SOCAR Proceedings

SOCAR Proceedings

Published by "OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).

SOCAR Proceedings is published from 1930 and is intended for oil and gas industry specialists, post-graduate (students) and scientific workers.

Journal is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS and Russian Scientific Citation Index, and abstracted in EI’s Compendex, Petroleum Abstracts (Tulsa), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts database.

K.M. Tukhtaev

IGIRNIGM JSC, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Geotectonic zoning of the South Ustyurt depression along the paleozoic complex and the lower horizons of the sedimentary cover

Zoning is based on the provided geological and geophysical data, subject to the availability of three multilevel regmatic systems of inclined and shear discontinuous faults in the Earth's upper crust, formed as a result of the Neogene-Quaternary geodynamics of uneven bilateral horizontal compression. The developed geotectonic map displays a double-level geological environment with a relatively hard base and a more plastic covering thickness. The lower level is represented by a combination of isometric and linear heterogeneous blocks located at four hypsometric levels. The upper level is represented by a smooth aggregate of blocks, separated by large rupture anomalies or flexural fault zones. Individual blocks of Paleozoic fissured rocks with overlapping deposits that are subject to slight compression or stretching, and are located on hydrocarbon migration paths from oil and gas generation centers collected in Paleozoic rift systems, can be considered as possible oil and gas prospect objects.

Keywords: geological and geophysical data; geotectonic zoning; geotectonic map; geological environment; hypsometric levels.

Zoning is based on the provided geological and geophysical data, subject to the availability of three multilevel regmatic systems of inclined and shear discontinuous faults in the Earth's upper crust, formed as a result of the Neogene-Quaternary geodynamics of uneven bilateral horizontal compression. The developed geotectonic map displays a double-level geological environment with a relatively hard base and a more plastic covering thickness. The lower level is represented by a combination of isometric and linear heterogeneous blocks located at four hypsometric levels. The upper level is represented by a smooth aggregate of blocks, separated by large rupture anomalies or flexural fault zones. Individual blocks of Paleozoic fissured rocks with overlapping deposits that are subject to slight compression or stretching, and are located on hydrocarbon migration paths from oil and gas generation centers collected in Paleozoic rift systems, can be considered as possible oil and gas prospect objects.

Keywords: geological and geophysical data; geotectonic zoning; geotectonic map; geological environment; hypsometric levels.


  1. Abidov, A.A., Dolgopolov, F.G. (1997). Geodinamicheskie osobennosti razvitiya Ustyurta v svyazi s ego neftegazonosnost'yu. Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnogo geologicheskogo seminara «Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Aral'skogo morya». Almaty: AO «KCS».
  2. Hegaj, D.R., YUldasheva, M.G. (2008). Osobennosti tektonicheskogo stroeniya Ustyurtskogo regiona po osadochnomu chekhlu. Geologiya i mineral'nye resursy, 5, 22-26.
  3. Krylov, N.A., Kucherya, M.S., Grizik, A.Ya., et al. (2012). History of structural differentiation of the platform cover of Eastern Ustiurt based on seismic data. Moscow: Gazprom VNIIGAZ.
  4. Abdullaev, G.S., Ejdel'nant. N.K., Bogdanov, A.N., Nasyrov, D.D. (2012). O rezul'tatah geologorazvedochnyh rabot po celenapravlennomu poisku zalezhej nefti i gaza v doyurskom komplekse porod Ustyurtskogo regiona Respubliki Uzbekistan. Uzbekskij zhurnal nefti i gaza, 3, 16-22.
  5. Abdullaev, G.S., Dung, N.T., Dung, N.Tr. i dr. (2014). Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy permskih otlozhenij Kossorskogo investicionnogo bloka Ustyurtskogo regiona Respubliki Uzbekistan. Uzbekskij zhurnal nefti i gaza, Special'nyj vypusk, 68-77.
  6. Abdullaev, G. S., Dolgopolov, F. G., Ishnazarov, R. N. (2012). Aktual'nye problemy neogen-chetvertichnoj geodinamiki Central'noj Azii. Materialy Respublikanskoj nauchnoj konferencii «Sovremennye problemy svyazi geodinamiki, magmatizma i orudeneniya». Tashkent: IGGiG AN RUz.
  7. Abdullaev, G.S., Dolgopolov, F.G., Ishnazarov, R. N. (2012). Regmaticheskie sistemy razryvnyh narushenij litosfery Central'noj Azii. Materialy Respublikanskoj nauchnoj konferencii «Osnovnye problemy magmaticheskoj geologii Zapadnogo Tyan'-SHanya». Tashkent: NUU.
  8. Abdullaev, G.S., Dolgopolov, F.G., Bikeeva, L.R. (2018). Neogen-chetvertichnaya geodinamika mnogourovnevyh regmaticheskih sistem naklonnyh i sdvigovyh razryvnyh narushenij litosfernyh blokov Central'noj Azii. Sbornik dokladov mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii «Geofizicheskie metody resheniya aktual'nyh problem sovremennoj sejsmologii» posvyashchennoj 150-letiyu Tashketskoj nauchno-issledovatel'skoj geofizicheskoj observatorii. Tashkent: IS AN RUz.
  9. Tuhtaev, K.M., Abdullaev, G.S., Dolgopolov, F.G., Bikeeva, L.R. (2018). Mnogourovnevye regmaticheskie sistemy naklonnyh i sdvigovyh razryvnyh narushenij litosfery neftegazonosnyh regionov Uzbekistana. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Nauki o Zemle». Tashkent: Goskomgeologii RUz, NKGU.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100416


