SOCAR Proceedings

SOCAR Proceedings

Published by "OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).

SOCAR Proceedings is published from 1930 and is intended for oil and gas industry specialists, post-graduate (students) and scientific workers.

Journal is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS and Russian Scientific Citation Index, and abstracted in EI’s Compendex, Petroleum Abstracts (Tulsa), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts database.

E. H. Ahmadov

SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Investigation of the dependence between the uncertainties of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves of Productive series in the South Caspian Basin with geological and technical criteria

The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the uncertainty of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves of Productive series in the South Caspian Basin and geological-technical criteria. As we know, the accuracy of the assessment of field reserves is directly affected by the degree of study of the calculation parameters. The study of these parameters depends to varying degrees on the geological and physical characteristics of this field. The main purpose of the study was to define the impact of these geological and technical factors on the uncertainty of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves. By classifying the fields according to their geological and physical characteristics, it is possible to analyze the relationship between geological and technical factors and the uncertainty of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves. As in all basins, the uncertainty of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves in the South Caspian Basin (SCB) depends on the degree of study of the calculated parameters of the fields (oil and gas field, effective thickness, porosity, oil and gas saturation, formation pressure, formation temperature, etc.). During the research, great importance was attached to the application of the cluster method. The Euclidean distance of the cluster analysis was used to identify homogeneous groups. Taking into account the general results of the research process, it should be noted that the uncertainty of the volume of Productive series (PS) hydrocarbon reserves in the SCB, in addition to the level of accuracy of calculation parameters, also depends on other geological and technical factors (depth of deposits, depth of sea, complexity of structure, number of tectonic blocks and development objects).

Keywords: field; formation; uncertainty; geological and technical factors; complexity of structure; reserve.

The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the uncertainty of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves of Productive series in the South Caspian Basin and geological-technical criteria. As we know, the accuracy of the assessment of field reserves is directly affected by the degree of study of the calculation parameters. The study of these parameters depends to varying degrees on the geological and physical characteristics of this field. The main purpose of the study was to define the impact of these geological and technical factors on the uncertainty of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves. By classifying the fields according to their geological and physical characteristics, it is possible to analyze the relationship between geological and technical factors and the uncertainty of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves. As in all basins, the uncertainty of the volume of hydrocarbon reserves in the South Caspian Basin (SCB) depends on the degree of study of the calculated parameters of the fields (oil and gas field, effective thickness, porosity, oil and gas saturation, formation pressure, formation temperature, etc.). During the research, great importance was attached to the application of the cluster method. The Euclidean distance of the cluster analysis was used to identify homogeneous groups. Taking into account the general results of the research process, it should be noted that the uncertainty of the volume of Productive series (PS) hydrocarbon reserves in the SCB, in addition to the level of accuracy of calculation parameters, also depends on other geological and technical factors (depth of deposits, depth of sea, complexity of structure, number of tectonic blocks and development objects).

Keywords: field; formation; uncertainty; geological and technical factors; complexity of structure; reserve.


  1. Bagirov, B. A., Salmanov, A. M., Nazarova, S. A. (1999). Porgnozirovanie parametrov mnogoplastovix mestorajdeniy, nerovnomerno kharakterizovannix fakticheskimi dannimi. Materiali konferensii, posvyaschennoy yubileyu akademica Sh.F. Mekhtiyeva.
  2. Salmanov, A. M., Ahamadov, E. H., Rahimov, F. V. (2019). Geological assessment of reservoir factors of the Umid - Babek area. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 8-14.
  3. Bagirov, B. A., Salmanov, A. M., Nazarova, S. A. (2000). Choosing of the oil objects in multihorizonal fields in the South Caspian Basin on the basis geological and mathematical modeling. In: AAPG`s Inaugural Regional International Conference.
  4. Bagirov, E. B. (1999). South Caspian Fields: onshore and offshore reservoir properties. Natural Resurces Research, 4, 209-313.
  5. Lerche, I. (1997). Geological risk and uncertainty in oil exploration. London: Academic Press.
  6. Ahmadov, E. H., Veliyev, R. V. (2019). Methods of minimization of uncertainties and geological risks based on Umid gas condensate field. Georesursy, 1, 92-98.
  7. Rahimov, F. V., Ahmadov, E. H., Khasayev, A. G. (2019). Studying the influence of estimation parameters on oil reserves by taking into account geological risks. In: Third International conference on geology of the Caspian Sea and adjacent areas.
  8. Vishnyakov, V., Suleimanov, B., Salmanov, A., Zeynalov, E. (2019). Primer on enhanced oil recovery. Gulf Professional Publishing.
  9. Suleimanov, B. А. (2022). Theory and practice of enhanced oil recovery. Moscow-Izhevsk: ICS.
  10. Eminov, A. Sh., Suleymanova, V. M., Ibrahimov, F. S. (2022). Analysis of the application of new methods in the adoption of reserves of the Garbi Absheron field. Scientific Petroleum, 2, 19-22.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100827


Т. X. Niyazov1, H. I. Shakarov1, А. I. Khuduzade2, R. N. Suleymanova1, N. А. Hasanova1

1OilGasScientificResearchProject Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2«Azneft» PU, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Identification of structural & tectonic features and prospects of oil and gas potential in the northwestern part of Shimali Absheron uplift

In this thesis, based on geological and geophysical data from zone of uplift in Northwestern part of Shimali Absheron (Northern Absheron), it was considered clarifying the geological structure involved in the Pliocene section, in particular, the Podkirmaky suite (PK). It was established that, several non-anticline (stratigraphic and tectonically screened) traps that are formed in the traced zones of pinching out of the Podkirmaky formation (PK). As a result of the studies, the reservoir properties of the deposits corresponding to Podkirmaky suite (PK) and the Nadkirmaky sandy suite (NKP) (which are characterized by high NetToGross) were studied. A re interpretation of seismic sections (in time and depth) of past and recent years was carried out, together with well data, and a structural map of Podkirmaky suite (PK) was build.

