Published by "OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).
SOCAR Proceedings is published from 1930 and is intended for oil and gas industry specialists, post-graduate (students) and scientific workers.
Journal is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS and Russian Scientific Citation Index, and abstracted in EI’s Compendex, Petroleum Abstracts (Tulsa), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts database.
V. Yu. Kerimov1,2, R. N. Mustaev1, E. A. Lavrenova1, P. A. Romanov1
The article considers the regularities in the distribution of hydrocarbon accumulations in the Meso-Cenozoic complex of the Black Sea-Caspian region associated with the evolution of generation-accumulation systems developed in the plate cover of the region. The plate cover, as well as elements of the Mesozoic generationaccumulation systems, began to form in the structure of the Alpine structural-geodynamic systems. An analysis of the areal distribution of structural-geodynamic systems shows that the maximum development of sedimentary basins correlates with the transgressive Cretaceous period, which is characterized by the expansion of the areas of pre-existing basins and the emergence of new depocenters. In this case, two groups of basins are distinguished. The first includes the Karkinitsky, Bolshekavkazsky, West Kuban, Central and Tersko-Caspian basins. The second group includes depocenters Indolsky, East Kuban, Berdyansk, North Azov, West Stavropol, Gudilovsky, Ustyurtsky. The most significant events that determined the features of the evolution of generation-accumulation systems correlate with the latest time.
Keywords: Black Sea - Caspian region; development of sedimentary basins; structural and geodynamic system; tectonic conditions; signs of oil and gas content.
The article considers the regularities in the distribution of hydrocarbon accumulations in the Meso-Cenozoic complex of the Black Sea-Caspian region associated with the evolution of generation-accumulation systems developed in the plate cover of the region. The plate cover, as well as elements of the Mesozoic generationaccumulation systems, began to form in the structure of the Alpine structural-geodynamic systems. An analysis of the areal distribution of structural-geodynamic systems shows that the maximum development of sedimentary basins correlates with the transgressive Cretaceous period, which is characterized by the expansion of the areas of pre-existing basins and the emergence of new depocenters. In this case, two groups of basins are distinguished. The first includes the Karkinitsky, Bolshekavkazsky, West Kuban, Central and Tersko-Caspian basins. The second group includes depocenters Indolsky, East Kuban, Berdyansk, North Azov, West Stavropol, Gudilovsky, Ustyurtsky. The most significant events that determined the features of the evolution of generation-accumulation systems correlate with the latest time.
Keywords: Black Sea - Caspian region; development of sedimentary basins; structural and geodynamic system; tectonic conditions; signs of oil and gas content.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100656
R. N. Mustaev1, E. A. Lavrenova1, V. Vu. Kerimov1,2, N. Sh. Yandarbiev3, P. A. Romanov1
The article is devoted to the study of the processes of migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the Meso-Cenozoic complex of the Black Sea-Caspian region. The results of the modeling made it possible to study and model the processes of migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in hydrocarbon systems in the Meso-Cenozoic complex of the Black Sea-Caspian region. All simulated petroleum systems are characterized by migration from the main reservoir, which lies directly above the simulated oil and gas source stratum, to the overlying ones. This is due to the peculiarities of the formation of sedimentary formations under conditions of alternating regressions and transgressions. The factor stimulating migration is the active tectonic regime of the studied sedimentary basins. Based on the modeling results, the conclusion about the wide development of hydrocarbon flow processes is consistent with the presence of multilayer deposits. It has been established that extended catagenetic zoning is typical for subsidence areas, which is due to the high rates of sedimentation and subsidence, and, accordingly, the large thickness of oil source deposits in the oil formation focus.
Keywords: Black Sea-Caspian region; modeling; migration; accumulation; oil and gas source strata; deposit; sediments; organic matter.
The article is devoted to the study of the processes of migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the Meso-Cenozoic complex of the Black Sea-Caspian region. The results of the modeling made it possible to study and model the processes of migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in hydrocarbon systems in the Meso-Cenozoic complex of the Black Sea-Caspian region. All simulated petroleum systems are characterized by migration from the main reservoir, which lies directly above the simulated oil and gas source stratum, to the overlying ones. This is due to the peculiarities of the formation of sedimentary formations under conditions of alternating regressions and transgressions. The factor stimulating migration is the active tectonic regime of the studied sedimentary basins. Based on the modeling results, the conclusion about the wide development of hydrocarbon flow processes is consistent with the presence of multilayer deposits. It has been established that extended catagenetic zoning is typical for subsidence areas, which is due to the high rates of sedimentation and subsidence, and, accordingly, the large thickness of oil source deposits in the oil formation focus.
Keywords: Black Sea-Caspian region; modeling; migration; accumulation; oil and gas source strata; deposit; sediments; organic matter.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100657
R. N. Mustaev1, E. A. Lavrenova1, V.Yu. Kerimov1,2, P. A. Romanov1
As part of the analysis, it was found that in the Mesozoic, the basins under study were partly part of the Black Sea-South Caspian basin system, and at the later stages of evolution, some of them were involved in tectonic dislocations and, from the point of view of modern tectonic zoning, are partly part of the Alpine folded system. zones. The performed analysis made it possible to establish the main stages of the formation of the sedimentary section, to identify the depocenters of sedimentation on each of them and to reconstruct its evolution. As a result of the studies within the study area, four areas of stable subsidence (basin) were identified during the entire period of formation of the plate cover: Karkinitsky, Indolo-Kubansky, East Kuban and Terek-Caspian. Each of the basins is characterized by a unique evolution, which manifests itself in differences in tectonic mode, sedimentation rates. This determined the features of the geological structure of the basins - differences in the ratio of the thicknesses of the main sedimentary complexe.
Keywords: sedimentary basin development analysis; Scythian-Turanian basin system; oil and gas prospecting trends; troughs; deposits; regression; sedimentation; subsidence graph.
As part of the analysis, it was found that in the Mesozoic, the basins under study were partly part of the Black Sea-South Caspian basin system, and at the later stages of evolution, some of them were involved in tectonic dislocations and, from the point of view of modern tectonic zoning, are partly part of the Alpine folded system. zones. The performed analysis made it possible to establish the main stages of the formation of the sedimentary section, to identify the depocenters of sedimentation on each of them and to reconstruct its evolution. As a result of the studies within the study area, four areas of stable subsidence (basin) were identified during the entire period of formation of the plate cover: Karkinitsky, Indolo-Kubansky, East Kuban and Terek-Caspian. Each of the basins is characterized by a unique evolution, which manifests itself in differences in tectonic mode, sedimentation rates. This determined the features of the geological structure of the basins - differences in the ratio of the thicknesses of the main sedimentary complexe.
Keywords: sedimentary basin development analysis; Scythian-Turanian basin system; oil and gas prospecting trends; troughs; deposits; regression; sedimentation; subsidence graph.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100658
V. Yu. Kerimov1,2, R. N. Mustaev1, E. A. Lavrenova1, N. Sh. Yandarbiev3
As part of the assessment of the prospects for oil and gas potential in the study area, numerical modeling of generation and accumulation systems was performed, as a result of which the centers of hydrocarbon generation located within sedimentary basins were identified. Based on the levels of modern maturity and OM transformation of the established and proposed oil and gas source rocks, as well as the estimates of the specific densities of hydrocarbon emigration at 5 stratigraphic levels, independent generation centers were identified: Middle Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, Eocene, Maikop and Miocene. Variations in the sinking rates of basins at different stages of their development had a critical impact on the realization of their generation potential by oil and gas source strata. As a result, source rocks of the same age in the basins overcame the critical moment at different times and by now have realized their potential to varying degrees. In basins with low subsidence rates, there is a delay in the emigration process with respect to generation, which is not typical for basins with high rates. The main promising complex within the study area is Cretaceous deposits, the hydrocarbon saturation of which is provided both by its own source rock and by flows from deeper horizons of the sedimentary cover. The second most important are the Paleogene complex.
Keywords: Black Sea-Caspian region; Meso-Cenozoic complex; cata-genetic zoning; modern maturity of deposits; degree of transformation of organic matter; generation; emigration; critical mome.
As part of the assessment of the prospects for oil and gas potential in the study area, numerical modeling of generation and accumulation systems was performed, as a result of which the centers of hydrocarbon generation located within sedimentary basins were identified. Based on the levels of modern maturity and OM transformation of the established and proposed oil and gas source rocks, as well as the estimates of the specific densities of hydrocarbon emigration at 5 stratigraphic levels, independent generation centers were identified: Middle Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, Eocene, Maikop and Miocene. Variations in the sinking rates of basins at different stages of their development had a critical impact on the realization of their generation potential by oil and gas source strata. As a result, source rocks of the same age in the basins overcame the critical moment at different times and by now have realized their potential to varying degrees. In basins with low subsidence rates, there is a delay in the emigration process with respect to generation, which is not typical for basins with high rates. The main promising complex within the study area is Cretaceous deposits, the hydrocarbon saturation of which is provided both by its own source rock and by flows from deeper horizons of the sedimentary cover. The second most important are the Paleogene complex.
Keywords: Black Sea-Caspian region; Meso-Cenozoic complex; cata-genetic zoning; modern maturity of deposits; degree of transformation of organic matter; generation; emigration; critical mome.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100659
R. N. Mustaev, V. Yu. Kerimov, E. A. Lavrenova, P. A. Romanov
Zones of hydrocarbons generation in the Meso-Cenozoic complex of the Black Sea-Caspian region
As a result of the studies carried out within the study area, four areas of stable subsidence (basin) were identified during the entire period of the formation of the plate cover: Karkinitsky, Indolo-Kubansky, East Kubansky and Terek-Caspian. Each of the basins is characterized by a unique evolution, which manifests itself in differences in the tectonic regime and sedimentation rates. This determined the features of the geological structure of the basins, the sources of generation within them and the critical moment characterizing the process of generation - migration - accumulation of hydrocarbons in the system. Overcoming the critical moment occurs in the centers of hydrocarbon generation, when more than 50% of hydrocarbons emigrated from the source rock and accumulated in traps. As a rule, the sources are confined to the most submerged parts of the sedimentary basin, in which the deposits are in more severe thermobaric conditions.