E. Khamehchi, M. Ghasemi, M.H. Shahsavari, M.S. Ardakani

Department of petroleum engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

Investigation of effective parameters on asphaltene deposition and production optimization in one of the Iranian oil fields

In paper authors used Beal, Cleaver-Yates and Escobedo-Mansoori models for the modelling of asphaltene deposition. After running the model, sensitivity analyses performed on hydrodynamic and fluid properties parameters. This show that flow rate and fluid viscosity have a reverse effect , tubing roughness and fluid density have a direct effect on the asphaltene deposition coefficient. Also, wellhead pressure and tubing inside diameter have not significant effect on asphaltene deposition coefficient. In addition, calculation showed that by 1000 days of oil production, tubing inside diameter decreases up to 0.6 inch. By applying PSO optimization algorithm, optimal conditions for maximum cumulative production by minimum asphaltene deposited thickness was obtained. Optimization results showed that the optimum values for the tubing diameter and the choke size is 4.25 inch and 48/64 inch. Consequently, the maximum deposited asphaltene and cumulative production were predicted about 0.32 inch and 5.6×107 bbl.

Keywords: asphaltene precipitation; asphaltene deposition; sensitivity analysis; optimization; modelling of asphaltene deposition.

In paper authors used Beal, Cleaver-Yates and Escobedo-Mansoori models for the modelling of asphaltene deposition. After running the model, sensitivity analyses performed on hydrodynamic and fluid properties parameters. This show that flow rate and fluid viscosity have a reverse effect , tubing roughness and fluid density have a direct effect on the asphaltene deposition coefficient. Also, wellhead pressure and tubing inside diameter have not significant effect on asphaltene deposition coefficient. In addition, calculation showed that by 1000 days of oil production, tubing inside diameter decreases up to 0.6 inch. By applying PSO optimization algorithm, optimal conditions for maximum cumulative production by minimum asphaltene deposited thickness was obtained. Optimization results showed that the optimum values for the tubing diameter and the choke size is 4.25 inch and 48/64 inch. Consequently, the maximum deposited asphaltene and cumulative production were predicted about 0.32 inch and 5.6×107 bbl.

Keywords: asphaltene precipitation; asphaltene deposition; sensitivity analysis; optimization; modelling of asphaltene deposition.


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  14. Hasanvand, M.Z., Montazeri, M., Salehzadeh, M., et al. (2018). A literature review of asphaltene entity, precipitation, and deposition: introducing recent models of deposition in the well column. Journal of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Sciences, 1(3), 83-89.
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  21. Beal, S.K. (1970). Deposition of particles in turbulent flow on channel or pipe walls. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 40(1), 1-11.
  22. Cleaver, J. and Yates, B. (1975). A sub layer model for the deposition of particles from a turbulent flow. Chemical Engineering Science, 30(8), 983-992.
  23. Escobedo, J. and Mansoori, G.A. (1995, October). Asphaltene and other heavy-organic particle deposition during transfer and production operations. SPE-30672-MS. In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  24. Tabatabaei-Nejad, S.A. and Khodapanah, E. (2010). Application of Chebyshev polynomials to predict phase behavior of fluids containing asphaltene and associating components using SAFT equation of state. Fuel, 89(9), 2511-2521.
  25. Kennedy, J. and Eberhart, R. (1955). Particle swarm optimizer. In IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks.
  26. Naderi, M. and Khamehchi, E. (2017). Well placement optimization using metaheuristic bat algorithm. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 150, 348-354.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100417


A.Zh. Abitova

JSC «KazSRPIoilgaz», Aktau, Kazakhstan

Experimental-industrial  tests  of  the  impact of  water–gas  (HBV)  technology  in  combination with  thickened  water  in  Kalamkas  field

It is well known that viscous oil displacement process is optimized with thickened water injection. For example to form thickened water a high molecular weight polyacrylamide (PAM) dilute in water with a concentration of 0.05-0.1%. The process is carried out until 20% of the formation pore volume injected, afterwards pushed with ordinary water, which results in a stable displacement, close to piston-like displacement (the water fingering become more homogenous). The absence of a gas component in thickened water injection technology makes displacement of viscous oil relatively less efficient. Thus advisable to combine SWAG injection with thickened water technology.

Keywords: simultaneously water; alternative gas; water injection; thickened water; polyacrylamide (PAM); oil displacement; pore volume.

