SOCAR Proceedings

SOCAR Proceedings

Published by "OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).

SOCAR Proceedings is published from 1930 and is intended for oil and gas industry specialists, post-graduate (students) and scientific workers.

Journal is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS and Russian Scientific Citation Index, and abstracted in EI’s Compendex, Petroleum Abstracts (Tulsa), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts database.

A.M.Salmanov1, B.I.Maharramov1, G.A.Abbasov1, R.M.Huseynov1, G.T.Abdullayeva2
1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Thickness variability of different eocene lithofacies in non-anticline traps (from the example of Kur-Gabirry oil-gas region of the Azerbaijan Republic)

Thickness analysis shows that the Lower Eocene sandy horizons are distributed locally in Tovuz-Gazagh, GiragKasaman and Mammadtapa areas, and have lens-shaped morphology. This creates conditions favorable for lithological traps formation. In some areas, tuff reservoirs of the Middle Eocene age are onlapping on the local uplifts. Possability of lithological traps formation in suchareas is high. On the west part of northern zone of Kur and Gabyrry interfluve the well-sorted tuff-terrigenous rocks are predominating. It is supposed that sediments along the north - northeast border of the area will be similar to those in near Tbilisi area, and consist of fine-grained tuff-terrigenous rocks with interlayers of shale and marl. From the similar reservoirs of the Middle Eocene the oil is produced in Tarsdallar and Gurzundagh areas of Kur and Gabyrry oil-gas region.

Keywords: tectonics; lithology; litophase; structure; sedimentation; deposit; non-anticlinal trap; organic substance; oil-and-gas content.

Thickness analysis shows that the Lower Eocene sandy horizons are distributed locally in Tovuz-Gazagh, GiragKasaman and Mammadtapa areas, and have lens-shaped morphology. This creates conditions favorable for lithological traps formation. In some areas, tuff reservoirs of the Middle Eocene age are onlapping on the local uplifts. Possability of lithological traps formation in suchareas is high. On the west part of northern zone of Kur and Gabyrry interfluve the well-sorted tuff-terrigenous rocks are predominating. It is supposed that sediments along the north - northeast border of the area will be similar to those in near Tbilisi area, and consist of fine-grained tuff-terrigenous rocks with interlayers of shale and marl. From the similar reservoirs of the Middle Eocene the oil is produced in Tarsdallar and Gurzundagh areas of Kur and Gabyrry oil-gas region.

Keywords: tectonics; lithology; litophase; structure; sedimentation; deposit; non-anticlinal trap; organic substance; oil-and-gas content.


  1. A.K.Aliyev. Kh.M.Yusifov. O tektonicheskikh osobennostyakh i dalneyshikh perspektivakh Mezhdurechia Kury i Iori //Sbornik nauchnykh trudov AzNIPInefti. Baku. - 1988. - C.26-36.
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  5. A.M.Suleymanov, R.L.Zeynalov, B.I.Magerramov. Paleotectonic and paleogeographic prerequisites of oilgas reserves in Paleogen-Lower Miocene deposits in the area between Kura and Gabyrrhy rivers //Azerbaijan Oil Industry.-2006. -No. 4. -P.1-7.
  6. A.M.Suleymanov, R.L.Zeynalov, B.I.Maherramov. Paleotectonical and paleogeographical bases of oilgas bearing prospects of Cretaceous deposits of Kurian intermountain trough //Scientific Works of AzSSRPIOGI. -2006. -No. 6. -P. 36-45.
  7. I.O.Cimelʹzon, T.S.Amiraslanov. Tektonika paleogen-mezozojskogo kompleksa otloženij Meždurečʹâ Kury i Iori //Azerbajdžanskoe neftânoe hozâjstvo. -1977. -№ 1. -S.4-9.
  8. B.M.Averbukh. S.B.Mamedov. E.V.Chikovani. Litofatsialnyye kriterii otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti paleogenovykh otlozheniy depressionnykh zon Zapadnogo Azerbaydzhana //Izvestiya AN Azerb.SSR. Seriya nauk o Zemle. -1980. -№ 3. -C.66-72.
  9. M.G.Agabekov. S.G.Salayev. B.M.Averbukh i dr. Strukturno-fatsialnyye osobennosti i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti eotsenovykh otlozheniy depressionnykh zon Azerbaydzhana. Baku: Elm. 1982.
  10. A.K.Aliyev. A.A.Rzayev. O tektonicheskom stroyenii ploshchadi Tarsdallyar i perspektivakh dalneyshikh poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot //Sbornik nauchnykh trudov AzNIPInefti. Baku. 1987.
  11. B.I.Magerramov, B.G.Agazadeh. Paleostructural analysis and deposits oil and gas content of Cenozoic complex of Kura and Gabarry interstream area //Scientific Works of AzSSRPIOGI. -2009. -No. 12. -P. 30-38.
  12. A.M.Suleymanov, R.L.Zeynalov, B.I.Maherramov. Paleostructural analysis and oil-gas bearing of the Mesozoic complex of Kurian intermountain trough //Scientific Works of AzSSRPIOGI. -2005. -No. 5. -P. 14-21.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200383