Keywords: sedimentary basin; hydrocarbon system; generation source; plate cover; tectonic regime; sedimentation rate; basin analysis.
As a result of the studies carried out within the study area, four areas of stable subsidence (basin) were identified during the entire period of the formation of the plate cover: Karkinitsky, Indolo-Kubansky, East Kubansky and Terek-Caspian. Each of the basins is characterized by a unique evolution, which manifests itself in differences in the tectonic regime and sedimentation rates. This determined the features of the geological structure of the basins, the sources of generation within them and the critical moment characterizing the process of generation - migration - accumulation of hydrocarbons in the system. Overcoming the critical moment occurs in the centers of hydrocarbon generation, when more than 50% of hydrocarbons emigrated from the source rock and accumulated in traps. As a rule, the sources are confined to the most submerged parts of the sedimentary basin, in which the deposits are in more severe thermobaric conditions.
Keywords: sedimentary basin; hydrocarbon system; generation source; plate cover; tectonic regime; sedimentation rate; basin analysis.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100660
B. V. Senin1, V. Yu. Kerimov2, R. N. Mustaev2, M.I. Leonchik1
The article considers the results of the reconstruction and analysis of the geodynamic conditions for the formation of the main elements of their structure in the Black Sea-Caspian region, expressed in the features of the distribution of its structural-geodynamic systems of different ages. As structural-geodynamic systems, sets of elements of the block and zonal structure of the upper part of the earth's crust (basement and sedimentary cover) are considered, united by the same type (general) reaction from an external or internal source of tectonic energy in relation to the system during a certain phase of tectogenesis. The results of the research indicate that the predominantly offshore deep-water Black Sea and South Caspian provinces are controlled by tectonic megadepressions formed in the Alpine and recent epochs of tectogenesis. At the same time, both provinces include in their internal structure both elements that arose at different stages of Alpine and recent structure formation, and fragments of older plate and folded structures, reworked in these epochs and buried under Cenozoic or Cretaceous-Cenozoic deposits, to varying degrees. The latter, in turn, partially or completely control the position and configuration of the oil and gas regions within these provinces.
Keywords: structural and geodynamic systems; sedimentary basins of different ages; oil and gas source strata; prospects for oil and gas potential; phase composition; hydrocarbon potential.
The article considers the results of the reconstruction and analysis of the geodynamic conditions for the formation of the main elements of their structure in the Black Sea-Caspian region, expressed in the features of the distribution of its structural-geodynamic systems of different ages. As structural-geodynamic systems, sets of elements of the block and zonal structure of the upper part of the earth's crust (basement and sedimentary cover) are considered, united by the same type (general) reaction from an external or internal source of tectonic energy in relation to the system during a certain phase of tectogenesis. The results of the research indicate that the predominantly offshore deep-water Black Sea and South Caspian provinces are controlled by tectonic megadepressions formed in the Alpine and recent epochs of tectogenesis. At the same time, both provinces include in their internal structure both elements that arose at different stages of Alpine and recent structure formation, and fragments of older plate and folded structures, reworked in these epochs and buried under Cenozoic or Cretaceous-Cenozoic deposits, to varying degrees. The latter, in turn, partially or completely control the position and configuration of the oil and gas regions within these provinces.
Keywords: structural and geodynamic systems; sedimentary basins of different ages; oil and gas source strata; prospects for oil and gas potential; phase composition; hydrocarbon potential.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100661
E. A. Lavrenova, V. Yu. Kerimov, Yu. P. Panov, R. N. Mustaev, U. S. Serikova
Breakthrough technologies in solving problems of geological exploration for oil and gas
The article describes the main factors for increasing the efficiency of exploration by introducing breakthrough technologies in production. It is shown that standard technologies cannot provide a solution to non-standard problems, because in this area they are extremely ineffective. The absolute orientation of the production process to standard technologies is determined. The main barriers to breakthrough technologies are analyzed. It is concluded that for the digital transformation of exploration, it is necessary to understand the applied value of breakthrough technologies, understand the need for their implementation, as well as adapt the existing production process in such a way that attracting, developing and introducing innovative approaches becomes its integral part. The key factor, in this case, is the solution to the problem of formalizing independent criteria and an understandable quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the use of certain technologies.
Keywords: breakthrough technologies; exploration; production; barriers; processes; transformation; modernization.
The article describes the main factors for increasing the efficiency of exploration by introducing breakthrough technologies in production. It is shown that standard technologies cannot provide a solution to non-standard problems, because in this area they are extremely ineffective. The absolute orientation of the production process to standard technologies is determined. The main barriers to breakthrough technologies are analyzed. It is concluded that for the digital transformation of exploration, it is necessary to understand the applied value of breakthrough technologies, understand the need for their implementation, as well as adapt the existing production process in such a way that attracting, developing and introducing innovative approaches becomes its integral part. The key factor, in this case, is the solution to the problem of formalizing independent criteria and an understandable quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the use of certain technologies.
Keywords: breakthrough technologies; exploration; production; barriers; processes; transformation; modernization.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100662
V. Sh. Gurbanov1, A. B. Hasanov1, G. G. Abbasova2
Breakthrough technologies in solving problems of geological exploration for oil and gas
The possibility of using the theory of fuzzy sets is considered. research in assessing the reserves of hard-to-recover deep-immersed hydrocarbons. At the same time, taking into account the complexity of the relationships between individual petrophysical characteristics, on the one hand, and the uncertainty of relevant information, on the other hand, fuzzy logic and flexible computing methods have been found to be more effective. In particular, the data clustering method (Sugeno fuzzy models) with the selection of child functions (membership functions) was tested. In this method, the prediction of the properties of reservoir rocks at great depths is based on a fuzzy linear regression reflecting the interdependence of properties and the natural uncertainty of information. The method was tested on real indicators of the quality of reservoirs of a well-known group of deposits in the Baku archipelago in Azerbaijan. The results of predicting the expected quality indicators of reservoirs at great depths indicate that in the section of the studied fields at depths of more than 4900 m, a decrease in the relative clay content and density of the reservoirs can be expected, but an increase in the permeability for liquid fluids is also possible.
Ketwords: deep-seated; hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves; fuzzy set theory; reservoir quality prediction.
The possibility of using the theory of fuzzy sets is considered. research in assessing the reserves of hard-to-recover deep-immersed hydrocarbons. At the same time, taking into account the complexity of the relationships between individual petrophysical characteristics, on the one hand, and the uncertainty of relevant information, on the other hand, fuzzy logic and flexible computing methods have been found to be more effective. In particular, the data clustering method (Sugeno fuzzy models) with the selection of child functions (membership functions) was tested. In this method, the prediction of the properties of reservoir rocks at great depths is based on a fuzzy linear regression reflecting the interdependence of properties and the natural uncertainty of information. The method was tested on real indicators of the quality of reservoirs of a well-known group of deposits in the Baku archipelago in Azerbaijan. The results of predicting the expected quality indicators of reservoirs at great depths indicate that in the section of the studied fields at depths of more than 4900 m, a decrease in the relative clay content and density of the reservoirs can be expected, but an increase in the permeability for liquid fluids is also possible.
Ketwords: deep-seated; hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves; fuzzy set theory; reservoir quality prediction.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100663
A. I. Sivtsev1, I. I. Rozhin2
Search for technogenic deposits under the permafrost-hydrate seal within the Vilyui syneclise
The paper considers the possibility of the formation of technogenic gas deposits under the permafrost-hydrate seal. As the most promising object, the upper part of the Mastakh gas condensate field section is justified and considered. By comparing the equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation with the pressure and temperature of the formation, the lower boundary of the permafrost-hydrate seal was determined, which forms a potential trap for the accumulation of gases due to their flows through the well space from deeper horizons of the field section. Based on the results of the conducted studies, maps of the sole of permafrost rocks and the sole of the hydrate formation zone were constructed. The potential volumes of flow gases from the Lower Jurassic deposit to the upper part of the section have been estimated. The necessity of additional study of the upper part of the Khapchagai mega-shaft section is noted both for the search for technogenic gas deposits and for preventing complications and accidents associated with technogenic deposits.
Keywords: Khapchagai megashaft of the Vilyui syneclise; behind-thecasing flows; Mastakhskoye field; permafrosthydrate seal; oil and gas potential.
The paper considers the possibility of the formation of technogenic gas deposits under the permafrost-hydrate seal. As the most promising object, the upper part of the Mastakh gas condensate field section is justified and considered. By comparing the equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation with the pressure and temperature of the formation, the lower boundary of the permafrost-hydrate seal was determined, which forms a potential trap for the accumulation of gases due to their flows through the well space from deeper horizons of the field section. Based on the results of the conducted studies, maps of the sole of permafrost rocks and the sole of the hydrate formation zone were constructed. The potential volumes of flow gases from the Lower Jurassic deposit to the upper part of the section have been estimated. The necessity of additional study of the upper part of the Khapchagai mega-shaft section is noted both for the search for technogenic gas deposits and for preventing complications and accidents associated with technogenic deposits.
Keywords: Khapchagai megashaft of the Vilyui syneclise; behind-thecasing flows; Mastakhskoye field; permafrosthydrate seal; oil and gas potential.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100666
A. P. Chizhov1,2, V. V. Mukhametshin1, V. E. Andreev1,2, L. S. Kuleshova1, A. V. Andreev1, A. R. Safiullina1
Geomechanical aspects of improving well drilling in difficult mining conditions
The research carried out made it possible to improve the technology of drilling wells in difficult mining conditions. The proposed approach is based on a systematic approach to the consolidation of borehole walls and its separation from exposed systems of reservoir rocks. The studies cover the unstable rocks of the sedimentary cover of the eastern edge of the Russian platform and the conditions for drilling wells in them. The holes are oriented and horizontal. Field tests have shown that the proposed technical and technological solutions enable the successful solution of the set scientific and technical problems. It is recommended to test the proposed solutions in other regions of Russia and abroad.