Keywords: uplift zone; seismic exploration; geological structure; productive series (PS); pinch-out zone; non-anticline trap; oil and gas content; seismic section in time and in depth.

In this thesis, based on geological and geophysical data from zone of uplift in Northwestern part of Shimali Absheron (Northern Absheron), it was considered clarifying the geological structure involved in the Pliocene section, in particular, the Podkirmaky suite (PK). It was established that, several non-anticline (stratigraphic and tectonically screened) traps that are formed in the traced zones of pinching out of the Podkirmaky formation (PK). As a result of the studies, the reservoir properties of the deposits corresponding to Podkirmaky suite (PK) and the Nadkirmaky sandy suite (NKP) (which are characterized by high NetToGross) were studied. A re interpretation of seismic sections (in time and depth) of past and recent years was carried out, together with well data, and a structural map of Podkirmaky suite (PK) was build.

Keywords: uplift zone; seismic exploration; geological structure; productive series (PS); pinch-out zone; non-anticline trap; oil and gas content; seismic section in time and in depth.


  1. Aliyeva, E.H., Niyazov, T.Kh. (2020). Facies analysis of the Neogene sediments and nonstructural traps prediction in the south-eastern part of the North Absheron uplift zone by seismic and well data. Report.  Baku: OilGasScientificResearchProject Institute, SOCAR.
  2. Khuduzadeh, A. I. (2016). Formation and oil-gas content of thrust type structures in north-west part of Absheron archipelago. Azerbaijan Oil Industry, 4, 13-18.
  3. Maharramov, B. I., Abbasov, G. A., Abbasov, A. G. (2018). Oil-gas prospectivity and geological structure of North Absheron tectonic zone. Geophysics News in Azerbaijan, 1,  9-15.
  4. Mamedov, P. Z., Ragimkhanov, F. G. (1985). Izucheniya poverkhnosti nesoglasiya v nizakh srednego pliotsena severo-zapadnoy chasti Absheronskogo poroga po rezul'tatam seysmostratigraficheskikh issledovaniy. Neft i Gaz, 7, 14-20.
  5. Narimanov, A. A., Khuduzade, A. I. (2010). Formirovaniye neftegazovykh skopleniy severo-zapadnoy chasti Absheronskogo arkhipelaga yuzhnogo Kaspiya. Geolog Ukrainy, 3, 45-48.
  6. Shakarov, H. I., Rasulova, M. M., Allahverdiyev, E. G., Hasanova, L. F. (2022). Specifying of the geological structure of Bulla-deniz area  with two-dimensional seismic exploration works. Scientific Petroleum, 2, 14-18.
  7. Shakarov, H. I., Qasanova, L. F., Rasulova, M. М. (2022). Study of the geological structure and prediction of the oil and gas potential of the Zardab-Shikhbagi field. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 31-35.
  8. Shakarov, H. I., Isgandarov, M. M., Abuzarova, A. H., et al. Peculiarities of change in the main formation parameters of the KS and PK suite deposits at the Pirallakhi Adasy field. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 15-22.
  9. Suleymanov, A. M. (2017). Oil potential prospects of northwestern part of Absheron archipelago. Azerbaijan Oil Industry, 12, 3-12.
  10. Mekhtiyev, P. G., Omarov, A. K. (2004). Oil-gas reserves in Miocene-Paleofene and Mesozoic deposits in Absherov archipelago. Azerbaijan Oil Industry, 5, 1-8.
  11. Yusubov, N.H., Guliyev, G.A., Borovikova, A.Yu., Akhmedov, R.L. (2013). Deep structure of the sedimentary cover of the North-Absheron uplift zone and its oil-gas prospects  by seismic data. Azerbaijan Oil Industry, 10, 9-13.
  12. Suleymanov, A., Rustamov, R., Akhundov, SH. (2014). Otsenka neftegazovykh perspektiv severo-zapadnoy chasti Absheronskogo arkhipelaga. Otchet. Baku: Fond NIPI «Neftegaz» SOCAR.
  13. Khalilov, N. Yu., Kerimov, A. A., Khidirova, R. A. (2000). Oil-gas bearing capacity of structures of the south-castern zone of North-Absheron uplift one. Azerbaijan Oil Industry, 3, 1-7.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100828


N. A. Pronin

Atyrau branch of KMG Engineering, Atyrau city, Kazakhstan

Determination of the conditions of sedimentation of the Jurassic deposits of the Karaton field based on a comparison of electrofacies and sedimentological description of the core

This paper presents the results of lithofacies analysis of log curves and sedimentological description of the core material of wells from the Karaton field to determine the environmental condition and determine the similarity of the behavior of log curves. The field is located in the Karaton-Tengiz zone of uplifts, which are characterized by a rather complicated environmental conditions. Based on typical models of facies groups and a description of the core material of the Jurassic deposits, it was possible to identify zones of development of sandy deposits and determine the main environmental condition.

Keywords: lithology; sedimentology; facies; electrofacies; generic model; depositional environment.