It is well known that viscous oil displacement process is optimized with thickened water injection. For example to form thickened water a high molecular weight polyacrylamide (PAM) dilute in water with a concentration of 0.05-0.1%. The process is carried out until 20% of the formation pore volume injected, afterwards pushed with ordinary water, which results in a stable displacement, close to piston-like displacement (the water fingering become more homogenous). The absence of a gas component in thickened water injection technology makes displacement of viscous oil relatively less efficient. Thus advisable to combine SWAG injection with thickened water technology.

Keywords: simultaneously water; alternative gas; water injection; thickened water; polyacrylamide (PAM); oil displacement; pore volume.


  1. Suleimanov, B.A., Latifov, Y.A., Veliyev, E.F., & Frampton, H. (2018). Comparative analysis of the EOR mechanisms by using low salinity and low hardness alkaline water. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 162, 35-43.
  2. Suleimanov, B.A., Ismayilov, F.S., Veliyev, E.F., & Dyshin, O.A. (2016). Selection methodology for screening evaluation of EOR methods. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34(10), 961-970.
  3. Suleimanov, B.A., Ismailov, F.S., Veliyev, E.F. & Dyshin, O.A. (2016, October). Screening evaluation of EOR methods based on fuzzy logic and bayesian inference mechanisms. SPE-182044-MS. In: SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  4. Suleimanov, B.A. & Veliyev, E.F. (2017). Novel polymeric nanogel as diversion agent for enhanced oil recovery. Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(4), 319-326.
  5. Suleimanov, B.A., Veliyev, E.F., & Dyshin, O.A. (2015). Effect of nanoparticles on the compressive strength of polymer gels used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Petroleum Science and Technology, 33(10), 1133-1140.
  6. Suleimanov, B.A., Latifov, Y.A., Veliyev, E.F. (2019). Softened water application for enhanced oil recovery. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 19-28
  7. Suleimanov, B.A. (1995). Filtration of disperse systems in a nonhomogenenous porous medium. Colloid Journal, 57(5), 704-707.
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  21. Mullayev, B.T., Kurbanbayev, M.I., Dosmukhambetov, M.D., et al. (2011). Method for the development of a productive stratum of a field by the displacement of viscous oil by thickened water. A positive decision on the application for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan №2011/0795.1.
  22. Kurbanbayev, M. I., Abitova, A.Zh., Dosmukhambetov, M. D., et al. (2012). Method of developing a productive stratum of oil and gas field with the use of technology of water and gas impact. A positive decision on the application for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan №2012/0516.1.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100418


M.N. Kravchenko1, V.V. Kadet1, V.V. Yarysh1, N.N. Dieva1,2, A.N. Lishchuk3

1«Gubkin Russian State University (NRU) of Oil and Gas», Moscow, Russia; 2«Tyumen State University», Tyumen, Russia; 3Asset Management Company «HMS Group» LLC, Moscow, Russia

Percolation approach to hydrodynamic modeling of flooding through active agents

The success of oil and gas field development is pretty much due to the choice of development technology and methods of operations conducted. The most important thing is correct organization of the process of reservoir fluids displacement with the injection of various displacing agents. The usage of chemical additives can significantly change the nature of displacement. Polymer solutions injections into the productive reservoir is one of the ways to increase the efficiency of flooding. Therefore, the building of mathematical models of the displacement process through chemically active agents allows us to optimize methods of displacement by selecting the appropriate composition of the displacing fluid and appropriate technological scheme of organization process.

Keywords: mathematical modeling; percolation theory; chemical effects; displacement efficiency; polymer flooding.

The success of oil and gas field development is pretty much due to the choice of development technology and methods of operations conducted. The most important thing is correct organization of the process of reservoir fluids displacement with the injection of various displacing agents. The usage of chemical additives can significantly change the nature of displacement. Polymer solutions injections into the productive reservoir is one of the ways to increase the efficiency of flooding. Therefore, the building of mathematical models of the displacement process through chemically active agents allows us to optimize methods of displacement by selecting the appropriate composition of the displacing fluid and appropriate technological scheme of organization process.

Keywords: mathematical modeling; percolation theory; chemical effects; displacement efficiency; polymer flooding.


  1. Muskat, M. (1946). The flow of homogeneous fluids through porous media. Michigan: J.W.Edwards, Inc.
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  8. Selyakov V.I., Kadet V.V. (1996). Percolation models for transport in porous media. Dordrecht/Boston/ London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  9. Kadet, V.V. (2013). Percolation analysis of hydrodynamic and electrokinetic processes in porous media. Monograph. Moscow: Infra-M.
  10. Kadet, V. V., Galechyan, A. M. (2014). Percolation modeling of relative permeability hysteresis. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 119, 139-148.
  11. Tihonov, D. V., Kravchenko, M. N., YArysh, V. V. (2017). Chislennoe i eksperimental'noe issledovanie effektivnosti ispol'zovaniya zhidkostej na polimernoj osnove dlya intensifikacii dobychi uglevodorodov /kn.: Fundamental'nyj bazis innovacionnyh tekhnologij neftyanoj i gazovoj promyshlennosti. Moskva: IPNG RAN.
  12. Gruesbeck, C., Collins, R. E. (1982). Entertainment and deposition of the fine particles in porous media. SPE Journal, 22(6), 847.
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  14. Bondarenko, A.V. (2017). Obosnovanie tekhnologii polimernogo zavodneniya dlya uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov v usloviyah vysokoj mineralizacii plastovyh i zakachivaemyh vod. Dissertaciya na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata tekhnicheskih nauk. Moskva: Institut problem nefti i gaza RAN.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100419