Keywords: well construction; geomechanics; wall stability; improvement; systemic approach; complex mining conditions.
The research carried out made it possible to improve the technology of drilling wells in difficult mining conditions. The proposed approach is based on a systematic approach to the consolidation of borehole walls and its separation from exposed systems of reservoir rocks. The studies cover the unstable rocks of the sedimentary cover of the eastern edge of the Russian platform and the conditions for drilling wells in them. The holes are oriented and horizontal. Field tests have shown that the proposed technical and technological solutions enable the successful solution of the set scientific and technical problems. It is recommended to test the proposed solutions in other regions of Russia and abroad.
Keywords: well construction; geomechanics; wall stability; improvement; systemic approach; complex mining conditions.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100651
R.T. Akhmetov, L.S. Kuleshova, V.V. Mukhametshin, P.M. Malyshev, A.R. Safiullina
The paper shows that the capillary pressure curves parameters of reservoirs in Western Siberia can be estimated with good accuracy by the formation residual water saturation value, and when quantifying the absolute permeability, the hydraulic tortuosity is taken into account as an inverse power function of effective porosity. It is shown that the proposed absolute permeability model makes it possible to estimate the reservoir permeability with sufficiently high accuracy.
Keywords: model; permeability, porosity; hydraulic tortuosity; capillary pressure curves; residual water saturation.
The paper shows that the capillary pressure curves parameters of reservoirs in Western Siberia can be estimated with good accuracy by the formation residual water saturation value, and when quantifying the absolute permeability, the hydraulic tortuosity is taken into account as an inverse power function of effective porosity. It is shown that the proposed absolute permeability model makes it possible to estimate the reservoir permeability with sufficiently high accuracy.
Keywords: model; permeability, porosity; hydraulic tortuosity; capillary pressure curves; residual water saturation.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100639
V. V. Mukhametshin, L. S. Kuleshova
For the eleven groups of oil deposits in terrigenous reservoirs of Western Siberia, confined to the Lower Cretaceous deposits, the most effective techniques for enhanced oil recovery were selected based on a criteria analysis, followed by the numerical modeling application in terms of the final oil recovery factor. The need for a differentiated approach when using enhanced oil recovery techniques is specified. An algorithm for replicating the results obtained in the fields that did not participate in the study based on the analogy method is presented.
Keywords: enhanced oil recovery techniques; oil recovery factor; hard-to-recover reserves; analogy method; differentiation and grouping of oil deposits.
For the eleven groups of oil deposits in terrigenous reservoirs of Western Siberia, confined to the Lower Cretaceous deposits, the most effective techniques for enhanced oil recovery were selected based on a criteria analysis, followed by the numerical modeling application in terms of the final oil recovery factor. The need for a differentiated approach when using enhanced oil recovery techniques is specified. An algorithm for replicating the results obtained in the fields that did not participate in the study based on the analogy method is presented.
Keywords: enhanced oil recovery techniques; oil recovery factor; hard-to-recover reserves; analogy method; differentiation and grouping of oil deposits.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100640
L. S. Kuleshova, V. Sh. Mukhametshin, R. U. Rabaev, Sh. Kh. Sultanov, R. R. Stepanova, D. I. Kobishcha
Evaluation and use of the productivity coefficient for development management problems solving
It is shown that in the conditions of low-productive carbonate deposits with hard-to-recover reserves, confined to the Middle Carboniferous deposits of the Birskaya saddle and the Perm-Bashkir arch of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province, the productivity factor determined during the well flow rate stabilization period after development largely determines the final technological development indicators. We propose geological and statistical models allowing determining the productivity values to the greatest extent reflecting the real reservoir properties at the point of opening it with a well. The obtained results make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of managerial decisions to achieve the maximum return on the oil companies’ assets.
Keywords: productivity factor; geological and statistical models; empirical base models, oil recovery factor; geological and physical parameters; technological development indicators.
It is shown that in the conditions of low-productive carbonate deposits with hard-to-recover reserves, confined to the Middle Carboniferous deposits of the Birskaya saddle and the Perm-Bashkir arch of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province, the productivity factor determined during the well flow rate stabilization period after development largely determines the final technological development indicators. We propose geological and statistical models allowing determining the productivity values to the greatest extent reflecting the real reservoir properties at the point of opening it with a well. The obtained results make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of managerial decisions to achieve the maximum return on the oil companies’ assets.
Keywords: productivity factor; geological and statistical models; empirical base models, oil recovery factor; geological and physical parameters; technological development indicators.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100641
V.Sh. Mukhametshin
Oil recovery factor express evaluation during carbonate reservoirs development in natural regimes
The article provides a geological and field analysis of the productivity factor and specific balance reserves per well influence on the current and final oil recovery factor during the development of the deposit in natural conditions. The analysis was carried out for various groups of deposits in carbonate reservoirs confined to the lower and middle Carboniferous systems of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. Empirical dependencies allowing the deposits development monitoring, evaluating the effectiveness of using secondary and tertiary enhanced oil recovery techniques, making sound management decisions to improve the development process not only for the objects of analysis but also for analogue objects have been obtained.
Keywords: oil recovery; well grid density; specific balance reserves; oil flow rate; production; oil recovery factor; productivity factor.
The article provides a geological and field analysis of the productivity factor and specific balance reserves per well influence on the current and final oil recovery factor during the development of the deposit in natural conditions. The analysis was carried out for various groups of deposits in carbonate reservoirs confined to the lower and middle Carboniferous systems of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. Empirical dependencies allowing the deposits development monitoring, evaluating the effectiveness of using secondary and tertiary enhanced oil recovery techniques, making sound management decisions to improve the development process not only for the objects of analysis but also for analogue objects have been obtained.
Keywords: oil recovery; well grid density; specific balance reserves; oil flow rate; production; oil recovery factor; productivity factor.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100642
V. Sh. Mukhametshin
Oil flooding in carbonate reservoirs management
The article presents the analysis and generalization of the process of deposits flooding in the carbonate reservoirs of the Tournaisian stage Kizelovsky horizon of one relatively homogeneous group of fields of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province which was carried out in order to obtain the possibility of increasing the water injection managing efficiency into the reservoir to increase the oil recovery. Geological and physical parameters having a predominant effect on the sweeping efficiency and the injectivity profile variation along the thickness in injection wells have been identified. Models making it possible to assess and predict the injection sweep factor and variation of the injectivity profile by thickness using current geological and field information both at the stage of putting fields into development and at the stage of full drilling out of deposits have been obtained. The obtained results are proposed to be used to improve the development management efficiency both at the objects of study themselves and at analogue deposits.
Keywords: development management; carbonate reservoir; flooding; multivariate models; injection sweep ratio; correlation coefficient; injectivity profile.
The article presents the analysis and generalization of the process of deposits flooding in the carbonate reservoirs of the Tournaisian stage Kizelovsky horizon of one relatively homogeneous group of fields of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province which was carried out in order to obtain the possibility of increasing the water injection managing efficiency into the reservoir to increase the oil recovery. Geological and physical parameters having a predominant effect on the sweeping efficiency and the injectivity profile variation along the thickness in injection wells have been identified. Models making it possible to assess and predict the injection sweep factor and variation of the injectivity profile by thickness using current geological and field information both at the stage of putting fields into development and at the stage of full drilling out of deposits have been obtained. The obtained results are proposed to be used to improve the development management efficiency both at the objects of study themselves and at analogue deposits.
Keywords: development management; carbonate reservoir; flooding; multivariate models; injection sweep ratio; correlation coefficient; injectivity profile.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100643
I.N. Khakimzyanov1,2, V.Sh. Mukhametshin2, A.V. Lifantyev1, R.N. Bakhtizin2, R.I. Sheshdirov1, I.V. Kuchinskaya1
At the beginning of the 1950s, edge waterflooding, the first of many types of waterflooding, was applied to terrigenous deposits of the Pashi horizon of the Bavlinskoye field. Based on the results of geological and technological modeling, it was obtained that the development of low-permeability sections of the reservoir, intermediate zones in the area of the injection and contraction production rows lags behind and, undoubtedly, leads to a rapid water cut of the produced product and a decrease in the oil recovery factor, therefore the authors in this work conducted numerical experiments to regulate the front advancement of the injected water to the deposits of the Pashi object by limiting the volume of water injected into the reservoir using geological and technological 3D modeling. Analysis of the results of the conducted numerical experiments to regulate the development of the reservoir of the Pashi object by limiting the volume of water injection showed that in this way it is possible to improve the technological indicators of development (increase oil production and reduce water production) and select the most acceptable amount of injected water, which will be technologically and economically viable.
Keywords: in-line and in-line waterflooding; oil-bearing contour; injection restriction; daily production; industrial experiment; injection wells ring; well injectivity; monolithic sandstones; filtration flow direction.
At the beginning of the 1950s, edge waterflooding, the first of many types of waterflooding, was applied to terrigenous deposits of the Pashi horizon of the Bavlinskoye field. Based on the results of geological and technological modeling, it was obtained that the development of low-permeability sections of the reservoir, intermediate zones in the area of the injection and contraction production rows lags behind and, undoubtedly, leads to a rapid water cut of the produced product and a decrease in the oil recovery factor, therefore the authors in this work conducted numerical experiments to regulate the front advancement of the injected water to the deposits of the Pashi object by limiting the volume of water injected into the reservoir using geological and technological 3D modeling. Analysis of the results of the conducted numerical experiments to regulate the development of the reservoir of the Pashi object by limiting the volume of water injection showed that in this way it is possible to improve the technological indicators of development (increase oil production and reduce water production) and select the most acceptable amount of injected water, which will be technologically and economically viable.