This paper presents the results of lithofacies analysis of log curves and sedimentological description of the core material of wells from the Karaton field to determine the environmental condition and determine the similarity of the behavior of log curves. The field is located in the Karaton-Tengiz zone of uplifts, which are characterized by a rather complicated environmental conditions. Based on typical models of facies groups and a description of the core material of the Jurassic deposits, it was possible to identify zones of development of sandy deposits and determine the main environmental condition.

Keywords: lithology; sedimentology; facies; electrofacies; generic model; depositional environment.


  1. Sarsenbekov, N. D., Yakupova, E. N., Kairbekov, S. B., Seythaziev, E. Sh. (2018). The role of reservoir geochemistry of oil in improving the rationality of the system for developing multilayer deposits of oil and gas-oil fields. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 65-74.
  2. Khibasov, B. B., Shilanov, N. S. (2011). Capacitance-filtration properties of complex reservoirs of the Triassic complex according to exploration well No. 12 of the Pridorozhnoye field. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 6-9.
  3. Pronin, N. A. (2018). Analysis of the state and further directions of lithological research in LLP Research Institute «Kaspimunaigas». Expanding the hydrocarbon base in Kazakhstan. In: 2nd International Forum on Oil and Gas Exploration «Kazakhstan Geology Forum: Oil&Gas 2018». Almaty.
  4. Seitkhaziev, E. Sh. (2020). Integrated geochemical study of sludge and core samples from post-salt deposits of the southern part of the Caspian depression and the «oil-oil source rock» correlation. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 30-49.
  5. Seythaziev, E. Sh. (2021). Geochemical studies of gases from oil and gas fields in the southern part of the Caspian depression and their correlation with the results of oil geochemistry. SOCAR Proceedings, 4, 43-52.
  6. Pronin, N. A., Tasemenov, E. T., Sisengalieva, A. S. (2020). Comparison of the results of electrofacies analysis of Jurassic horizon deposits at the deposits of the eastern part of the Caspian syneclise. Collection of works «Engineering solutions in the field of oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan». Issue 6. Aktau: NIPIneftegaz JSC.
  7. Binstock, M. M. (1978). The geological structure of the Neocomian of the Middle Ob region in connection with the search for lithological deposits of oil. PhD Thesis. Tyumen: TII.
  8. Muromtsev, V. S. (1984). Electrometric geology of sand bodies - lithological traps of oil and gas. Leningrad: Nedra.
  9. (1968). Atlas of paleogeographic maps of the USSR. Vol. III. Moscow: All-Union Aerological Trust of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR.
  10. Nichols, G. (2009). sedimentology and stratigraphy. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
  11. Pronin, N. A., Mukhametrakhimov, Sh. K., Sisengalieva, A. S. (2019). Identification of zones of development of sandy deposits of the Mesozoic on the example of the deposit S. Nurzhanov. In: International Scientific Practical Conference «State and prospects for the exploitation of mature fields». Vol. 1. Aktau.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100861


E. M. Suleymanov, S. H. Novruzova, I. N. Aliyev, Y. Y. Şmonçeva

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Enhancing of spacer fluids compositions for well cementing

Currently, almost all researchers believe that turbulent flow is the most preferred displacement mode. However, when it comes to cementing, where practical limitations prevent obtaining turbulent flow, opinions begin to differ. In general, either «very slow» flow or «very fast» flow is recommended for all wells in the annulus. There are mainly two types of buffer liquids used – «wash» and «space». The first buffer liquid is «wash», which washes away and removes the remnants of drilling fluid, clay cake, etc., and the second is «space», a thicker system, entering the cavities, cleans them and also pulls out all the remnants of the first buffer liquid to the surface. The first buffer fluid is «wash», basically a thinner, of the drilling fluid, which may contain surfactants - surfactants or liquid-restraining agents, the preferred mode of motion is turbulent. The second buffer liquid – «space», can mainly contain polymeric materials, weighting agents, the preferred mode of movement is laminar (cork). The choice of these fluids is determined by their chemical compatibility with drilling and cement slurries, their effectiveness in removing the drilling fluid. Very important postulates adopted by almost all leading oil firms are given. A new and very affordable composition of the buffer liquid of the following composition has been proposed: «wash» - FLS - 4%, diesel fuel - 2%, the rest is water - 9%; «space» - carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) - 0.5%, bentonite solution with a density of 1030 kg/m3 - 99.5%. If necessary, these buffer fluids can be weighted, for example, with barite, to an average density between the densities of drilling and cement slurries in a given well..

Keywords: buffer fluid; drilling fluid; cement mortar;turbulent flow; mode of motion; mud cake; centralizer; casing string.

Currently, almost all researchers believe that turbulent flow is the most preferred displacement mode. However, when it comes to cementing, where practical limitations prevent obtaining turbulent flow, opinions begin to differ. In general, either «very slow» flow or «very fast» flow is recommended for all wells in the annulus. There are mainly two types of buffer liquids used – «wash» and «space». The first buffer liquid is «wash», which washes away and removes the remnants of drilling fluid, clay cake, etc., and the second is «space», a thicker system, entering the cavities, cleans them and also pulls out all the remnants of the first buffer liquid to the surface. The first buffer fluid is «wash», basically a thinner, of the drilling fluid, which may contain surfactants - surfactants or liquid-restraining agents, the preferred mode of motion is turbulent. The second buffer liquid – «space», can mainly contain polymeric materials, weighting agents, the preferred mode of movement is laminar (cork). The choice of these fluids is determined by their chemical compatibility with drilling and cement slurries, their effectiveness in removing the drilling fluid. Very important postulates adopted by almost all leading oil firms are given. A new and very affordable composition of the buffer liquid of the following composition has been proposed: «wash» - FLS - 4%, diesel fuel - 2%, the rest is water - 9%; «space» - carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) - 0.5%, bentonite solution with a density of 1030 kg/m3 - 99.5%. If necessary, these buffer fluids can be weighted, for example, with barite, to an average density between the densities of drilling and cement slurries in a given well..