E. T. Baspayev

«OPTIMUM» Design Institute LLP, Aktau, Kazakhstan

Prevention of well sanding-up using metals with negative electrode potential

A method to prevent well sanding-up using metals with a negative electrode potential is proposed in the article. It is shown that the coating film of metals with low negative electrode potentials below 0.7V applied on tubing enables to prevent well sanding-up. In this case, the height of the metal coating with a negative electrode potential of the inner surface of the tubing should be equal to the maximum height of the sand plug in the field. The mechanism of observed responses based on the DLVO theory is proposed.

Keywords: sand plug; standard electrode potential; well; tubing; oil and gas production.

A method to prevent well sanding-up using metals with a negative electrode potential is proposed in the article. It is shown that the coating film of metals with low negative electrode potentials below 0.7V applied on tubing enables to prevent well sanding-up. In this case, the height of the metal coating with a negative electrode potential of the inner surface of the tubing should be equal to the maximum height of the sand plug in the field. The mechanism of observed responses based on the DLVO theory is proposed.

Keywords: sand plug; standard electrode potential; well; tubing; oil and gas production.


  1. Suleimanov, B.A. & Veliyev, E.F. (2017). Novel polymeric nanogel as diversion agent for enhanced oil recovery. Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(4), 319-326.
  2. Suleimanov, B.A., Latifov, Y.A., Veliyev, E.F., & Frampton, H. (2018). Comparative analysis of the EOR mechanisms by using low salinity and low hardness alkaline water. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 162, 35-43.
  3. Suleimanov, B.A., Ismailov, F.S., Veliyev, E.F. & Dyshin, O.A. (2016, October). Screening evaluation of EOR methods based on fuzzy logic and bayesian inference mechanisms. SPE-182044-MS. In: SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  4. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismayilov, F. S., Veliyev, E. F., & Dyshin, O. A. (2016). Selection methodology for screening evaluation of EOR methods. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34(10), 961-970.
  5. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismayilov, F. S., & Veliyev, E. F. (2014). On the metal nanoparticles effect on the strength of polymer gels based on carboxymethyl cellulose, app;ying at oil recovery. Oil Industry, 1, 86-88.
  6. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismayilov, F. S., Veliyev, E. F., & Dyshin, O. A. (2013). The influence of light metal nanoparticles on the strength pf polymer gels used in oil industry. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 24-28.
  7. Suleimanov, B.A., & Veliyev, E.F. (2016, November). Nanogels for deep reservoir conformance control. SPE-182534-MS. In: SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference & Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  8. Suleimanov, B.A., Azizov, F., & Abbasov, E.M. (1998). Specific features of the gas-liquid mixture filtration. Acta Mechanica, 130(1-2), 121-133.
  9. Suleimanov, B.A. (1995). Filtration of disperse systems in a nonhomogenenous porous medium. Colloid Journal, 57(5), 704-707.
  10. Suleimanov, B.A. (2011). Sand plug washing with gassy fluids. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 30-36.
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  13. Myers, D. (1999). Surfaces, interfaces, and colloids: principles and applications. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100420


L.Q. Hajıkerimova

«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Improvement of operating characteristics of sand wells

Disintegrated rocks create complications during excavation of wells. Preventing the drainage zone from collapsing and entering the sand well a special filter for propantwash detergents. The device allows the propante to be tightly placed behind the filter and, if necessary, the propane is washed and removed. The rigs are designed to prevent sand from falling into the plunger cylinder. The unit facilitates the capture and accumulation of large sand grains within the pump-compressor tubing. The pump is designed to prevent fluid leakage from the plunger cylinder. As a result, we remove the possibility that boththe fluid leakage and the plunger splinter in the cylinder from the plunger cylinder.

Keywords: propant; well; bottome-zone; filter; crossover; plunger-cylinder; pump; leakage

Disintegrated rocks create complications during excavation of wells. Preventing the drainage zone from collapsing and entering the sand well a special filter for propantwash detergents. The device allows the propante to be tightly placed behind the filter and, if necessary, the propane is washed and removed. The rigs are designed to prevent sand from falling into the plunger cylinder. The unit facilitates the capture and accumulation of large sand grains within the pump-compressor tubing. The pump is designed to prevent fluid leakage from the plunger cylinder. As a result, we remove the possibility that boththe fluid leakage and the plunger splinter in the cylinder from the plunger cylinder.