V.V.Mukhametshin, L.S.Kuleshova

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Justification of low-productive oil deposits flooding systems in the conditions of limited information amount

For different low-productive deposits groups in the West Siberian oil and gas province Terrigenous reservoirs that are coming out of exploration, a methodical approach to individual problems solving in the drilling strategy search and justification, flooding systems, wells spacing system choosing, the need to use non-traditional approaches to flooding and production organization (the use of horizontal, multibranch, multilateral wells, etc.), optimal bottomhole pressures and operating modes for producing and injection wells with the aim of low profitability deposits’ active involvement in the development is proposed. The approach is based on the use of information on deposits that can in sufficient volume and with sufficient accuracy be obtained at the stage of geological exploration, when the use of hydrodynamic models is a matter of some difficulty. The necessity of a differentiated approach to solving problems using the analogy method is shown.

Keywords: withdrawal of deposits from exploration; low-productive deposits; analogy method; contour waterflooding.

For different low-productive deposits groups in the West Siberian oil and gas province Terrigenous reservoirs that are coming out of exploration, a methodical approach to individual problems solving in the drilling strategy search and justification, flooding systems, wells spacing system choosing, the need to use non-traditional approaches to flooding and production organization (the use of horizontal, multibranch, multilateral wells, etc.), optimal bottomhole pressures and operating modes for producing and injection wells with the aim of low profitability deposits’ active involvement in the development is proposed. The approach is based on the use of information on deposits that can in sufficient volume and with sufficient accuracy be obtained at the stage of geological exploration, when the use of hydrodynamic models is a matter of some difficulty. The necessity of a differentiated approach to solving problems using the analogy method is shown.

Keywords: withdrawal of deposits from exploration; low-productive deposits; analogy method; contour waterflooding.