Keywords: buffer fluid; drilling fluid; cement mortar;turbulent flow; mode of motion; mud cake; centralizer; casing string.


  1. (1997). Schlumberger dowell cementing technology. USA: Schlumberger Dowell.
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  3. Sutton, D., Safins, F., Faul, R. (1984). Annualar gas-flow theory and prevention methods deserifed. Oil and Gas Journal, 10, 84-92.
  4. Steawart, R., Schouten, F. (1988). Gas invasion and migration in cemented annuli: causes and cures. SPE-14779-PA. SPE Drilling Engineering, 3(01), 77-82.
  5. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Shovgenov, A. D. (2022). Well cementing: fundamentals and practices. Moscow-Izhevsk: ICS.
  6. (1983). Specification 10V. Specification for casing centralizers. Dallas, Texas, USA: API.
  7. (1995). Schlumberger wireline and testing catalog. USA: Houston, Texas.
  8. (1991). Schlumberger dowell cementing handbook. Schlumberger Oilfield Services. USA: Schlumberger Drive.
  9. (1999). Gas miqration control technology. USA: Schlumberger Dowell.
  10. Halliburton cementing tables. Halliburton services. Duncan, OK 73536, USA, 1995, p.5-15, p.40-55, p.68-73.
  11. Khuzina, L. B., Shaykhutdinov, A. F., Kazimov, E. A. (2023). To the question of the study of a vibration device to eliminate seizures during the construction of oil and gas wells. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 33-43.
  12. Veliyev, F. F. (2022). Regulation of specific properties of drilling fluids with newly synthesized polymer additives. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 42-45.
  13. Myslyuk, М. А. (2023). On the assessment of the carrying capacity of drilling fluids. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 26-34.
  14. Isayev, R. A. (2023). Analysis of the distributions of petrophysical characteristics of sections and their relationships with loss during drilling wells in old fields with anomalously low formation pressures. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 35-42.
  15. Suleimanov, B. A. (1995). Filtration of disperse systems in a nonhomogeneous porous medium. Colloid Journal, 57(5), 704-707.
  16. Panakhov, G. M., Suleimanov, B. A. (1995). Specific features of the flow of suspensions and oil disperse systems. Colloid Journal, 57(3), 359-363.
  17. Suleimanov, B. A, Veliyev, E. F., Dyshin, O. A. (2015). Effect of nanoparticles on the compressive strength of polymer gels used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Petroleum Science and Technology, 33(10), 1133 – 1140.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100860


Р. S. Ibrahimov

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Study of gas and liquid separation in a closed drilling well with self-propelled drilling rigs

The article deals with the gas release in the process of drilling wells from jack-up drilling rigs. The article attempts to analyze the nature of the change in pressure at the blowout of the preventer after its closure due to gas releases on jack-up drilling rigs. Numerous observations in drilling rigs have shown that the pressure value increases rapidly to a maximum, then gradually decreases and stabilizes at a certain value. There are cases when the value of pressure increases rapidly. Then, without decreasing, it stabilizes. It is proposed that the phenomenon of gas segregation in a well, leading to an increase in pressure, has theoretical and practical significance. In addition, in a real well, a change in bottom hole pressure can occur under various conditions, if the rate of pressure growth due to gas segregation in the riser pipes is greater than the pressure rate due to the work of the formation, while part of the fluid from the well must be squeezed out into the formation.

Keywords: well drilling; gas release; complications; open fountain; drilling fluid; preventer; gas segregation; oil and gas.

The article deals with the gas release in the process of drilling wells from jack-up drilling rigs. The article attempts to analyze the nature of the change in pressure at the blowout of the preventer after its closure due to gas releases on jack-up drilling rigs. Numerous observations in drilling rigs have shown that the pressure value increases rapidly to a maximum, then gradually decreases and stabilizes at a certain value. There are cases when the value of pressure increases rapidly. Then, without decreasing, it stabilizes. It is proposed that the phenomenon of gas segregation in a well, leading to an increase in pressure, has theoretical and practical significance. In addition, in a real well, a change in bottom hole pressure can occur under various conditions, if the rate of pressure growth due to gas segregation in the riser pipes is greater than the pressure rate due to the work of the formation, while part of the fluid from the well must be squeezed out into the formation.

Keywords: well drilling; gas release; complications; open fountain; drilling fluid; preventer; gas segregation; oil and gas.