Keywords: propant; well; bottome-zone; filter; crossover; plunger-cylinder; pump; leakage


  1. Ismayilov, F.S., Efendiyev, I.Y. (2014). Quyu suzgecleri ve onlarin tetbiqi texnologiyasi. Baki: NQETL Institutu, SOCAR.
  2. S u l e i m a n o v , B . A . ( 2 0 1 1 ) . S a n d p l u g washing with gassy fluids. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 30-36.
  3. Melik-Aslanov, L.S, Abbasov, Ch.I. (1966). Laydan qum chixmasi ve quyularda tixac emele gelmesi ilə mubarize. Baki: Azerneshr.
  4. Shashkin, M.A. (2010). Primenyaemye v TPP «Langepasneftegaz» metody zashchity dlya snizheniya negativnogo vliyaniya mekhanicheskih primesej na rabotu GNO. Inzhenernaya praktika, 2, 26-30.
  5. Adonin, A.N. (1979). Oil production sucker rod pumps. Moscow: Nedra.
  6. Bagirov, M. K., Kyazimov, Sh. P. (2001). Dobycha nefti skvazhinnymi shtangovymi nasosami. Baku: Institut «Nauchnyh Issledovanij», SOCAR.
  7. Gazarov, A.G., Epshtejn, A.R., Pchelincev, Yu.V. (2002). Osobennosti ekspluatacii ustanovok SSHN v skvazhinah s oslozhnennymi geologo-tekhnicheskimi usloviyami. Avtomatizaciya, telemekhanizaciya i svyaz' v neftyanoj promyshlennosti, 11, 5-7.
  8. Zaharov, B.S. (2006). Porshnevye i plunzhernye nasosy dlya dobychi nefti, sbornik statej i patentov. Moskva: OAO «VNIIOENG».
  9. Vlasov, V.V., Ishmurzin, A.A. (2003). Effektivnost' primeneniya standartnogo shtangovogo nasosa v processah otkachki mnogokomponentnoj zhidkosti. Neftegazovoe delo, 2, 1-7.
  10. Vlasov, V.V. (2004). Povyshenie rabotosposobnosti shtangovyh skvazhinnyh nasosnyh ustanovok putem komponovki kolonny shtang usovershenstvovannymi nagnetatelyami zhidkosti. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata tekhnicheskih nauk. Ufa: UGNTU.
  11. Pyalchenkov, D.V. Investigation of the effect of producing wells parameters on waivers rod pumping units. Internet-journal «Naukovedeniye», 8(2), 1-10.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100421


I.R. Baikov,  S.V. Kitaev, O.V. Smorodova, A.M. Shammazov

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Energy saving when pumping oil pumps with the gas-turbine drive

The article suggests a method to allow to calculate the optimum operating conditions of centrifu-gal pumps with a gas turbine drive of different unit power when operating in accordance with the scheme in the «parallel› in the main oil transport, from the equipment operating condition in the area of the maximum efficiency value.

Keywords: optimization; centrifugal pump; gas turbine plant; efficiency factor; efficiency

The article suggests a method to allow to calculate the optimum operating conditions of centrifu-gal pumps with a gas turbine drive of different unit power when operating in accordance with the scheme in the «parallel› in the main oil transport, from the equipment operating condition in the area of the maximum efficiency value.

Keywords: optimization; centrifugal pump; gas turbine plant; efficiency factor; efficiency


  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2008, No. 889 «On Some Measures to Enhance the Energy and Ecological Efficiency of the Russian Economy».
  2. Federal Law of November 23, 2009 № 261 «On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation».
  3. Energy strategy of Russia for the period until 2030. Approved by Government Order No. 1715-R of November 13, 2009.
  4. STO Gazprom 2-1.20-122-2007. (2007). Technique of energy audit of the compressor station, compressor shops with gas turbine and electric drive GPA. Moscow: VNIIGaz.
  5. STO Gazprom 2-3.5-113-2007. (2007). Methodology for assessing the energy efficiency of gas transportation facilities and systems. Moscow: VNIIGaz.
  6. Kozachenko, A.N. (2001). Power transmission pipeline transport of gases. Moscow: GUP Publishing house «Oil and Gas» of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
  7. Porshakov, B.P. (1992). Increase of efficiency of operation of the power drive of compressor stations. Moscow: Nedra.
  8. Y u k i n , G . A . ( 2 0 0 3 ) . D i a g n o s t i c s , o p e r a t i o n a l c o n t r o l a n d o p t i m i z a t i o n o f g a s t u r b i n e e n g i n e o p e r a t i o n m o d e s . P h D dissertation. Ufa: USPTU.
  9. Bajkov, I.R., Kitaev, S.V., Talxin, S.R. (2007). Operation of energy-mechanical equipment in modern conditions. Oil and Gas Business, 5(1), 159-162.
  10. Volkov, M.M., Mixeev, A.L., Konev, K.A. (1989). Reference book of a worker in the gas industry.-2 nd ed. Moscow: Nedra.
  11. Bajkov, I.R., Kitaev, S.V., Shammazov, I.A. (2008). Methods for improving the energy efficiency of natural gas pipelines. Sankt-Peterburg: Nedra.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100422


A.V. Salnikov1, T.Sh. Salavatov2, Z.H. Yagubov1, G.R. Mustafayev2

1Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta, Russiya; 2Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Experimental evaluation of the adhesion properties of the internal smoothness coating of pipelines to the asphalt-and-oil-paraffin deposits of oil from the Yarega field

The article presents the results of an experimental study assessing the adhesion properties of in-tube smooth-bicke silicate-enamel and powder epoxy coatings to determine their effectiveness in preventing the precipitation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits from the oil transported on the Yarega-Ukhta pipeline. The purpose of the research was to determine the strength of adhesion of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits to the surface of silicate-enamel and powder epoxy coatings depending on the temperature of the samples and to compare the results with those obtained on the sample of the uncoated pipe.

