants. The combined effect of impulses generated by special equipment, and selected for specific chemical compositions that dissolve inorganic salts and ARPD increases the rate of deposit removal under SVT for several times. The results of injection wells’ bottom-hole zone cleanup by SVT method using chemical compositions in «Zhetybai»field showed that the average well injectivity in 38 injection wells has grown from 7 m3/day to 195 m3/day followed cleanup, and the injection pressure here reduced by 0.4-0.5 MPa, which proves the process efficiency.

Keywords: shock-wave treatment; bottomhole zone; «Zhetybai» field; surfactants; ARPD.


  1. B.T.Mullaev. Proektirovaniye i optimizatsiya tehnologicheskih protsessov v dobyiche nefti (s algoritmom resheniya promyislovyih zadach). T.1. Almati: Nur-Print, 2012
  2. G.Z.Ibragimov, V.N.Artemyev, A.I.Ivanov, V.M.Kononov. Tehnika i tehnologiya dobyichi i podgotovki nefti i gaza. M.: MGOU, 2005.
  3. E.M.Abbasov, N.A.Agaeva. Propagation of the constructed of pressure waves in fluid with the account dynamic connection of system the well-formation // SOCAR Proceedings. –2014. –No. 1. –P.77-84.
  4. M.M.Agliullin, M. H.Musabirov, I.M. Novikov, et al. The techniques and technology of hydroshock wave impact upon the near-wellbore formation zone during work over in OJSC «TATNEFT» //The electronic
    scientific journal «Oil and Gas Business ». -2013. –No. 1. –P. 166-180.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20170100307



«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Estimation of the differential pressure under the formation stimulation, considering wells interference
effect on deformation and filtration processes in the selected field section

With time, the deformation of shaft (bottom) zone of operated wellsresults in changes in reservoir properties in some parts of the field. Accordingly, the quality and quantity of produced products changes as well. Therefore, activities aimed at Production Enhancement require formation impact assessment, in view of its geo-mechanical and filtration properties, which varyunder thefield development. We have developed an assessment method for pressure gradient required for formation stimulation when capacity control. Redistribution of filtration properties due to the change in the stress-strain state of the reservoiris estimated taking into account wells interference on thestimulation site.

Keywords: formation; wells, filtration; productivity; deformation; stress; stress-deformed state; interference

With time, the deformation of shaft (bottom) zone of operated wellsresults in changes in reservoir properties in some parts of the field. Accordingly, the quality and quantity of produced products changes as well. Therefore, activities aimed at Production Enhancement require formation impact assessment, in view of its geo-mechanical and filtration properties, which varyunder thefield development. We have developed an assessment method for pressure gradient required for formation stimulation when capacity control. Redistribution of filtration properties due to the change in the stress-strain state of the reservoiris estimated taking into account wells interference on thestimulation site.

Keywords: formation; wells, filtration; productivity; deformation; stress; stress-deformed state; interference


  1. B.A.Suleimanov, F.S.Ismailov, N.I.Guseinova. Prediction of oil production during the second and the tertiary impact on a deposit with account of wells interferention // Oilfield engineering. -2015. – No. 2. -P.19-22.
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  3. S.A.Khristianovich. Mechanics of continuous media. M.: Nauka, 1981.
  4. B.I. Dalmatov. Soil mechanics. Basics of geotechnical engineering. Сh. 1. М.-SPb: 2000.
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  6. V.N.Barashkov, I.Yu.Smolin, L.E.Puteyeva, D.N.Pestsov. Basics of the theory of elasticity. Tomsk: TSUAB, 2012.
  7. N.K. Kerimov, N.I. Guseinova, Kh.I. Shirinov. On stressed-deformed status of rocks when designing and drilling wells //Azerbaijan oil industry. -2001. –No.1. -P.28-31.
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  9. I.A.Charny. Underground fluid dynamics. M.: Gostoptekhizdat, 1963.
  10. N.I. Guseinova. Razrabotka sistemyi metodov diagnostiki tekuschego sostoyaniya mestorozhdeniya // Tezisyi dokladov mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii «Nentonovskie sistemy v neftegazovoy otrasli». Baku. - 2013. – S.87-89.
  11. A.M.Guliyev, R.M.Efendiyev, B.Z.Kazimov. The influence of rock creep on oil recovery of deposits developed in the natural mode //SOCAR Proceedings. -2012. –No. 3. -P.32-38.
  12. T.Alfrey. Mechanical behavior of high polymers. New York: Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1948.
  13. V.D.Harlab. K obschey lineynoy teorii polzuchesti // Izvestiya VNIIG im. B.E.Vedeneeva. -1961. -T.68. - S.217-241. 
  14. A.N.Tikhonov, A.A.Samarskii. Equations of mathematical physics. M.: MSU, 1999.
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  16. H.Rabia. Oil well drilling technologies. M.: Nedra, 1989.
  17. V.G.Potemkin. System of engineering and scientific calculations of MATLAB 5.x: in 2 volumes. M.: DIALOGMIFI, 1999.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20170100308


F.R.Mehdiyev, I.Yu.Silvestrova

«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Algorithm for oil production scheduling on «Guneshly» field

The article deals with the problem of long term oil production planning. Here is proved the application of the planning method adjusted using statistical methods, based on the past period and the current state of the deposit. The algorithm of the proposed scheduling method along the horizont in Pereriv formation at "Gunashli" field since the beginning of its development has been analyzed by comparing the real level of technical and economic parameters with the projected ones. The production history has been traced.

Keywords: oil production planning; well stock; production rate; operating factor; change of oil production rate.

The article deals with the problem of long term oil production planning. Here is proved the application of the planning method adjusted using statistical methods, based on the past period and the current state of the deposit. The algorithm of the proposed scheduling method along the horizont in Pereriv formation at "Gunashli" field since the beginning of its development has been analyzed by comparing the real level of technical and economic parameters with the projected ones. The production history has been traced.

Keywords: oil production planning; well stock; production rate; operating factor; change of oil production rate.


  1. A.Sh.Garalov, I.Y.Silvestrova. Technical approach to advanced oil production planning //SOCAR Proceedings. - 2014. – No.1. - P. 70-74.
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  5. M.Yu.Ksenofontov. Theoretical and applied aspects of social-economic forecasting. М.: INP RAS, 2002.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20170100309