Keywords: in-line and in-line waterflooding; oil-bearing contour; injection restriction; daily production; industrial experiment; injection wells ring; well injectivity; monolithic sandstones; filtration flow direction.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100644
Y.A. Ibragimov
Conducting emergency operations in wells with narrowed zones in the production string
The article provides information that the production string along the entire length consists of casing pipes of the same type-size with different wall thicknesses, in some cases thicker in the upper part, relatively less thick in the lower part; on the reduction of the inner diameter with some methods of restoring the tightness of casing strings. Conducting emergency operations in such wells stopped during operation by milling the emergency ends or their annulus, as a necessary measure, with milling cutters of a smaller diameter causes even greater deformation of the emergency ends up to breaks. And also for catching the wider lower part of the production string eccentrically located or leaning against the wall of the pipe, due to the impossibility of using a centering device – funnels, down-laid fishing tools without a centering device, although they freely pass through the narrowed zone of the production string located above the emergency end, due to the impossibility of covering with a bell, as well as directing the pipe rod into the inner surface of the fishing pipe, fishing work is unsuccessful. In these cases, the use of an eccentric sub in the assembly of the bottom of the drill string, the use of a milling cutter of the smallest diameter ensures the milling of the emergency end located below the narrowed zone, with a milling cutter of the required diameter corresponding to the inner diameter of the production string, and also provides the possibility of catching an emergency pipe without a centering device. Information about the design features and their advantages in the relevant downhole conditions is given.
Keywords: emergency end; milling cutters; fishing tools; BHA; eccentric sub.
The article provides information that the production string along the entire length consists of casing pipes of the same type-size with different wall thicknesses, in some cases thicker in the upper part, relatively less thick in the lower part; on the reduction of the inner diameter with some methods of restoring the tightness of casing strings. Conducting emergency operations in such wells stopped during operation by milling the emergency ends or their annulus, as a necessary measure, with milling cutters of a smaller diameter causes even greater deformation of the emergency ends up to breaks. And also for catching the wider lower part of the production string eccentrically located or leaning against the wall of the pipe, due to the impossibility of using a centering device – funnels, down-laid fishing tools without a centering device, although they freely pass through the narrowed zone of the production string located above the emergency end, due to the impossibility of covering with a bell, as well as directing the pipe rod into the inner surface of the fishing pipe, fishing work is unsuccessful. In these cases, the use of an eccentric sub in the assembly of the bottom of the drill string, the use of a milling cutter of the smallest diameter ensures the milling of the emergency end located below the narrowed zone, with a milling cutter of the required diameter corresponding to the inner diameter of the production string, and also provides the possibility of catching an emergency pipe without a centering device. Information about the design features and their advantages in the relevant downhole conditions is given.
Keywords: emergency end; milling cutters; fishing tools; BHA; eccentric sub.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100645
A. A. Isaev1, M. D. Valeev2, I. Sh. Mingulov3, V. V. Mukhametshin3, L. S. Kuleshova3, Sh. G. Mingulov3, Z. N. Sagitova3
One of the well-known methods for the viscous oil reserves development in the fields is the coolant injection into the bottomhole formation zone. Hollow rods or double-walled tubing forming vacuum chambers with low heat loss to the surrounding rocks are used for this purpose. The thermal fluid can be supplied to the bottom of the wells to heat the incoming product to reduce the fluid viscosity in the pump lift. The technology of another way to employ the thermal fluid injection through hollow rods is the thermal fluid injection directly into the formation through injection wells to heat the formation fluid and increase its filtration rate. The article describes the results of experimental work on the technologies implementing in Sheshmaoil Management Company LLC, which showed the fundamental possibility and prospects for their application.
Keywords: coolant injection; hollow rod string; tubing; oil viscosity; condensed steam.
One of the well-known methods for the viscous oil reserves development in the fields is the coolant injection into the bottomhole formation zone. Hollow rods or double-walled tubing forming vacuum chambers with low heat loss to the surrounding rocks are used for this purpose. The thermal fluid can be supplied to the bottom of the wells to heat the incoming product to reduce the fluid viscosity in the pump lift. The technology of another way to employ the thermal fluid injection through hollow rods is the thermal fluid injection directly into the formation through injection wells to heat the formation fluid and increase its filtration rate. The article describes the results of experimental work on the technologies implementing in Sheshmaoil Management Company LLC, which showed the fundamental possibility and prospects for their application.
Keywords: coolant injection; hollow rod string; tubing; oil viscosity; condensed steam.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100646
L. S. Kuleshova, V. Sh. Mukhametshin
For the difficult conditions of development of various groups of facilities in the carbonate reservoirs of the eastern part of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province, models have been created that allow the search and justification of the use of innovative techniques of hydrocarbon production. Algorithms for forecasting the final oil recovery factor under conditions of heterogeneous information and various kinds of uncertainties are proposed. The use of the algorithm of the method of group arguments accounting for the construction of geological and statistical models is substantiated. The physical interpretation of the obtained models of the oil recovery process is given. The need for a differentiated approach in solving various problems of managing the development of various groups of objects in carbonate reservoirs is shown.
Keywords: oil recovery factor; stepwise regression analysis; group accounting of arguments method.
For the difficult conditions of development of various groups of facilities in the carbonate reservoirs of the eastern part of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province, models have been created that allow the search and justification of the use of innovative techniques of hydrocarbon production. Algorithms for forecasting the final oil recovery factor under conditions of heterogeneous information and various kinds of uncertainties are proposed. The use of the algorithm of the method of group arguments accounting for the construction of geological and statistical models is substantiated. The physical interpretation of the obtained models of the oil recovery process is given. The need for a differentiated approach in solving various problems of managing the development of various groups of objects in carbonate reservoirs is shown.
Keywords: oil recovery factor; stepwise regression analysis; group accounting of arguments method.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100647
V. H. Nurullayev, F. T. Murvatov, Z. A. Abdullayeva
The article considers the influence of a number of external and internal factors, mainly temperature disturbances affecting the change in flow resistance at certain stages of development of oil fields operated for many years. It was found that with a decrease in temperature, the viscosity of oil increases as a result of the formation of asphaltene, resin-paraffin compounds. These associations deposit into the pores, causing a decrease in permeability, a decrease in the inner diameter of the lifting pipes, and an increase in hydraulic resistance. Although the resin was absorbed by the reagent after the nanostructured coordination polymer technique, an increase in oil viscosity was observed. To eliminate the problem, part of the waste of the alkaline diesel fraction included in the composite pumped into the well was replaced by condensate. At the same time, high efficiency was achieved.
Keywords: crude oil; viscosity; paraffin; resin; condensate; associate; nanostructural reagent.
The article considers the influence of a number of external and internal factors, mainly temperature disturbances affecting the change in flow resistance at certain stages of development of oil fields operated for many years. It was found that with a decrease in temperature, the viscosity of oil increases as a result of the formation of asphaltene, resin-paraffin compounds. These associations deposit into the pores, causing a decrease in permeability, a decrease in the inner diameter of the lifting pipes, and an increase in hydraulic resistance. Although the resin was absorbed by the reagent after the nanostructured coordination polymer technique, an increase in oil viscosity was observed. To eliminate the problem, part of the waste of the alkaline diesel fraction included in the composite pumped into the well was replaced by condensate. At the same time, high efficiency was achieved.
Keywords: crude oil; viscosity; paraffin; resin; condensate; associate; nanostructural reagent.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100648
V. H. Nurullayev, F. T. Murvatov, A. V. Gasimzade
The article considers complications associated with abnormal conditions during the development of the Siazan monoclinic oil field. In complex geological, geophysical and operational conditions, the application and continuation in the development of new innovative methods based on the existing system was considered an urgent issue. To solve the problem, new nanostructured composites of class BAF-1 and BAF-2 were created, as well as a method of acting on a bottomhole field. Using the reagent, 391.1 tons of oil were additionally produced from well No. 111 from the South-East Saadan field, from well No. 198 from the South-West Saadan field, and from well No. 1463 operating at the Amirkhanly fields during the operation of the pilot stage. The nanostructured composite BAF-1 and BAF-2 eliminates the stiffness of 3.0% of the produced water, destroys sulfate reducing bacteria.
Keywords: asphaltene; resin; paraffin; nanostructured composite; slaughter area.
The article considers complications associated with abnormal conditions during the development of the Siazan monoclinic oil field. In complex geological, geophysical and operational conditions, the application and continuation in the development of new innovative methods based on the existing system was considered an urgent issue. To solve the problem, new nanostructured composites of class BAF-1 and BAF-2 were created, as well as a method of acting on a bottomhole field. Using the reagent, 391.1 tons of oil were additionally produced from well No. 111 from the South-East Saadan field, from well No. 198 from the South-West Saadan field, and from well No. 1463 operating at the Amirkhanly fields during the operation of the pilot stage. The nanostructured composite BAF-1 and BAF-2 eliminates the stiffness of 3.0% of the produced water, destroys sulfate reducing bacteria.
Keywords: asphaltene; resin; paraffin; nanostructured composite; slaughter area.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100649
S. R. Nurov, R. F. Yakupov, V. V. Mukhametshin, A. T. Gareev, L. S. Kuleshova, I. A. Faizov
The article describes a new integrated approach to the analysis and design of carbonate reservoirs of the Kashira-Podolsk deposits development of an oil field confined to the Birskaya saddle. This approach made it possible to obtain results allowing making sound management decisions, as well as optimizing design decisions in the conditions of active involvement of the facility in the development and increasing the oil recovery factor from 0.247 to 0.288 units reserves by the AB1 category. In the future, it is planned to replicate the successful experiences in other fields with a similar geological structure in the north of Bashkortostan.
Keywords: oil fields development; carbonates; Kashir-Podolsk deposits; reserves depletion; acid fracturing; horizontal well.