Keywords: adhesion; asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits; oil pipeline; high-viscosity oil; smooth interior coating.

The article presents the results of an experimental study assessing the adhesion properties of in-tube smooth-bicke silicate-enamel and powder epoxy coatings to determine their effectiveness in preventing the precipitation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits from the oil transported on the Yarega-Ukhta pipeline. The purpose of the research was to determine the strength of adhesion of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits to the surface of silicate-enamel and powder epoxy coatings depending on the temperature of the samples and to compare the results with those obtained on the sample of the uncoated pipe.

Keywords: adhesion; asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits; oil pipeline; high-viscosity oil; smooth interior coating.


  1. Tronov, V.P. (1969). Mechanism of Formation of Resin-Paraffin Deposits and Their Control. Moscow: Nedra.
  2. GOST 9.403-80 (ST SEV 5260-85). (2002). Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Test methods for resistance to liquid static effect (with Change No.1). Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing.
  3. GOST 15140-78. (1979). Paintwork materials. Methods for determination of adhesion. Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing.
  4. I S O 2 4 0 9 : 2 0 0 7 . ( 2 0 1 5 ) . P a i n t s a n d varnishes — Cross-cut test. M o s c o w : Standardinform.
  5. GOST 51164-98. (2001). Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection. Moscow: Standardinform.
  6. Basin, V.E. (1981). Adhesive strength. Moscow: Khimiya.
  7. Gricenko, A.I., Skubin, V.K. (1995). Sbornik metodik vypolneniya ispytanij (izmerenij) pri proizvodstve naruzhnogo antikorrozionnogo polietilenovogo pokrytiya trub. Moskva: VNIIGAZ.
  8. Rukovodstvo po ekspluatacii. (2013). Pribor izmereniya geometricheskih parametrov mnogofunkcional'nyj Konstanta K5. Sankt-Peterburg: ZAO «Konstanta».
  9. Pasport i instrukciya po ekspluatacii. (2002). Adgezimetr elektronnyj AMC 2-50. Zelenograd: ZAO «Innovacionnyj centr novyh tekhnologij».
  10. Mirzajanzadeh, A. Kh., Aliev, N. A., Yusifzade, K. B., et al. (1997). Fragments on development of offshore oil and gas fields. Baku: Elm.
  11. Mirzajanzadeh, A.Kh. (1986). Improving the efficiency and quality of deep well drilling. Moscow: Nedra.
  12. Dmitriev, N.M., Kadet, V.V. (2016). Gidravlika i neftegazovaya gidromekhanika. Moskva-Izhevsk: Institut komp'yuternyh issledovanij.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100423


T.B. Leybert, E.A. Khalikova

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Economic evaluation of the effectiveness of design solutions for the installation of a compressor station for the preparation and transportation of associated petroleum gas

The article considers methodical approaches to the estimation of the economic efficiency of design solutions when installing a compressor station taking into account the risk component taken into account at the stage of development of design solutions. The methodics in question are based on the methodology for determining net cash flows and the method of discounting them. Also detailed are the methodological provisions for determining operating costs for the operation of compressor plants based on design options and determining net present value. On the example of one of the largest oil and gas fields of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra of the Russian Federation, calculations of the economic efficiency of four installation options for different types of compressors with different equipment and unit capacity are presented. Also from the technological point of view, the necessity of reducing the risk of equipment shutdown, which was taken into account in the discount rate, was justified. The choice of the most effective variant of design decisions was carried out on the basis of criteria of efficiency of investment projects based on the UNIDO methodology.

Keywords: efficiency; investments; associated petroleum gas; compressor station; design risks; design decisions; net present value; feasibility study.

The article considers methodical approaches to the estimation of the economic efficiency of design solutions when installing a compressor station taking into account the risk component taken into account at the stage of development of design solutions. The methodics in question are based on the methodology for determining net cash flows and the method of discounting them. Also detailed are the methodological provisions for determining operating costs for the operation of compressor plants based on design options and determining net present value. On the example of one of the largest oil and gas fields of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra of the Russian Federation, calculations of the economic efficiency of four installation options for different types of compressors with different equipment and unit capacity are presented. Also from the technological point of view, the necessity of reducing the risk of equipment shutdown, which was taken into account in the discount rate, was justified. The choice of the most effective variant of design decisions was carried out on the basis of criteria of efficiency of investment projects based on the UNIDO methodology.

Keywords: efficiency; investments; associated petroleum gas; compressor station; design risks; design decisions; net present value; feasibility study.