  1. J.M.Economides, K.I.Nolte. Reservoir stimulation. West Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons, 2000.
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  3. A.V.Andreev, V.Sh.Mukhametshin, Yu.A.Kotenev. Deposit productivity forecast in carbonate reservoirs with hard to recover reserves //SOCAR Procеedings. –2016. –No. 3. –P.40-45.
  4. N.S.Kerimov, D.F.Huseynova, Sh.F.Yusifova. Estimation of the initial recoverable reserves of the top chalk horizon of «Muradkhanli» oilfield using modeling methods //SOCAR Proceedings. –2013. –No. 2. –P.56-59.
  5. V.V.Mukhametshin. Rationale for trends in increasing oil reserves depletion in Western Siberia cretaceous deposits based on targets identification //Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Assets Engineering. –2018. –Vol. 329. –No 5. –P. 117–124.
  6. I . M . I n d r u p s k i y , N . V . S h u p i k , S . N . Z a k i r o v . Improving pressure maintenance by advance waterflooding //Oil and Gas Technologies. –2013. –No. 3 (86). –P.49-55.
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    Q u i m i c a . – 2 0 1 8 . – V o l . 1 5 . – I s s . 3 0 . – P . 7 2 5 - 7 3 3 .
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  10. R.T.Akhmetov, V.V.Mukhametshin, A.V.Andreev, Sh.Kh. Sultanov. Some testing results of productive strata wettability index forecasting technique //SOCAR Procеedings. –2017. -No. 4. –P.83-87.
  11. E.N.Ramazanzade. Revealing of potential resources and efficient development of Absheron polybedal fields, being at the late stage operation //SOCAR Proceedings. –2010. –No. 1. –P.24-28.
  12. Yu.V.Zeigman, V.Sh.Mukhametshin, A.R.Khafizov, S.B.Kharina. Prospects of application of multi-functional well killing fluids in carbonate reservoirs //SOCAR Procеedings. –2016. –No. 3. –P.33-39.
  13. L.S.Brilliant, A.I.Komyagin. A Formalized Approach to the Oil Field Flooding Operational Management //Oil. Gaz. Novation. –2016. –No. 2. –P.66-72.
  14. K.M.Fedorov, A.S.Timchuk. Jurassic sediments oil deposits development systems effectiveness analysis in Ershovo and Hohryakov oil fields // Higher Educational Institutions News. Oil and Gas. –2006. -No. 3. –P.11-17.
  15. V.V.Mukhametshin, V.E.Andreev, G.S.Dubinsky, et al. The usage of principles of system geologicaltechnological forecasting in the justification of the recovery methods //SOCAR Proceedings. -2016. –No. 3. –P.46-51.
  16. M . V . C h e r t e n k o v . O n a p p r o a c h e s t o h a r d - t o - r e c o v e r r e s e r v e s d e v e l o p m e n t i n O A O « L U K O I L » / i n « S t a t u s a n d p r o b l e m s o f h a r d - t o - r e c o v e r r e s e r v e s a n d d e p o s i t s a t a l a t e s t a g e d e v e l o p m e n t » . e x e c u t i v e r e t r e a t p r o c e e d i n g s . P e r m , 2 0 1 4 . - P . 8 - 2 1 .
  17. V.V.Mukhametshin, V.E.Andreev. Increasing the efficiency of assessing the performance of techniques aimed at expanding the use of resource potential of oilfields with hard-to-recover reserves //Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Assets Engineering. –2018. –Vol. 329. –No. 8. –P. 30–36.
  18. I.G.Permyakov. Express-method of Technological Indicators Calculation for Oil Fields Development. M.: Nedra, 1975.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200384


A.G.Novruzov1, V.G.Gadirov1, A.Kh.Urmonov2

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Branch «FGE» of JSC «Uzbekgeophysics», Uzbekistan

Forecasting of oil and gas deposits by a complex of geophysical methods on the southern side of the Fergana Depression

In the article describes the studies carried out on the direct forecasting of hydrocarbon deposits by RWM of seismic exploration, high-precision gravity and magnetic survey in the Uchtol-Kutarma area of the southern side of the Fergana depression. Within the area studied, a number of anomalies associated with the presence of oil and gas deposits were identified, exploration drilling was recommended. According to the results of exploratory drilling of well No.1 in Kutarma area, the identified anomalies were partially confirmed.

Keywords: seismic exploration; refracted wave; gravity and magnetic survey; gravity anomaly; traps; oil and gas deposits; geomorphology; paleogene; cretaceous-jurassic; reservoir.

In the article describes the studies carried out on the direct forecasting of hydrocarbon deposits by RWM of seismic exploration, high-precision gravity and magnetic survey in the Uchtol-Kutarma area of the southern side of the Fergana depression. Within the area studied, a number of anomalies associated with the presence of oil and gas deposits were identified, exploration drilling was recommended. According to the results of exploratory drilling of well No.1 in Kutarma area, the identified anomalies were partially confirmed.

Keywords: seismic exploration; refracted wave; gravity and magnetic survey; gravity anomaly; traps; oil and gas deposits; geomorphology; paleogene; cretaceous-jurassic; reservoir.