The article describes a new integrated approach to the analysis and design of carbonate reservoirs of the Kashira-Podolsk deposits development of an oil field confined to the Birskaya saddle. This approach made it possible to obtain results allowing making sound management decisions, as well as optimizing design decisions in the conditions of active involvement of the facility in the development and increasing the oil recovery factor from 0.247 to 0.288 units reserves by the AB1 category. In the future, it is planned to replicate the successful experiences in other fields with a similar geological structure in the north of Bashkortostan.
Keywords: oil fields development; carbonates; Kashir-Podolsk deposits; reserves depletion; acid fracturing; horizontal well.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100650
L. P. Kalacheva, I. K. Ivanova, A. S. Portnyagin, V. K. Ivanov
Assessment of the possibility of natural and associated petroleum gases storage in the hydrate state
The purpose of this work is to study the natural gas hydrates formation and decomposition processes. Natural gases from the Otradninsky and Srednevilyuisky gas condensate fields were chosen as models of associated petroleum gases. In this paper, the natural gas hydrates formation in water, in a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution was studied and the kinetic parameters of the hydrates decomposition were determined. It has been established that the hydrate formation of natural gas with a higher relative density begins at lower pressures at the same temperature. The degree of water conversion into hydrate increases with a decrease of the gas relative density. Compared to water, the stability of hydrates obtained in sodium bicarbonate solution is almost 2 times higher. The concentration of C2-C4 methane homologues in hydrates leads to an increase of the gas fat coefficient. The conclusion is made about the possibility of the natural and associated petroleum gases utilization and storage in the hydrate state.
Keywords: natural gas; associated petroleum gas; utilization; natural gas hydrates; equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation; bicarbonate-sodium type water; fat coefficient.
The purpose of this work is to study the natural gas hydrates formation and decomposition processes. Natural gases from the Otradninsky and Srednevilyuisky gas condensate fields were chosen as models of associated petroleum gases. In this paper, the natural gas hydrates formation in water, in a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution was studied and the kinetic parameters of the hydrates decomposition were determined. It has been established that the hydrate formation of natural gas with a higher relative density begins at lower pressures at the same temperature. The degree of water conversion into hydrate increases with a decrease of the gas relative density. Compared to water, the stability of hydrates obtained in sodium bicarbonate solution is almost 2 times higher. The concentration of C2-C4 methane homologues in hydrates leads to an increase of the gas fat coefficient. The conclusion is made about the possibility of the natural and associated petroleum gases utilization and storage in the hydrate state.
Keywords: natural gas; associated petroleum gas; utilization; natural gas hydrates; equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation; bicarbonate-sodium type water; fat coefficient.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100664
P. L. Pavlova1, K. A. Bashmur1, V. V. Bukhtoyarov1,2
This article comprehensive analyzes the techniques and technologies of carbon dioxide capture and injection at an oil field, and also developed proposals for improving the technological process from the beginning of carbon dioxide capture to its injection into the oil reservoir. As a result, the above-ground and underground equipment was analyzed which makes it possible to comprehensively consider the issue of developing oil fields for pumping carbon dioxide in order to increase oil recovery. It is noted that the technological scheme of the field development should include the stage of carbon dioxide capture and processing in order to reduce the cost of its transportation, and by obtaining associated gases, for example hydrogen, to obtain energy for the needs of the field, which is especially important for geographically remote oil fields. The borehole equipment is proposed and the criteria for its operation are justified to control the state of supercritical carbon dioxide at the bottom of the well.
Keywords: carbon dioxide; supercritical fluid; technique; technology; capture; injection; oil field; technological process.
This article comprehensive analyzes the techniques and technologies of carbon dioxide capture and injection at an oil field, and also developed proposals for improving the technological process from the beginning of carbon dioxide capture to its injection into the oil reservoir. As a result, the above-ground and underground equipment was analyzed which makes it possible to comprehensively consider the issue of developing oil fields for pumping carbon dioxide in order to increase oil recovery. It is noted that the technological scheme of the field development should include the stage of carbon dioxide capture and processing in order to reduce the cost of its transportation, and by obtaining associated gases, for example hydrogen, to obtain energy for the needs of the field, which is especially important for geographically remote oil fields. The borehole equipment is proposed and the criteria for its operation are justified to control the state of supercritical carbon dioxide at the bottom of the well.
Keywords: carbon dioxide; supercritical fluid; technique; technology; capture; injection; oil field; technological process.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100687
A. I. Abdullaev, G. N. Rasulov, I. D. Huseynov, O. F. Ismayilov
Railway transport plays a special role in the transportation of oil and petroleum products. Ensuring the speed and reliability of transportation is one of the important issues. The role of railroad switch electric drives in solving this problem is great. Package type «AN» reducer have a number of advantages over traditional ones. The article presents the features and the essence of increasing the technological and exploitational parameters of the transmission mechanism of railroad switches with the help of a new innovative package type «AN» reducer, developed at AzTU. An analysis of the work of friction on plain bearings used in package reducers, instead of keyed connections in traditional gearboxes, is given. The effectiveness of the use of package type «AN» reducers in the transmission mechanisms of railroad switch electric drives has been revealed.
Keywords: railroad switch drive; mechanism; innovative; increase; reducer; reliability.
Railway transport plays a special role in the transportation of oil and petroleum products. Ensuring the speed and reliability of transportation is one of the important issues. The role of railroad switch electric drives in solving this problem is great. Package type «AN» reducer have a number of advantages over traditional ones. The article presents the features and the essence of increasing the technological and exploitational parameters of the transmission mechanism of railroad switches with the help of a new innovative package type «AN» reducer, developed at AzTU. An analysis of the work of friction on plain bearings used in package reducers, instead of keyed connections in traditional gearboxes, is given. The effectiveness of the use of package type «AN» reducers in the transmission mechanisms of railroad switch electric drives has been revealed.
Keywords: railroad switch drive; mechanism; innovative; increase; reducer; reliability.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100700
K. A. Bashmur1, V. V. Bukhtoyarov1,2, R. B. Sergienko3, A. N. Sokolnikov1, Ya. A. Tynchenko1
This research aims to improve the quality of measurement of fluid flow rates by turbine flowmeters. The quality criteria for a turbine flowmeter include the accuracy of measurement and the cost of its implementation. To compare the criteria, the article presents a hydrodynamic simulation of the movement of the flow of the working medium through the rotors of the flowmeters of the developed and standard types. The developed type of rotor is a hollow shaft with an internal screw relief. A propeller type of rotor was used as standard. Based on the results of the literature analysis, the purpose of the study was reduced to determining the characteristics of hydraulic resistance that affect the linearity of the flow-pressure characteristics of the flowmeter rotor. The tasks of hydrodynamic computer simulation included its implementation for various indicators of the viscosity of the working fluid - from low-viscosity to high-viscosity. It showed that the use of a rotor with an internal screw relief in a flowmeter reduces the hydraulic resistance of the flow by more than 2 times for any viscosity of the working medium compared to a propeller-type rotor, which significantly reduces the energy costs for moving the flow. At the same time, the linearity of characteristics for both types of flowmeter rotors remains approximately the same in the studied range of characteristics, which indicates a similar accuracy of parameter measurements.
Keywords: turbine flowmeter; viscosity; hydraulic resistance; oil transportation; computational fluid dynamics; CFD.
This research aims to improve the quality of measurement of fluid flow rates by turbine flowmeters. The quality criteria for a turbine flowmeter include the accuracy of measurement and the cost of its implementation. To compare the criteria, the article presents a hydrodynamic simulation of the movement of the flow of the working medium through the rotors of the flowmeters of the developed and standard types. The developed type of rotor is a hollow shaft with an internal screw relief. A propeller type of rotor was used as standard. Based on the results of the literature analysis, the purpose of the study was reduced to determining the characteristics of hydraulic resistance that affect the linearity of the flow-pressure characteristics of the flowmeter rotor. The tasks of hydrodynamic computer simulation included its implementation for various indicators of the viscosity of the working fluid - from low-viscosity to high-viscosity. It showed that the use of a rotor with an internal screw relief in a flowmeter reduces the hydraulic resistance of the flow by more than 2 times for any viscosity of the working medium compared to a propeller-type rotor, which significantly reduces the energy costs for moving the flow. At the same time, the linearity of characteristics for both types of flowmeter rotors remains approximately the same in the studied range of characteristics, which indicates a similar accuracy of parameter measurements.
Keywords: turbine flowmeter; viscosity; hydraulic resistance; oil transportation; computational fluid dynamics; CFD.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100686
I. A. Habibov, S. M. Abasova, I. A. Mayilov
The effectiveness of the use of nanotechnology in increasing the resource of oilfield equipment
The current stage of development of science and technology is characterized by the level of application of nanotechnology. The scope of application of this technology in industry is increasing every day. For the first time in Azerbaijan, nanotechnology has been applied in the oil sector and has had a serious impact on the level of oil and gas production. The republic has adopted three Nanoneft programs covering 2010-2015, 2016-2020 and 2021-2025. These programs have become a great incentive for the development of this field of science. Currently, nanotechnologies are successfully applied in such areas as oil production, well drilling, petrochemistry, ecology, geology, and petroleum engineering. The article considers the possibility of using nanotechnology in the designs of oil and gas field equipment in order to increase their reliability and durability.
Keywords: equipment for oil and gas fields; nanotechnology; reliability.
The current stage of development of science and technology is characterized by the level of application of nanotechnology. The scope of application of this technology in industry is increasing every day. For the first time in Azerbaijan, nanotechnology has been applied in the oil sector and has had a serious impact on the level of oil and gas production. The republic has adopted three Nanoneft programs covering 2010-2015, 2016-2020 and 2021-2025. These programs have become a great incentive for the development of this field of science. Currently, nanotechnologies are successfully applied in such areas as oil production, well drilling, petrochemistry, ecology, geology, and petroleum engineering. The article considers the possibility of using nanotechnology in the designs of oil and gas field equipment in order to increase their reliability and durability.