  1. Knizhnikov, A.Yu., Ilyin, A.M. (2017). Problems and the prospects of use of associated petroleum gas in Russia. Moscow: World Wildlife Fund (WWF). iblock/84a/png_2017_web.pdf.
  2. Federal'nyj zakon №219-FZ ot 21.07.2014 g. «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nyj zakon «Ob ohrane okruzhayushchej sredy».
  3. Kurbankulov, S.R., Fahrutdinov, R.Z., Ibragimov, R.K. i dr. (2016). Problemy i perspektivy ispol'zovaniya poputnogo neftyanogo gaza na neftyanyh promyslah. Vestnik tekhnologicheskogo universiteta, 19(12), 55-59.
  4. Artemkina, L.R. (2017). Problems of investment planning in upstream companies. Management sciences in Russia, 7( 4), 64-71.
  5. Ashihmin, A.A. (2010). Ocenka ekonomicheskoj effektivnosti investicij v proektnoj dokumentacii na razrabotku mestorozhdenij TPI: teoriya i praktika. Racional'noe osvoenie nedr, 2, 17 – 21.
  6. Melikov, Y.A. (2012). Investment valuation postponement of the implementation process of oil production. SOCAR Proceedings, 4, 55–60.
  7. IVS 233. Investment Property Under Construction. perevod_mco.pdf.
  8. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
  9. Vanchukhina, L.I., Leibert, T.B., Khalikova, E.A. (2016). Business planning: from theory to practice: a textbook. Ufa: Publishing house of USPTU.
  10. Leybert, T.B., Halikova, E.A. (2013). Formirovanie finansovoj modeli biznes-proekta s ispol'zovaniem instrumentov proektnogo finansirovaniya. Audit i finansovyj analiz, 6, 123-129.
  11. Leybert, T.B., Vanchukhina, L.I., Khalikova, E.A. (2016). Peculiarities of the costing-based production costs in the integrated production. SOCAR Proccedings, 3, 66–71.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100425


N.A. Eremin1,2, V.E.Stolyarov2

1Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russia; 2Oil and Gas Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

On the digitalization of gas production in the late stages of field development

The article is devoted to the optimization of gas production processes based on the use of digital technologies. The basis of the approach is to improve the quality of management, analysis of the effectiveness of control actions in the presence of integrated model or digital twin of the field. The integrated use of digital technologies and effective management algorithms is the basis for the cost optimization, ensuring the transition to automatic and/or robotic control, and increasing the coefficient of return on capital of major gas assets.. These solutions are particularly effective in regions with difficult climatic conditions or underdeveloped infrastructure, shelf and marine fields. The proposed integrated approach allows extending the periods of profitable exploitation of fields at the stage of declining production and complicated production conditions.

Keywords: digital gas complex; digital gas economy; digital economy; digitalization; intellectualization; robotization; digital wells and fields; intellectualization оf production аnd development

The article is devoted to the optimization of gas production processes based on the use of digital technologies. The basis of the approach is to improve the quality of management, analysis of the effectiveness of control actions in the presence of integrated model or digital twin of the field. The integrated use of digital technologies and effective management algorithms is the basis for the cost optimization, ensuring the transition to automatic and/or robotic control, and increasing the coefficient of return on capital of major gas assets.. These solutions are particularly effective in regions with difficult climatic conditions or underdeveloped infrastructure, shelf and marine fields. The proposed integrated approach allows extending the periods of profitable exploitation of fields at the stage of declining production and complicated production conditions.

Keywords: digital gas complex; digital gas economy; digital economy; digitalization; intellectualization; robotization; digital wells and fields; intellectualization оf production аnd development