  1. Safarov, Y. I. (2000). Increase of drilling efficiency of oil and gas wells in complicated conditions. Baku: SADA.
  2. Loginova, M. E., Konesev, G. V., Teptereva, G. A., et al. (2022). Justification of the formulation of modified drilling mud for the construction of the transport part of wells with a horizontal termination in the fields of the north of Western Siberia. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 21-27.
  3. Suleymanov, E. M., Novruzova, S. H., Aliev, I. N., Gadashova, E. V. (2022). Evaluation of the influence of reservoir fluid on the occurrence of sticking of drill strings and casing strings under the influence of differential pressure. SOCAR Proceedings, 4, 17-20.
  4. Khuzina, L. B., Shaykhutdinov, A. F., Kazimov, E. A. (2023). To the question of the study of a vibration device to eliminate seizures during the construction of oil and gas wells. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 33-43.
  5. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Shovgenov A. D. (2022). Well cementing: fundamentals and practices. Moscow-Izhevsk: ICS.
  6. Chabaev, L. U. (2009). Methods of liquidation of open gas blowouts and fires at well construction and operation. Oil and Gas Studies, 1, 92-97.
  7. Chabaev, L. U. (2008). Fundamentals of strategy and tactics for the elimination of open gas fountains. Fire Safety, 4, 83-85.
  8. Zozulya, G. P., Kustyshev A. V. (2002). Obespecheniye pozharobezopasnosti likvidatsiyey avariynogo fontanirovaniya gazovykh skvazhin. Materialy konferentsii «Povysheniye effektivnosti raboty razvedyvatel'nogo kompleksa Yamala primeneniya effektivnykh tekhnologiy i s obnaruzheniyem obnaruzheniya servisov». Tyumen: Vektor Buk.
  9. Chabayev, L. U., Kustyshev, A. V., Zozulya, G. P., Geykhman, M. G. (2007). Preduprezhdeniye gazoproyavleniy i otkrytykh fontanov pri remonte skvazhin v ekstremal'nykh usloviyakh Kraynego Severa. Moskva: IRTS Gazprom.
  10. Zhuravlev, V. V., Gul'tsev, V. Ye., Lakhno, Ye. YU. i dr. (2008). Rezul'taty rabot po likvidatsii otkrytykh gazovykh fontanov. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Instituta nefti i gaza materialov mezhregional'noy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem, posvyashchennyy 45-letiyu Tyumenskogo industrial'nogo instituta «Podgotovka kadrov i sovremennyye tekhnologii dlya TEK Zapadnoy Sibiri». Tyumen: «Tyumenskiy GNGU».
  11. Bulatov, A. I., Ryabchenko, V. I., Sibirko, I. A., Sidorov, N. A. (2007). Gazoproyavleniya v skvazhinakh i bor'ba s nimi. Moskva: Nedra.
  12. Aliyev, Z. S., Bondarenko, V. V. (2006). Tekhnologiya primeneniya gorizontal'nykh skvazhin. Moskva: RGU nefti i gaza im. I. M. Gubkina.
  13. Bakeyev, R. A., Chabayev, L. U., Sizov, O. V., Lakhno, Ye. YU. (2004). Predotvrashcheniye gazoproyavleniy i otkrytykh fontanov pri remonte gazovykh skvazhin na mestorozhdeniyakh Severa. Sbornik trudov Instituta nefti i gaza «Neftegazovoye napravleniye». Tyumen: «Vektor Buk».
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100867


A. A. Abbasov1, E. M. Abbasov2, Sh. Z. Ismayilov3, A. A. Suleymanov3

1SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan; 3Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Estimation of the waterflooding process efficiency based on a capacitive-resistive model with a nonlinear productivity index

A modified Capacitance-Resistance Model (CRM), with Forchheimer two terms law non-linear Productivity Indexes (PI), has been suggested to evaluate efficiency of waterflooding in heterogeneous reservoirs. The model represents the intra-formation processes in heterogeneous reservoirs more accurately, thus it can be used for production forecasting and waterflood monitoring. CRM model is based on continuity equation between production and injection, and has several additional advantages. The technique does not require sophisticated geological and hydrodynamics numerical simulation modeling, which would require expensive computing time and based on actual hydrodynamic data. The model adequately describes depletion process and can be used for production forecasting and waterflooding mechanism. Capacitance-resistance model with non-linear productivity index has been tested against numerical model as well as actual production data. Additionally, non-linear productivity index based CRM model was compared against the CRM model with linear productivity index function.

Keywords: production, modeling, waterflooding efficiency, capacitance-resistance model, non-linear productivity index, Forchheimer two terms law.

A modified Capacitance-Resistance Model (CRM), with Forchheimer two terms law non-linear Productivity Indexes (PI), has been suggested to evaluate efficiency of waterflooding in heterogeneous reservoirs. The model represents the intra-formation processes in heterogeneous reservoirs more accurately, thus it can be used for production forecasting and waterflood monitoring. CRM model is based on continuity equation between production and injection, and has several additional advantages. The technique does not require sophisticated geological and hydrodynamics numerical simulation modeling, which would require expensive computing time and based on actual hydrodynamic data. The model adequately describes depletion process and can be used for production forecasting and waterflooding mechanism. Capacitance-resistance model with non-linear productivity index has been tested against numerical model as well as actual production data. Additionally, non-linear productivity index based CRM model was compared against the CRM model with linear productivity index function.

Keywords: production, modeling, waterflooding efficiency, capacitance-resistance model, non-linear productivity index, Forchheimer two terms law.


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  28. Laochamroonvorapongse, R. (2013). Advances in the development and application of a capacitance-resistance model. PhD Thesis. Austin, Texas: University of Texas.
  29. Suleymanov, A. A., Abbasov, A. A., Guseynova, D. F., Babayev, J. I. (2016). Oil reservoir waterflooding efficiency evaluation method. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34(16), 1447-1451.
  30. Aulisa, E., Ibragimov, A., Walton, J. R. (2009). A new method for evaluating the productivity index of nonlinear flows. SPE Journal, 12, 693-706.
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  32. Li, D., Engler, T. W. (2001, May). Literature review on correlations of the non-Darcy coefficient. SPE-70015-MS. In: SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  33. Karger, M., Trofimov, D., Eminov, A., et al. (2014, October). A methodology for early detection of semi-permeable filtration barriers. SPE-171199-MS. In: SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  34. Weber, D. B. (2009). The use of capacitance-resistance models to optimize injection allocation and well location in water floods. PhD Thesis. Austin, Texas: University of Texas at Austin.
  35. Abbasov, A. A., Abbasov, E. M., Ismayilov, Sh. Z., Suleymanov, A. A. (2021). Waterflooding efficiency estimation using capacitance-resistance model with non-linear productivity index. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 45-53.
  36. Batchelor, G. (2000). An introduction to fluid dynamics. Cambridge Mathematical Library, Cambridge University Press.
  37. Navidi, W. C. (2011). Statistics for engineers and scientists. NY: McGraw-Hill.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100820