  1. R.A.Khodzhaev, A.M.Akramhodjaev, P.K.Azimov, et al. Oil and gas fields of Uzbekistan. Part I. Tashkent: FAN, 1978.
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  4. A.G.Novruzov, V.G.Gadirov. Sposob pryamogo poiska zalezhi nefti i gaza. Patent Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki İ 20000181, 2000.
  5. V.G.Gadirov. Gravity and magnetic surveys while oil and gas deposits exploration in the Kura Depression, Azerbaijan //Russian Geophysics. -2009. -No. 2. -P. 51-56.
  6. V.G.Gadirov. Role of gravity survey for studies of geological structure and presence of oil and gas in the areas of the Middle Kura depression of Azerbaijan //Geophysical Journal. -2012. -Vol. 34. - No. 1. -P.183-189.
  7. V.G.Gadirov. Primenenie gravimagnitorazvedki pri poiskah struktur v Kurinskoy vpadine Azerbaydzhana. B.: Ganun, 2010.
  8. M.A.Karshenbaum. Rezultaty vysokotochnyh gravimetricheskih rabot s celyu pryamyh poiskov zalezhey uglevodorodov na Kerchenskom poluostrove i v Dneprovsko-Doneckoy vpadine /v sbornike nauchnykh trudov «Povysheniye geologicheskoy effektivnosti i prakticheskiye sposoby interpretatsii gravirazvedochnykh rabot». M.: VNIIGeofiziki. 1982. - S.52-57.
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  10. V.G.Gadirov. The physical-geological principles of application of gravity and magnetic prospecting in the search of oil and gas deposits //Proceedings of the 10th Petroleum Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, Ankara, 1994.
  11. V.G.Gadirov, L.V.Eppelbaum. Detailed gravity, magnetics successful in exploring Azerbaijan onshore areas //Oil and Gas Journal. -2012. -Vol. 110. -No.11. -P. 60-73.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200385



SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

New composition for water shut-off in heterogeneous reservoirs

The article presents the results of the effect of the sediment-forming composition on the heterogeneous reservoirs with high water-cut, which are at the last stage of development and contain large amounts of residual oil in the pores. The applied new composition, when interacting with stratal waters, as a result of coagulation and flocculation phenomena, forms stable sediments in the formation. These sediments, even at high pressures, retain their stability, penetrating into the pores of flooded formations (ie, they are not washed out of the pores). As a result, after the injection of the working agent, the coverage of low-permeable zones containing residual oil improves. And this allows you to increase the rate of displacement of oil using working agent.

Keywords: Water shutoff; Heterogeneous reservoir; New sediment-forming composition; Porous media; Permeability; High-permeable zone; Low-permeable zone; Residual oil; Rim; Alkaline water.

The article presents the results of the effect of the sediment-forming composition on the heterogeneous reservoirs with high water-cut, which are at the last stage of development and contain large amounts of residual oil in the pores. The applied new composition, when interacting with stratal waters, as a result of coagulation and flocculation phenomena, forms stable sediments in the formation. These sediments, even at high pressures, retain their stability, penetrating into the pores of flooded formations (ie, they are not washed out of the pores). As a result, after the injection of the working agent, the coverage of low-permeable zones containing residual oil improves. And this allows you to increase the rate of displacement of oil using working agent.

Keywords: Water shutoff; Heterogeneous reservoir; New sediment-forming composition; Porous media; Permeability; High-permeable zone; Low-permeable zone; Residual oil; Rim; Alkaline water.


  1. Ju.V.Baranov, I.G.Nigmatullin. Method for development of water-encroached nonuniform formation of oil pool. RU Patent No. 2043494, 1992.
  2. G.Z.Ibragimov, K.S.Fazlutdinov, N.I.Khisamutdinov. The use of chemical reagents to oil production intensification. M.: Nedra, 1991.
  3. F.S.Ismayilov, B.A.Suleimanov, Kh.M.Ibragimov, et al. Method for development of a watered formation. EA Patent No.030225, 2018.
  4. M.L.Surguchev, J.V.Zheltov, E.M.Simkin. Physical and chemical processes in oil and gas reservoirs. M.: Nedra, 1984.
  5. F.K.Kazimov. Neftin qelevili sistemlerle sixishdirilmasinin tedqiqi ve qalıq neftin chixarilmasi uchun semereli texnologiyanin ishlenmesi. Texnika elmleri namizedi alimlik derecesi almaq uchun teqdim edilmish
    dissertasiya ishinin avtoreferati. Baki: ADNA, 2004.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200386