  1. Dmitrievskiy, A.N., Eremin, N.A., & Stolyarov, V.E. (2019). Digital transformation of gas production. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 700, 012052.
  2. Dmitrievsky, A.N., Eremin, N.A., & Stolyarov, V.E. (2019). On the issue of the application of wireless decisions and technologies in the digital oil and gas production. Actual Problems of Oil and Gas, 2(25).
  3. STO Gazprom 2-2.1-1043-2016. Avtomatizirovannyj gazovyj promysel. Tekhnicheskie trebovaniya k tekhnologicheskomu oborudovaniyu i ob"yomam avtomatizacii pri proektirovanii i obustrojstve na principah malolyudnyh tekhnologij.
  4. Føllesdal Tjønn, A. (2018, November). Digital twin through the life of a field. SPE-193203-MS. In Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  5. Van Os, J. (2018, November). The digital twin throughout the lifecycle. SNAME-SMC-2018-022. In SNAME Maritime Convention. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  6. Eremin, N.A., Eremin, Al.N. (2018). Digital twin in the oil and gas production. Neft. Gaz. Novatsii, 12(217), 14-17.
  7. Minlikaev, V.Z., Dikamov, D.V., Stolyarov, V.E., Dyachenko, I. A. (2014). Gazovaya skvazhina kak ob"ekt avtomatizacii v sovremennyh usloviyah. Gazovaya promyshlennost, 10, 52-57.
  9. Stolyarov, V. E. (2016, oktyabr). Koncepciya obustrojstva mestorozhdenij, realizovannyh na principah malolyudnyh tekhnologij (intellektual'noe mestorozhdenie). Sbornik dokladov V Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Sovremennye tekhnicheskie innovacionnye resheniya, napravlennye na povyshenie effektivnosti rekonstrukcii i tekhnicheskogo perevooruzheniya ob"ektov dobychi uglevodorodnogo syr'ya». Moskva: OOO «Gazprom VNIIGAZ».
  10. Dmitrievsky, A.N., Eremin, N.A. (2015). Modern scientific-technical revolution (STR) and the shift of paradigm of hydrocarbon resources development. Problems of Economics and Management of Oil and Gas Complex, 6, 10-16.
  11. Eremin N.A. (2018). Working with Big Geological and Industrial Data in the Era of Petroleum Internet of Things (PIOT). Neft. Gaz. Novatsii, 2, 70-72.
  12. Dmitrievsky, A. N., Eremin, N. A. (2018). Digital modernization of oil and gas ecosystems - 2018. Actual Problems of Oil and Gas, 2(21), 1-12.
  13. Zaini, M.Z., Du, K., Zhu, M., et al. (2019, March). Yanbei-unlocking the tight gas green field development potential through integrated technology application. IPTC19265-MS. In International Petroleum Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  14. Eremin, N.A., Dmitrievskij, A.N., Tihomirov, L.I. (2015). Nastoyashchee i budushchee intellektual'nyh mestorozhdenij. Neft. Gaz. Novacii, 12, 45–50.
  15. Yang, X., Bello, O., Yang, L., et al. (2019, March). Intelligent oilfield - cloud based big data service in upstream oil and gas. IPTC-19418-MS. In International Petroleum Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  16. Temizel, C., Canbaz, C. H., Palabiyik, Y., et al. (2019, March). A comprehensive review of smart/intelligent oilfield technologies and applications in the oil and gas industry. SPE-195095-MS. In SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  17. Dmitrievsky, A.N., Eremin, N.A., Duplyakin, V.O., Kapranov, V.V. (2019). Algorithm for creating a neural network model for classification in systems for preventing complications and emergencies in construction of oil and gas wells. Sensors & Systems, 12(243), 3-11.
  18. Bogatkina, Ju.G., Eremin, N.A. (2020). The methodology for economic evaluation of oil and gas investment projects in Kazakhstan. Oil Industry, 1(1155), 15-19.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100424


I.F. Dadashov1, V.M. Loboichenko2, V.M. Strelets2, М.А. Gurbanova1, F.M. Hajizadeh3, А.І. Morozov2

1Academy of Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Azerbaijan; 2National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine; 3Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan

About the environmental characteristics of fire extinguishing substances used in extinguishing oil and petroleum products

An analytical review of the environmental characteristics of fire extinguishing compounds used to extinguish fires of oil and petroleum products has been carried out. The presence in the environment of a significant amount of decomposition products of long-chain fluorine-containing hydrocarbons, which are part of fluorine-containing film-forming foams including recently created ones and new compounds is shown. At the same time, the decomposition products of this foam such as perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride are related to persistent organic pollutants with bioaccumulative properties. It has led to the appearance of such fire-extinguishing compositions as gel-forming systems with a foam glass carrier. At the same time, there is no unified approach to determining the environmental characteristics of fire extinguishing substances.

Keywords: oil and petroleum products; fire extinguishing agent; fire extinguishing foam; gel-forming system; ecological characteristic; environment.

An analytical review of the environmental characteristics of fire extinguishing compounds used to extinguish fires of oil and petroleum products has been carried out. The presence in the environment of a significant amount of decomposition products of long-chain fluorine-containing hydrocarbons, which are part of fluorine-containing film-forming foams including recently created ones and new compounds is shown. At the same time, the decomposition products of this foam such as perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride are related to persistent organic pollutants with bioaccumulative properties. It has led to the appearance of such fire-extinguishing compositions as gel-forming systems with a foam glass carrier. At the same time, there is no unified approach to determining the environmental characteristics of fire extinguishing substances.

Keywords: oil and petroleum products; fire extinguishing agent; fire extinguishing foam; gel-forming system; ecological characteristic; environment.


  1. Yagafarova, G.G., Sukhareva, J.A., Leonteva, S.V., et al. (2018). Purification of small rivers, polluted by petrochemical companies. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 82-86.
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  13. Taysumov, Kh.A. (2012). Foaming composition of hea resistant hop based foam. Pozharovzryvobezopasnost - Fire and Explosion Safety, 21(12), 69-70.
  14. Dadashov, I.F. (2017). Еxperimental investi-gation of the insulating properties of the gel layer on the relation to the steam of organic toxic liquids. Problems of Emergencies, 25, 22-27.
  15. Dadashov, I., Loboichenko, V., Kireev, A. (2018). Analysis of the ecological characteristics of environment friendly fire fighting chemi-cals used in extinguishing oil products. Pollution Research, 37(1), 63 - 77.
  16. Loboichenko, V., Andronov, V., Strelec, V. (2018). Evaluation of the metrological characteris-tics of natural and treated waters with stable salt composition identification method. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 38 (9), 724 - 732.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20200100426