B. A. Suleimanov, N. I. Huseynova

«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijann

Visualization of reservoir fluid filtration characteristics distribution, as a method of oil field development management

For monitoring of the zonal impact on the productive strata of oil fields in order to increase oil recovery, it is proposed to use a cartographic method for presenting the distribution of hydrodynamic indicators with the subsequent calculation of the corresponding information indicators. The cartographic method makes it possible to visualize the distribution of indicators characterizing the filtration of formation fluid in a productive formation at a certain time point. The algorithm for calculating information indicators used to conduct a comparative analysis of the hydrodynamic indicators distribution in the impact area for a certain time period allows diagnosing the evolution of the distribution of hydrodynamic indicators both at the all horizon of oilfield and for its individual zones before and after the planned impact. The proposed method, based on the relationship between the productivity of wells operated under interference, and the current geological and hydrodynamic of the reservoir state, can be recommended for assessing the effectiveness of the impact on the productive layers of oil fields. The implementation of the proposed method is shown on the example of the development data of the «Neft Dashları» and «Pirallahı» fields (Azerbaijan). The analysis of the obtained results showed that the impact on the formation, taking into account the assessment of the distribution of hydrodynamic and information indicators, contributes to the choice of a rational mode of stimulation on the prodactive strata.

Keywords: reservoir; enhanced oil recovery; zonal impact; well productivity; diagnostics; filtration; monitoring; streamlines.

For monitoring of the zonal impact on the productive strata of oil fields in order to increase oil recovery, it is proposed to use a cartographic method for presenting the distribution of hydrodynamic indicators with the subsequent calculation of the corresponding information indicators. The cartographic method makes it possible to visualize the distribution of indicators characterizing the filtration of formation fluid in a productive formation at a certain time point. The algorithm for calculating information indicators used to conduct a comparative analysis of the hydrodynamic indicators distribution in the impact area for a certain time period allows diagnosing the evolution of the distribution of hydrodynamic indicators both at the all horizon of oilfield and for its individual zones before and after the planned impact. The proposed method, based on the relationship between the productivity of wells operated under interference, and the current geological and hydrodynamic of the reservoir state, can be recommended for assessing the effectiveness of the impact on the productive layers of oil fields. The implementation of the proposed method is shown on the example of the development data of the «Neft Dashları» and «Pirallahı» fields (Azerbaijan). The analysis of the obtained results showed that the impact on the formation, taking into account the assessment of the distribution of hydrodynamic and information indicators, contributes to the choice of a rational mode of stimulation on the prodactive strata.

Keywords: reservoir; enhanced oil recovery; zonal impact; well productivity; diagnostics; filtration; monitoring; streamlines.


  1. Suleimanov, B. A., Lyatifov, Y. A., Ibrahimov, Kh. M., Guseynova, N. I. (2017). Field testing results of enhanced oil recovery technologies using thermoactive polymer compositions. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 17-31.
  2. Suleimanov, B. A., Guseynova, N. I., Veliyev, E. F. (2017, October). Control of displacement front uniformity by fractal dimensions. SPE-187784-MS. In: SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  3. Suleimanov, B. A., Guseynova, N. I. (2019). Analyzing the state of oil field development based on the Fisher and Shannon information measures. Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 5, 118–135.
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  5. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismailov, F. S., Dyshin, O. A., Guseynova, N. I. (2012). Analysis of oil deposit exploration state on the base of multifractal approach. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 20-28.
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  17. Ibrahimov, K. M., Huseynova, N. I., Abdullaveva, F. Y. (2017). Experience of microbial enhanced oil recovery methods at Azerbaijan fields. Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(18), 1822-183.
  18. Suleimanov, B. A., Huseynova, N. I., Rzayeva, S. C., Tulesheva, G. D. (2018). Experience of acidizing injection wells for enhanced oil recovery at the Zhetybai field (Kazakhstan). SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 59-65.
  19. Ibrahimov, K. M., Huseynova, N. I., Hajiev, A. A. (2020). Diagnostics of the productive horizons current filtration state in the selected area at the «Neft Dashlary» field (Azerbaijan). In: COIA-2020 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications. Vol.2.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100821


M. М. Irani, V. P. Telkov

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia

Research and simulation study of different technological processes of miscible CO2 water alternating gas injection

One of the most commonly used methods for EOR in recent years is the water-alternating-gas (WAG) method, WAG injection is an oil recovery method aiming to improve displacement ratio, sweep efficiency and adjust the alignment of displacement in different layers to improve oil recovery and pressure maintenance. The main mechanism of it is 1) bettering the mobility control, 2) improvement of sweep efficiency (comparing to gas methods) and 3) the displacement efficiency (comparing to waterflooding). Many studies have been done in the past, but due to the increasing hard-to-recover field and facing difficulties during the production, the traditional WAG is facing problems that need to be coupled with. Implementation of new combinational methods and changes in the injection process to meet the needs have been developed during the last two decades. In this study, a simulation investigation has been done to compare proposed changes in the injection process to find the optimal injection scheme for the high heterogeneity - low permeability field. After analyzing the output of the simulation, the results show that each of the technologies has its advantages and disadvantages, and need to be applied according to the field constraints and requirement.