«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan

New microbiological method of oil recovery increase containing highly mineralized water

The highly-mineralized formation waters of oil fields impede the development of microbiological processes. In order to increase the efficiency of microbiological methods of influencing the formation and use them in formations having conditions, which are unfavourable for microorganism activities, a new microbiological method of oil recovery increase was developed in which a rim of low-saline flush fluid was used prior to the injection of organic substrate. As an organic substrate, a composition of two types of milk whey was used. In this case, an oil recovery factor of 74% was obtained. The developed method provides a means for effectively dealing with issues of non-waste technologies creation, and for the improvement of the ecological situation at developed deposits.

Keywords: biotechnology; oil recovery; highly-mineralized water; microorganisms; model; recovery factor.

The highly-mineralized formation waters of oil fields impede the development of microbiological processes. In order to increase the efficiency of microbiological methods of influencing the formation and use them in formations having conditions, which are unfavourable for microorganism activities, a new microbiological method of oil recovery increase was developed in which a rim of low-saline flush fluid was used prior to the injection of organic substrate. As an organic substrate, a composition of two types of milk whey was used. In this case, an oil recovery factor of 74% was obtained. The developed method provides a means for effectively dealing with issues of non-waste technologies creation, and for the improvement of the ecological situation at developed deposits.

Keywords: biotechnology; oil recovery; highly-mineralized water; microorganisms; model; recovery factor.


  1. N.A.Eremin, R.R.Ibatullin, T.N.Nazina, et al. Biomethods for enhanced oil recovery. M.: RSU of Oil and Gas named after I.M.Gubkin, 2003.
  2. M.Sveistrup, F. van Mastrigt, J.Norrman, et al. Viability of biopolymers for enhanced oil recovery // Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. -2016. -Vol.37. -Issue 8. -Р.1160-1169.
  3. G.G.Havemann, B.G.Clement, K.M.Kozicki, et al. New microbial method show promise in EOR //JPT. - 01 March 2015.
  4. M.Mamediarov, N.Ismailov. Development and using of increase oil recovery microbiological methods in Azerbaidjan //Oilgas technology. - 2011. -№ 11.-C.23-27.
  5. N.M.Ismailov, F.M.Rzayeva. Biotechnology of oil production. Principles and application. Baku: Elm, 1998.
  6. Kh.M.Ibragimov, F.Abdullayeva, N.I.Guseynova. Experience of microbial enhanced oil recovery methods at Azerbaijan fields. SPE-177377-MS. SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference & Exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan, 4-6 November, 2015.
  7. F.S.Ismayilov, B.A.Suleimanov, Kh.M.Ibragimov, et al. Method for enhanced oil recovery of reservoir. The request for the Eurasian patent 201700267, 2017.
  8. M.A.Mammadyarov, Ch.M.Sheydaev, T.M.Mammadov, et al. Method of enhanced oil recovery in secondary oil production. SU Patent No. 1652337, 1991.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200387


E.M.Abbasov1, N.A.Agayeva1, Sh.A.Kerimova2

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan

Integral modeling of gas well operation taking into account reservoir deformability

An integral model is constructed and the related gas motion equations in the reservoir system are jointly solved taking into account the reservoir deformability. Based on this, the wellhead process parameters determine the pressure at the bottomhole and in the reservoir of wells and the flow of gas into the well per unit time.

Keywords: filtration; Laplace transformations; gas motion; gas flow; differential equation; deformable collector; elastic waves.

DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200388


E.A.Shikanov1, Yu.F.Zhuikov1, A.V.Ilyinskiy1, A.E.Shikanov2

1National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Rusiya; 2Institute for Geophysical and Radiation Technology of High Education School Science Academy, Moscow, Rusiya

Study of increasing the permeability of oil formation under ultrasound exposure using the Neutron tunning methods

The paper presents the study results of the acoustic effect the oil well bottomhole zone by ultrasonic waves. The formulas allowing to estimate power density of an acoustic wave and its attenuation coefficient are received. Experimentally by three independent neutron logging methods, the acoustic effect effectiveness was shown to increase the bottomhole zone permeability. The experiments were conducted on oil facilities in Tatarstan and Western Siberia. The estimated data on the threshold intensity of the ultrasonic emitter in the well and depth of the effective acoustic impact on the oil reservoir are given.

Keywords: oil; well; penetration; flow rate; ultrasound; acoustic influence; neutron control.

The paper presents the study results of the acoustic effect the oil well bottomhole zone by ultrasonic waves. The formulas allowing to estimate power density of an acoustic wave and its attenuation coefficient are received. Experimentally by three independent neutron logging methods, the acoustic effect effectiveness was shown to increase the bottomhole zone permeability. The experiments were conducted on oil facilities in Tatarstan and Western Siberia. The estimated data on the threshold intensity of the ultrasonic emitter in the well and depth of the effective acoustic impact on the oil reservoir are given.

Keywords: oil; well; penetration; flow rate; ultrasound; acoustic influence; neutron control.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200389


J.Chunqing, Zh.Zaixu, L.Ruifang

School of Economics and Management, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, China

Program preference with multi-attribute decision-making method for outgoing pipeline routing of shale gas

Pipelines impose a regular constraint on the outgoing transport and downstream market of shale gas in its exploration and exploitation processes, thereby affecting its commercialization. Based on the current status of China’s oil and gas pipeline networks, this study presents an influencing factor index system based on the requirements for optimal outgoing pipeline routing. Specifically, this index system covers five aspects of influencing factors: engineering, economics, safety, environmental, and potential utility. After taking the related constraints into account, this study presents an optimal multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) method for outgoing pipeline routing program preference of shale gas based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Using the example of the alternative routing solutions for outgoing pipelines in a block, a decision-making process based on the MADM method is introduced.

Keywords: outgoing pipeline of shale gas; multi-attribute decision-making method; pipeline route layout; intuitionistic fuzzy set.

Pipelines impose a regular constraint on the outgoing transport and downstream market of shale gas in its exploration and exploitation processes, thereby affecting its commercialization. Based on the current status of China’s oil and gas pipeline networks, this study presents an influencing factor index system based on the requirements for optimal outgoing pipeline routing. Specifically, this index system covers five aspects of influencing factors: engineering, economics, safety, environmental, and potential utility. After taking the related constraints into account, this study presents an optimal multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) method for outgoing pipeline routing program preference of shale gas based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Using the example of the alternative routing solutions for outgoing pipelines in a block, a decision-making process based on the MADM method is introduced.

Keywords: outgoing pipeline of shale gas; multi-attribute decision-making method; pipeline route layout; intuitionistic fuzzy set.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200390


R.M.Alguliyev, T.Kh.Fataliyev, Sh.A.Mehdiyev

Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan

The industrial internet of things: the evolution of automation in the oil and gas

The use of modern information technologies, including the Internet of things, contributes to the effectiveness of industrial production in the oil and gas sector. Solutions in this area are constantly developing and provide great advantages in terms of increasing the speed of exploration and detection of oil and gas, increasing oil production and reducing risks to health, human security and environment. The
article is dedicated to the study of these issues and the development of a conceptual model of the system based on the industrial internet of things.

Keywords: internet of things; industrial internet of things; cyber-physical systems; oil and gas complex; WSN; SCADA.

The use of modern information technologies, including the Internet of things, contributes to the effectiveness of industrial production in the oil and gas sector. Solutions in this area are constantly developing and provide great advantages in terms of increasing the speed of exploration and detection of oil and gas, increasing oil production and reducing risks to health, human security and environment. The
article is dedicated to the study of these issues and the development of a conceptual model of the system based on the industrial internet of things.

Keywords: internet of things; industrial internet of things; cyber-physical systems; oil and gas complex; WSN; SCADA.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20190200391