Keywords: equipment for oil and gas fields; nanotechnology; reliability.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100692
S. N. Namazov, Sh. M. Mashayev, A. M. Guliyeva
Influence of high-speed sintering on the structure and properties of powder steels
As the technology of sintering steels is carried out at different temperatures and conditions, the for-mation of their structure and properties are somewhat different. Proper sintering technology allows the pro-duction of highdensity and high-strength powder steels. In most cases, the reason for the decrease in the pro-perties of powder steels is that the diffusion process, which occurs as a result of low sintering temperatures and low sintering times, is weak or non-existent. As we know, density and many physical and mechanical properties of the product increase as the pores close by dif-fusion during sintering. Proper welding technolo-gy allows the production of high-density and high-strength powder steels.
Keywords: sintering; technology; powder; steel; structure; properties; oil; gas; industry.
As the technology of sintering steels is carried out at different temperatures and conditions, the for-mation of their structure and properties are somewhat different. Proper sintering technology allows the pro-duction of highdensity and high-strength powder steels. In most cases, the reason for the decrease in the pro-perties of powder steels is that the diffusion process, which occurs as a result of low sintering temperatures and low sintering times, is weak or non-existent. As we know, density and many physical and mechanical properties of the product increase as the pores close by dif-fusion during sintering. Proper welding technolo-gy allows the production of high-density and high-strength powder steels.
Keywords: sintering; technology; powder; steel; structure; properties; oil; gas; industry.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100693
N. M. Rasulov, G. V. Damirova, I. A. Abbasova, Y. E. Huseynov
Improving the efficiency of thread rolling with management of technological connections
The formation of threads by plastic deformation is one of the most effective ways of forming threads, which determines their high performance characteristics; Increasing the accuracy of thread manufacturing is especially important for organizing an effective process of automating the assembly of threaded connections. The article analyzes the mechanism of thread accuracy formation during thread rolling with radial feed on two-roll roll forming machines and with the help of tangential thread rolling heads with tangential feed. Connections between input and output parameters are revealed, a new method of thread rolling with tangential feed is presented, which practically without reducing the productivity of the technological operation (feed) determine the direction of reducing the knurling force, as also proposed ways to improve the accuracy of rolled threads.
Keywords: thread; rolling; radial; tangential; feed; accuracy of parameters; technological connections.
The formation of threads by plastic deformation is one of the most effective ways of forming threads, which determines their high performance characteristics; Increasing the accuracy of thread manufacturing is especially important for organizing an effective process of automating the assembly of threaded connections. The article analyzes the mechanism of thread accuracy formation during thread rolling with radial feed on two-roll roll forming machines and with the help of tangential thread rolling heads with tangential feed. Connections between input and output parameters are revealed, a new method of thread rolling with tangential feed is presented, which practically without reducing the productivity of the technological operation (feed) determine the direction of reducing the knurling force, as also proposed ways to improve the accuracy of rolled threads.
Keywords: thread; rolling; radial; tangential; feed; accuracy of parameters; technological connections.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100694
A. H. Sofiyev1,5, F. Kadioglu2, I. A. Khalilov3, H. M. Sedighi4, T. Vergul2,6, R. Yenialp1
In this study, the buckling analysis of cylindrical shells made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) under the torsional moment resting on the Pasternak-type soil is performed. After establishing the linear constitutive relations of FGM cylindrical shells within the framework of the modified Donnell type shell theory, the governing equations of FGM cylindrical shells under the torsional moment are derived considering the influence of Pasternak-type soil. Analytical formula for the torsional moment is obtained by choosing the approximation functions that satisfies the boundary conditions in an integral sense. From the obtained formula, the formulas for the critical torsional moment in the presence of Winkler soil and absence of soils are obtained as a special case. Variations of critical torsional moment for different soil coefficients, volume fraction ratio and shell characteristics are investigated in detail.
Keywords: functionally graded materials; cylindrical shell; buckling; critical torsional moment; Pasternak-type soil.
In this study, the buckling analysis of cylindrical shells made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) under the torsional moment resting on the Pasternak-type soil is performed. After establishing the linear constitutive relations of FGM cylindrical shells within the framework of the modified Donnell type shell theory, the governing equations of FGM cylindrical shells under the torsional moment are derived considering the influence of Pasternak-type soil. Analytical formula for the torsional moment is obtained by choosing the approximation functions that satisfies the boundary conditions in an integral sense. From the obtained formula, the formulas for the critical torsional moment in the presence of Winkler soil and absence of soils are obtained as a special case. Variations of critical torsional moment for different soil coefficients, volume fraction ratio and shell characteristics are investigated in detail.
Keywords: functionally graded materials; cylindrical shell; buckling; critical torsional moment; Pasternak-type soil.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100695
I. T. Abbasov1, S. Simon1, P. D. Fritzsche1, N. D. Yusubov2
Study on reducing energy consumption in rough turning operations
Optimizing energy consumption is one of the key issues in the engineering industry, as in other advanced manufacturing industries. Models for cutting parameters, material extraction and other influencing parameters have been developed until now. Most of these models are subject to one principle. The higher the rate of material extraction, the lower the specific energy consumption. In this article, a number of tasks have been implemented to increase energy efficiency. First, the cutting speed, feed rate, cut of depth are investigated to optimize energy in the machining process. Then the processing is carried out with dry, coolant lubricants and idle machining, and the optimal cutting parameters are selected. These processes are carried out during rough turning. In addition, the energy effects of coolants and lubricants have been studied. For this purpose, heat capacities and dynamic viscosity studies of coolant lubricants were conducted.
Keywords: turning; surface roughness; energy efficiency; cutting parameter; coolant lubricants; heat capacity; dynamic viscosity.
Optimizing energy consumption is one of the key issues in the engineering industry, as in other advanced manufacturing industries. Models for cutting parameters, material extraction and other influencing parameters have been developed until now. Most of these models are subject to one principle. The higher the rate of material extraction, the lower the specific energy consumption. In this article, a number of tasks have been implemented to increase energy efficiency. First, the cutting speed, feed rate, cut of depth are investigated to optimize energy in the machining process. Then the processing is carried out with dry, coolant lubricants and idle machining, and the optimal cutting parameters are selected. These processes are carried out during rough turning. In addition, the energy effects of coolants and lubricants have been studied. For this purpose, heat capacities and dynamic viscosity studies of coolant lubricants were conducted.
Keywords: turning; surface roughness; energy efficiency; cutting parameter; coolant lubricants; heat capacity; dynamic viscosity.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100696
N. M. Rasulov, U. M. Nadirov, M. Z. Alakbarov
The conception of dynamic technological connections during machining is developed. Dynamic technological connections are presented that act during the formation of surfaces and indicators of the production quality of the product and its components during machining. Managing of relationships are sources of improving the quality of manufacturing parts. Some output technological parameters that form the quality of parts during machining are investigated, and factors influencing them. The mechanism and pattern of changes in the actual depth of cut during grinding of teeths by copying were identified. The method was determined to ensure its stability with by control of dynamic technological connections. Achieved improved quality of grinding teeth and processing performance when grinding teeth with copying compared with the traditional method.
Keywords: dynamic; technological connections; grinding; control; depth of cut; quality.
The conception of dynamic technological connections during machining is developed. Dynamic technological connections are presented that act during the formation of surfaces and indicators of the production quality of the product and its components during machining. Managing of relationships are sources of improving the quality of manufacturing parts. Some output technological parameters that form the quality of parts during machining are investigated, and factors influencing them. The mechanism and pattern of changes in the actual depth of cut during grinding of teeths by copying were identified. The method was determined to ensure its stability with by control of dynamic technological connections. Achieved improved quality of grinding teeth and processing performance when grinding teeth with copying compared with the traditional method.
Keywords: dynamic; technological connections; grinding; control; depth of cut; quality.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100697
R. Schneider1, T. Fritsch1, Th.Rieder2, S. Hernschier1, S.Simon1, A.S. Mammadov3
The article describes a method for condition-based maintenance, which is based on the evaluation of acoustic characteristics of a plant. Starting from the general requirements and objectives for maintenance, the measurement procedure is explained. Subsequently, the feasibility of the method is demonstrated and its limitations are shown by means of two test sections. A brief economic consideration shows the economic advantage in addition to the increased reliability of the plants.
Keywords: condition-based maintenance; acoustic model; belt conveyor; open cast mining.
The article describes a method for condition-based maintenance, which is based on the evaluation of acoustic characteristics of a plant. Starting from the general requirements and objectives for maintenance, the measurement procedure is explained. Subsequently, the feasibility of the method is demonstrated and its limitations are shown by means of two test sections. A brief economic consideration shows the economic advantage in addition to the increased reliability of the plants.
Keywords: condition-based maintenance; acoustic model; belt conveyor; open cast mining.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100698
D. V. Ardashev, A. S. Degtyareva-Kashutina
Titanium parts include in deep-sea drilling and mining installations, pumps, pipelines, heat exchange equipment for various purposes and high-pressure vessels, which are used in offshore oil and gas fields. Existing methods of applying a hard chrome coating to titanium parts do not have a clear scientific justification and recommendations. The essence of author’s method is the preliminary preparation of the surface of the part by etching in a bath of concentrated hydrochloric acid, followed by surface activation by passing a current in the opposite direction. The application of a hard chrome coating is performed on a rotating part when it is partially immersed in an electrolytic bath.
Keywords: titanium; hard chrome coating; electrolyte; chrome plating; electrolytic bath; oxide film.
Titanium parts include in deep-sea drilling and mining installations, pumps, pipelines, heat exchange equipment for various purposes and high-pressure vessels, which are used in offshore oil and gas fields. Existing methods of applying a hard chrome coating to titanium parts do not have a clear scientific justification and recommendations. The essence of author’s method is the preliminary preparation of the surface of the part by etching in a bath of concentrated hydrochloric acid, followed by surface activation by passing a current in the opposite direction. The application of a hard chrome coating is performed on a rotating part when it is partially immersed in an electrolytic bath.