Keywords: water alternating gas (WAG); enhanced oil recovery; reservoir simulation; injection scheme; heterogeneity; permeability.

One of the most commonly used methods for EOR in recent years is the water-alternating-gas (WAG) method, WAG injection is an oil recovery method aiming to improve displacement ratio, sweep efficiency and adjust the alignment of displacement in different layers to improve oil recovery and pressure maintenance. The main mechanism of it is 1) bettering the mobility control, 2) improvement of sweep efficiency (comparing to gas methods) and 3) the displacement efficiency (comparing to waterflooding). Many studies have been done in the past, but due to the increasing hard-to-recover field and facing difficulties during the production, the traditional WAG is facing problems that need to be coupled with. Implementation of new combinational methods and changes in the injection process to meet the needs have been developed during the last two decades. In this study, a simulation investigation has been done to compare proposed changes in the injection process to find the optimal injection scheme for the high heterogeneity - low permeability field. After analyzing the output of the simulation, the results show that each of the technologies has its advantages and disadvantages, and need to be applied according to the field constraints and requirement.

Keywords: water alternating gas (WAG); enhanced oil recovery; reservoir simulation; injection scheme; heterogeneity; permeability.


  1. Vishnyakov, V. V., Suleimanov, B. A., Salmanov, A. V., Zeynalov, E. B. (2019). Primer on enhanced oil recovery. Gulf Professional Publishing.
  2. Suleimanov, B. A. (2022). Theory and practice of enhanced oil recovery. Moscow-Izhevsk, ICS.
  3. Irani, M. M., Telkov, V. P. (2021) Study of modern options for using combinations of gasflooding and traditional waterflooding (water-gas influence and its alternative). SOCAR Proceedings, SI2, 248-256.
  4. Afzali, S., Rezaei, N., Zendehboudi, S. (2018). A comprehensive review on enhanced oil recovery by water alternating gas (WAG) injection. Fuel, 227, 218-246.
  5. Darvishnezhad, M. J., Jannatrostami, A., Montazeri, G. H. (2010). Study of various water alternating gas injection methods in 4-and 5-spot injection patterns in an Iranian fractured reservoir. SPE-132847-MS. In: Trinidad and Tobago Energy Resources Conference.  Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  6. Mousavi, S. M. (2011). Investigation of different I-WAG schemes toward optimization of displacement efficiency. SPE-144891-MS. In: SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  7. Liao, Ch., Liao, X., Zhao, X., et al. (2013). Study on enhanced oil recovery technology in low permeability heterogeneous reservoir by water-alternate-gas of CO2 flooding. SPE-165907-MS. In: SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  8. Bagrezaie, M. A. (2014). Screening different water alternating carbon dioxide injection scenarios to achieve to the highest macroscopic sweep efficiency in a non-fractured carbonate reservoir. SPE-172267-MS. In: SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  9. Bagrezaie, M. A. (2014). Study of different water alternating carbon dioxide injection methods in various injection patterns in an iranian non-fractured carbonate reservoir. OTC-24793-MS. In: Offshore Technology Conference Asia. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  10. Han L., Gu, Y. (2014). Optimization of miscible CO2 water-alternating-gas injection in the Bakken formation. Energy and Fuels, 28(11), 6811–6819.
  11. Holtz, M. H. (2016). Immiscible water alternating gas (iwag) eor: Current State of the Art. SPE-179604-MS. In: SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  12. Graham, A. J., Christie, M. A., Al-Haboobi, Z. I. M. (2020). Calibrating the Todd and Longstaff mixing parameter value for miscible finite-sized slug wag injection for application on a field scale. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 23, 479-497.
  13. Telkov, V. P., Lyubimov, N. N. (2012). Determination of oil and gas miscibility conditions in various conditions in case of gas and water-gas influence on the reservoir. Drilling and Oil. «Bureniye i neft», 12, 38-42 .
  14. Zakaria, H., Dong, Ch. (2019). Accurate prediction of CO2 minimum miscibility pressure using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems. SPE-198553-MS. In: SPE Gas & Oil Technology Showcase and Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  15. Alston, R. B., Kokolis, G. P., James, C. F. (1985). CO2 minimum miscibility pressure: SPE-11959-PA. A Correlation for impure CO2 streams and live oil systems. SPE Journal, 25(02), 268–274.
  16. Mohammad, R. S., Zhang, S., Haq, E., et al. (2018). Carbon dioxide minimum miscibility pressure with nanopore confinement in tight oil reservoirs. IOP Conferences Series: Earth Environmental Science, 167, 012030.
  17. Irani, M., Zhou, T. (2022). Study of the effect of the order of working agents injection on the effectiveness of the water-gas influence on the reservoir. Proceedings of 75-th International Youth Scientific Conference. Moscow: «Oil and Gas».
  18. Irani, M. (2022). Study of the method of water-gas influence on the reservoir using carbon dioxide and optimization of parameters in order to increase oil recovery. PhD Thesys. Moscow.
  19. Baibatsha, A. B., Muszyński, A., Shaiyakhmet, T. K., Shakirova, G. S. (2020). 3D modeling for estimation of engineering-geological conditions of operating mineral deposits. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 4(442), 19-27.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100822