Keywords: titanium; hard chrome coating; electrolyte; chrome plating; electrolytic bath; oxide film.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100699
G. G. Ismayilov1, R. A. Ismailov1 , X. N. Babirov2
Investigation of the dynamics of particle settling during separation condensing gases
The experience of operating gas separation process units shows that it is not always possible to achieve effective separation of liquid particles. Traditional calculation formulas for determining the settling rate of particles in separators are based on the thermodynamic equilibrium of the main parameters of the incoming gas flow (pressure, density). At the same time, well production, in particular condensing gases, is a nonequilibrium system, which is characterized by a certain delay (relaxation times) in changing parameters. As a result of this delay, the settling rate of particles in the separator does not have time to reach the steady state Stokes regime corresponding to effective separation. The paper proposes a nonequilibrium model for the sedimentation rate of particles and developed an algorithm for its numerical implementation. Using this algorithm, multivariate computational experiments were carried out to study the dynamics of particle settling. It was found that for the effective separation of liquid particles in a gravity separator, the relaxation time for the settling velocity of the particles should not exceed 10 sec.
Keywords: gas separation; gravity separator; particle settling rate; relaxation time.
The experience of operating gas separation process units shows that it is not always possible to achieve effective separation of liquid particles. Traditional calculation formulas for determining the settling rate of particles in separators are based on the thermodynamic equilibrium of the main parameters of the incoming gas flow (pressure, density). At the same time, well production, in particular condensing gases, is a nonequilibrium system, which is characterized by a certain delay (relaxation times) in changing parameters. As a result of this delay, the settling rate of particles in the separator does not have time to reach the steady state Stokes regime corresponding to effective separation. The paper proposes a nonequilibrium model for the sedimentation rate of particles and developed an algorithm for its numerical implementation. Using this algorithm, multivariate computational experiments were carried out to study the dynamics of particle settling. It was found that for the effective separation of liquid particles in a gravity separator, the relaxation time for the settling velocity of the particles should not exceed 10 sec.
Keywords: gas separation; gravity separator; particle settling rate; relaxation time.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100654
Y. Z. Alekperov1, H. G. Ismayilova1, R. Z. Khalilov1, Sh. F. Musayeva2
The article is devoted to the storage of natural gases in the form of hydrates in underground tanks (chambers). Based on the analysis of the variety of phenomena occurring in the formation and decomposition of hydrates, the expediency of storing natural gases in the form of hydrates in underground chambers was established. A formula is proposed for determining the geometric volume of underground reservoirs, taking into account the amount of gas in the form of hydrates. In the article it was also outlined the main advantages and establishes the possibility of managing the processes of storing gas in the form of hydrates, as well as obtaining it back without high energy costs.
Keywords: natural gas; gas hydrates; underground tank; gas storage; hydrate formation; thermal diffusivity.
The article is devoted to the storage of natural gases in the form of hydrates in underground tanks (chambers). Based on the analysis of the variety of phenomena occurring in the formation and decomposition of hydrates, the expediency of storing natural gases in the form of hydrates in underground chambers was established. A formula is proposed for determining the geometric volume of underground reservoirs, taking into account the amount of gas in the form of hydrates. In the article it was also outlined the main advantages and establishes the possibility of managing the processes of storing gas in the form of hydrates, as well as obtaining it back without high energy costs.
Keywords: natural gas; gas hydrates; underground tank; gas storage; hydrate formation; thermal diffusivity.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100655
V. V. Bukhtoyarov1,2, I. S. Nekrasov1, V. S. Tynchenko1,2,3, K. A. Bashmur1, R. B. Sergienko4
The oil refining industry is facing several challenges and issues in data handling. A large amount of data is generated by many different processes and equipment. This article is devoted to methods for efficient analysis of large amounts of data in an oil refinery. In particular, the effectiveness of machine learning methods for predicting failures of process equipment in the hydrocracking process is investigated. Machine learning, as an important element of digitalization, allows us to successfully solve many production problems. The article describes the application of some machine learning algorithms for solving problems of classifying and predicting failures of hydrocracking process equipment that occur during oil refining and diesel fuel production. The application of random forest methods, principal component analysis and hyperparameter tuning is considered. The effectiveness of these methods is compared on the basis of the Accuracy parameter. It is shown that the combination of these methods will improve the accuracy of the model by 2%.
Keywords: automation; machine learning; hydrocracking; simulation; oil refinery.
The oil refining industry is facing several challenges and issues in data handling. A large amount of data is generated by many different processes and equipment. This article is devoted to methods for efficient analysis of large amounts of data in an oil refinery. In particular, the effectiveness of machine learning methods for predicting failures of process equipment in the hydrocracking process is investigated. Machine learning, as an important element of digitalization, allows us to successfully solve many production problems. The article describes the application of some machine learning algorithms for solving problems of classifying and predicting failures of hydrocracking process equipment that occur during oil refining and diesel fuel production. The application of random forest methods, principal component analysis and hyperparameter tuning is considered. The effectiveness of these methods is compared on the basis of the Accuracy parameter. It is shown that the combination of these methods will improve the accuracy of the model by 2%.
Keywords: automation; machine learning; hydrocracking; simulation; oil refinery.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100665
O. A. Kolenchukov1, V. V. Bukhtoyarov1,2, T. N. Kolenchukova1, R. B. Sergienko3, K. A. Bashmur1
This article provides a literary review of pyrolysis catalysts for the production of alternative energy fuel in the form of hydrogen, as well as an equally useful product of nanofiber carbon. A theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of the use of catalysts based on the yield of a useful product was carried out. It was found that the most promising catalysts for industrial use are high-percentage nickel and copper-nickel catalysts. Most effective catalyst in the process of obtaining hydrogen by the method of catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbon gases is the 40Ni/SiO2 catalyst, the yield of hydrogen when used is 80.7 mol/gcat, and the highest yield of nanofiber carbon 449 g/gcat makes it possible to obtain a bimetallic catalyst (75Ni-15Cu)/Al2O3. The methods of preparation of applied catalysts are also considered, the advantages and disadvantages of each are described.
Keywords: bimetallic Fe-Co catalysts; bimetallic Ni-Cu catalysts; pyrolysis catalysts; conversion of hydrocarbon gases; nanofiber carbon; nickel catalyst; hydrogen production.
This article provides a literary review of pyrolysis catalysts for the production of alternative energy fuel in the form of hydrogen, as well as an equally useful product of nanofiber carbon. A theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of the use of catalysts based on the yield of a useful product was carried out. It was found that the most promising catalysts for industrial use are high-percentage nickel and copper-nickel catalysts. Most effective catalyst in the process of obtaining hydrogen by the method of catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbon gases is the 40Ni/SiO2 catalyst, the yield of hydrogen when used is 80.7 mol/gcat, and the highest yield of nanofiber carbon 449 g/gcat makes it possible to obtain a bimetallic catalyst (75Ni-15Cu)/Al2O3. The methods of preparation of applied catalysts are also considered, the advantages and disadvantages of each are described.
Keywords: bimetallic Fe-Co catalysts; bimetallic Ni-Cu catalysts; pyrolysis catalysts; conversion of hydrocarbon gases; nanofiber carbon; nickel catalyst; hydrogen production.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100684
O. A. Kolenchukov1, K. A. Bashmur1, V. V. Bukhtoyarov1,2, R. B. Sergienko3, V. S. Tynchenko1,2,4
The experimental research of n-butane pyrolysis using an agitator
This research aims to improve the thermal processes of oil sludge treatment. The goal of this research is to determine the impact of the agitator on the output of hydrocarbon gas mixes and hydrogen during the catalytic pyrolysis of n-butane (C4H10), the product of stage one of the complex oil sludge treatment. To conduct the research, the authors developed a setup for the testing of a pyrolysis reactor with an agitator to assess its efficiency in terms of target n-butane breakdown products, namely hydrocarbon mixes and hydrogen. In this research, the authors used 70Ni–20Cu–10Al2O3 as a catalyst. The components of the obtained gas mix were analyzed using the chromatographic method. The results show that the use of the agitator during the catalytic pyrolysis of n-butane can increase the output of the target product. In particular, the hydrogen output increased by ~7.2% over the reaction period (12 hours) compared to the setup without an agitator. The authors determined that the optimal reaction time for the production of hydrogen and butane-hydrogen mix is 4 hours.
Keywords: petroliferous sludge; hydrocarbon gas mix; n-butane; catalytic pyrolysis; experimental setup; reactor; agitator.
This research aims to improve the thermal processes of oil sludge treatment. The goal of this research is to determine the impact of the agitator on the output of hydrocarbon gas mixes and hydrogen during the catalytic pyrolysis of n-butane (C4H10), the product of stage one of the complex oil sludge treatment. To conduct the research, the authors developed a setup for the testing of a pyrolysis reactor with an agitator to assess its efficiency in terms of target n-butane breakdown products, namely hydrocarbon mixes and hydrogen. In this research, the authors used 70Ni–20Cu–10Al2O3 as a catalyst. The components of the obtained gas mix were analyzed using the chromatographic method. The results show that the use of the agitator during the catalytic pyrolysis of n-butane can increase the output of the target product. In particular, the hydrogen output increased by ~7.2% over the reaction period (12 hours) compared to the setup without an agitator. The authors determined that the optimal reaction time for the production of hydrogen and butane-hydrogen mix is 4 hours.
Keywords: petroliferous sludge; hydrocarbon gas mix; n-butane; catalytic pyrolysis; experimental setup; reactor; agitator.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100685
A. S. Imanov, I. A. Khalilov
3D modeling and analysis of gas flow in the interblade channel
Based on the equations obtained from the solution of the differential equation of curvature-inverse problem, processed in Mathcad, curves of flat contours, a geometric model of the blade airfoil profile was created in three sections - root, middle and peripheral. The distribution of velocities along the back and trough of the profile is presented. A 3D model of a blade based on a section and guide lines was built in SolidWorks and exported in the parasolid format to the ANSYS AIM 17.2 software package. For engineering analysis, the boundary conditions were determined - the type of working substance, the absolute temperature, the inlet velocity of the molasses, the static pressure at the outlet, etc. For the interblade channel, a hexagonal (structured) finite element mesh was created in an automated version. Careful selection of the boundary conditions leads to the accuracy of determining the results of the flow parameters. Based on carefully processed results, the blade optimization was carried out.
Keywords: curvature; profiling; back curve; ideal gas; numerical simulation; turbulent flow; solid model.
Based on the equations obtained from the solution of the differential equation of curvature-inverse problem, processed in Mathcad, curves of flat contours, a geometric model of the blade airfoil profile was created in three sections - root, middle and peripheral. The distribution of velocities along the back and trough of the profile is presented. A 3D model of a blade based on a section and guide lines was built in SolidWorks and exported in the parasolid format to the ANSYS AIM 17.2 software package. For engineering analysis, the boundary conditions were determined - the type of working substance, the absolute temperature, the inlet velocity of the molasses, the static pressure at the outlet, etc. For the interblade channel, a hexagonal (structured) finite element mesh was created in an automated version. Careful selection of the boundary conditions leads to the accuracy of determining the results of the flow parameters. Based on carefully processed results, the blade optimization was carried out.
Keywords: curvature; profiling; back curve; ideal gas; numerical simulation; turbulent flow; solid model.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100690
S. A. Bogatenkov1, N. S. Sazonova1, N. D. Yusubov2, H. M. Abbasova2, B. B. Badalova2, R. I. Bazhenov3
To ensure the effectiveness of professional activities in the face of increasing requirements for the scope of design work and production preparation time, computer-aided design of technological processes (CAD of TP) systems are used. However, there is a problem of safe implementation of CAD of TP. The aim of the study is to develop a decision-making methodology for adapting CAD of TP to the conditions of oil machine building enterprises and to the work of personnel based on a systematic approach to threat analysis. The methodology includes methods for choosing CAD of TP, using text and graphic prompts when entering information, as well as applying methods for unifying various CAD systems and adapting them to enterprise conditions at the database level. The results of the study are implemented in CAD for operations performed on multi-spindle horizontal automatic lathes and are used at South Ural State University and Azerbaijan Technical University.
Keywords: technological process, computer-aided design, decision making, design methods, ways of adaptation, oil machine building.
To ensure the effectiveness of professional activities in the face of increasing requirements for the scope of design work and production preparation time, computer-aided design of technological processes (CAD of TP) systems are used. However, there is a problem of safe implementation of CAD of TP. The aim of the study is to develop a decision-making methodology for adapting CAD of TP to the conditions of oil machine building enterprises and to the work of personnel based on a systematic approach to threat analysis. The methodology includes methods for choosing CAD of TP, using text and graphic prompts when entering information, as well as applying methods for unifying various CAD systems and adapting them to enterprise conditions at the database level. The results of the study are implemented in CAD for operations performed on multi-spindle horizontal automatic lathes and are used at South Ural State University and Azerbaijan Technical University.
Keywords: technological process, computer-aided design, decision making, design methods, ways of adaptation, oil machine building.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100691
G. G. Yagafarova, A. Kh. Safarov, I. G. Migranova, L. R. Akchurina, D. I. Mikulik
Research on resistance of oil-oxidizing microorganisms to the action of ionizing radiation
The article presents the results of a study of the resistance of certain types of soil microorganisms to the combined effects of chemical and radiation pollution. In particular, data on the resistance to gamma radiation of a consortium of indigenous oil-oxidizing microorganisms isolated from oil-contaminated soil are presented. The studies were carried out according to two changing parameters: the distance from the radiation source, as well as the exposure time. Additionally, researches were conducted to study the effect of radiation on the enzymatic activity of the test media. During the work, it was found that ionizing radiation has a depressing effect on the enzymatic activity of soils. At the same time, studies allowed us to conclude, that certain types of soil microorganisms, that are part of the microbiocenosis of oil-contaminated soils (in particular Rhodococcus erythropolis, Pseudomonas putida and micromycete Aspergillus species) are resistant to gamma radiation at an irradiation dose of up to 1.55 mSv/h and an exposure time of up to 60 minutes.
Keywords: radiation; oil-ontaminated soils; native oiloxidizing microorganisms; resistance; enzymatic activity.
The article presents the results of a study of the resistance of certain types of soil microorganisms to the combined effects of chemical and radiation pollution. In particular, data on the resistance to gamma radiation of a consortium of indigenous oil-oxidizing microorganisms isolated from oil-contaminated soil are presented. The studies were carried out according to two changing parameters: the distance from the radiation source, as well as the exposure time. Additionally, researches were conducted to study the effect of radiation on the enzymatic activity of the test media. During the work, it was found that ionizing radiation has a depressing effect on the enzymatic activity of soils. At the same time, studies allowed us to conclude, that certain types of soil microorganisms, that are part of the microbiocenosis of oil-contaminated soils (in particular Rhodococcus erythropolis, Pseudomonas putida and micromycete Aspergillus species) are resistant to gamma radiation at an irradiation dose of up to 1.55 mSv/h and an exposure time of up to 60 minutes.
Keywords: radiation; oil-ontaminated soils; native oiloxidizing microorganisms; resistance; enzymatic activity.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100652
N. A. Yusifbayli1, V. X. Nasibov2
Some problems of energy security in the context of widespread use of RES
The potential use of renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan in the context of feasibility is reviewed in this paper. It is shown that in connection with the environmental problems associated with fuel combustion, as well as in connection with the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, it is advisable to use environmentally friendly and inexhaustible types of renewable energy sources.
Keywords: renewable energy sources; installed capacity; solar energy; wind energy; power plant; power generation.
The potential use of renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan in the context of feasibility is reviewed in this paper. It is shown that in connection with the environmental problems associated with fuel combustion, as well as in connection with the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, it is advisable to use environmentally friendly and inexhaustible types of renewable energy sources.
Keywords: renewable energy sources; installed capacity; solar energy; wind energy; power plant; power generation.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100701
G. M. Talybov, N. Y. Akhmedova, F. V. Yusubov
The condensation reaction of chloromethylbenzyl ether with chloro(bromo)-substituted benzaldehydes in the presence of sodium hydroxide under the conditions of interphase catalysis (catalyst – TEBAC) has been studied. The synthesis method for 2-benzyloxy-3-aryloxiranes has been developed. The synthesis of oxiranes takes place stereoselectively with the formation of trans-isomers. The obtained compounds have been studied as antimicrobial additives for lubricating oils and fuels.
Keywords: chloro(bromo)-substituted benzaldehydes; chloromethylbenzyl ether; trans-isomers; 2,3-disubstituted oxiranes; inretphase catalysis; antimicrobial additives.
The condensation reaction of chloromethylbenzyl ether with chloro(bromo)-substituted benzaldehydes in the presence of sodium hydroxide under the conditions of interphase catalysis (catalyst – TEBAC) has been studied. The synthesis method for 2-benzyloxy-3-aryloxiranes has been developed. The synthesis of oxiranes takes place stereoselectively with the formation of trans-isomers. The obtained compounds have been studied as antimicrobial additives for lubricating oils and fuels.
Keywords: chloro(bromo)-substituted benzaldehydes; chloromethylbenzyl ether; trans-isomers; 2,3-disubstituted oxiranes; inretphase catalysis; antimicrobial additives.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100688
H. S. Aliyev, H. V.Fattayev
Impedance spectroscopy of polymer-ceramic composites
Polymer-ceramic composites from a new class of construction and functional materials of great potential applications in having combined hardness and stiffness of ceramics along with flexibility, elasticity, low density, and higher breakdown strength of polymers and hence are being increasingly harnessed for their specific dielectric, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, piezoelectric, electro-optic, as well as superconducting properties in micro-devices. The charge transport mechanism in polymer-ceramic composites is a longstanding problem. Alternating Current Impedance Spectroscopy (ACIS) is faind to be a valuable experimental tool for the understanding of the phenomenon of the charge transport in micro-and nano composites.
Keywords: polymer composite; impedance spectroscopy; polymer; complex resistance; electric field; relaxation time; phase shift angle.
Polymer-ceramic composites from a new class of construction and functional materials of great potential applications in having combined hardness and stiffness of ceramics along with flexibility, elasticity, low density, and higher breakdown strength of polymers and hence are being increasingly harnessed for their specific dielectric, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, piezoelectric, electro-optic, as well as superconducting properties in micro-devices. The charge transport mechanism in polymer-ceramic composites is a longstanding problem. Alternating Current Impedance Spectroscopy (ACIS) is faind to be a valuable experimental tool for the understanding of the phenomenon of the charge transport in micro-and nano composites.
Keywords: polymer composite; impedance spectroscopy; polymer; complex resistance; electric field; relaxation time; phase shift angle.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI100689
Yu. I. Puzin, P. Yu. Puzin
Influence of ferrocene on the solution polymerization of methyl methacrylate
Kinetic study of the methyl methacrylate solution polymerization in the presence of ferrocene in solvents, differing in polarity (benzene, toluene, ethyl acetate) has been carried out. It is shown that the speed of the process is significantly increased and activation energy of polymerization falls largely in the presence of ferrocene. The influence of the polarity of the medium on the kinetic parameters of the process is traced. The largest increase in speed and drop in activation energy of polymerization observed in the most polar ethyl acetate.
Keywords: methyl methacrylate; ferrocene; solution polymerization; solvent polarity.
Kinetic study of the methyl methacrylate solution polymerization in the presence of ferrocene in solvents, differing in polarity (benzene, toluene, ethyl acetate) has been carried out. It is shown that the speed of the process is significantly increased and activation energy of polymerization falls largely in the presence of ferrocene. The influence of the polarity of the medium on the kinetic parameters of the process is traced. The largest increase in speed and drop in activation energy of polymerization observed in the most polar ethyl acetate.
Keywords: methyl methacrylate; ferrocene; solution polymerization; solvent polarity.
DOI: 10.5510/OGP2022SI200653