B. A. Shilanbayev1, S. V. Ishangaliyev2, Zh. T. Zhetruov2, K. N. Shayakhmet2, M. Koldei1

1JV Kazgermunai LLP, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan; 2LLP KMG Engineering, Astana, Kazakhstan

Development of intelligent system operational maintenance of the level of oil and gas production and waterflooding management

This article discusses the development of an intelligent System for the operational maintenance of the level of oil and gas production as part of the implementation of the Strategy for the development of information technologies for data management and the Program for the development of digitalization of fields of JSC «NC Kazmunaigas». The advantage of the system is multitasking and using almost all the data coming from production facilities in real time. The main task of the system is to manage a group of wells taking into account their mutual influence to maximize oil production and reduce the negative impact of uncoordinated well operation without damaging the rational system of field development. A significant feature of the developed system is the creation of complex algorithms for predicting the main development indicators using artificial neural networks based on a combination of CRM (capacity resistance model), FFNN (neural network with direct communication), MBM (material balance model) and BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm) methods. During the pilot test on 10 wells, the modes were adjusted according to the recommendations issued by the system and the system confirmed its operability and effectiveness of application.

Keywords: virtual flow meter; labor productivity; return distribution; machine learning; rational development system; neural networks.

This article discusses the development of an intelligent System for the operational maintenance of the level of oil and gas production as part of the implementation of the Strategy for the development of information technologies for data management and the Program for the development of digitalization of fields of JSC «NC Kazmunaigas». The advantage of the system is multitasking and using almost all the data coming from production facilities in real time. The main task of the system is to manage a group of wells taking into account their mutual influence to maximize oil production and reduce the negative impact of uncoordinated well operation without damaging the rational system of field development. A significant feature of the developed system is the creation of complex algorithms for predicting the main development indicators using artificial neural networks based on a combination of CRM (capacity resistance model), FFNN (neural network with direct communication), MBM (material balance model) and BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm) methods. During the pilot test on 10 wells, the modes were adjusted according to the recommendations issued by the system and the system confirmed its operability and effectiveness of application.

Keywords: virtual flow meter; labor productivity; return distribution; machine learning; rational development system; neural networks.


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  13. Suleimanov, B. A. (2022). Theory and practice of enhanced oil recovery. Moscow-Izhevsk, ICS. 286 p.
  14. Albertoni, A., Lake, L. W. (2003). Inferring interwell connectivity only from well-rate fluctuations in waterfloods. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 6, 6–16.
  15. Yousef, A. A., Gentil, P. H., Jensen, J. L., Lake, L. W. (2006). A capacitance model to infer interwell connectivity from production and injection rate fluctuations. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 9, 630–646.
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  17. Zhetruov, Zh. T., Sayahmet, K. N., Karsybayev, K. K., et al. (2022). Application of proxy models for oil reservoirs performance prediction. Bulletin of the Oil and Gas Industry of Kazakhstan, 4(2), 48-57.
  18. Ishangaliyev, S. V., Zhetruov, Zh. T., Kayrakbayev, N. B., et al. (2022). Computer program «Intelligent system operational maintenance of the level of oil and gas production and waterflooding management». Copyright of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 31082.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100824


D. A. Mirzoev1,2, O. L. Arkhipova1, M. N. Mansurov1, T. I. Lapteva1, L. A. Kopaeva1

1Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Moscow, Russia; 2National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University», Moscow, Russia

Using the methods of mathematical statistics to select options for offshore deep-sea oil and gas fields for Arctic conditions

The essence of the method of expert assessments lies in the rational organization of the analysis of the problem by experts with the quantitative assessment of judgments and the processing of their results. The offshore deep-sea oil and gas field was chosen as the object of study and a survey of experts was conducted on the options for choosing fields depending on the criteria related to a particular group of indicators, such as: natural and climatic conditions, arrangement, development, and safety of the field. At the next stage of the study, for each of the groups of indicators, an analysis of variance was carried out, designed to find the level of influence of the criteria on the presented fishing options. The criteria were compared with each other and which of them differed from each other were determined. The study showed that the use of statistical analysis methods makes it possible to formalize the procedures for collecting, summarizing and analyzing the opinions of specialists in order to transform them into the most convenient form for making an informed decision.

Keywords: mathematical statistics; expert evaluation; statistical analysis; offshore oil and gas industry; deep-water fields.

The essence of the method of expert assessments lies in the rational organization of the analysis of the problem by experts with the quantitative assessment of judgments and the processing of their results. The offshore deep-sea oil and gas field was chosen as the object of study and a survey of experts was conducted on the options for choosing fields depending on the criteria related to a particular group of indicators, such as: natural and climatic conditions, arrangement, development, and safety of the field. At the next stage of the study, for each of the groups of indicators, an analysis of variance was carried out, designed to find the level of influence of the criteria on the presented fishing options. The criteria were compared with each other and which of them differed from each other were determined. The study showed that the use of statistical analysis methods makes it possible to formalize the procedures for collecting, summarizing and analyzing the opinions of specialists in order to transform them into the most convenient form for making an informed decision.

Keywords: mathematical statistics; expert evaluation; statistical analysis; offshore oil and gas industry; deep-water fields.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100825


R. N. Bakhtizin1, R. Z. Nurgaliev1, I. G. Fattakhov2,3, A. S. Semanov3, A. I. Semanova3

1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Oktyabrsky branch), Russia; 3PJSC «TATNEFT», Almetyevsk, Russia

Designing horizontal wells in carbonate reservoirs using geological and hydrodynamic modeling tools

The paper considers one of the ways to determine the optimal arrangement of production and injection horizontal wells in the Vereisky horizon, which formations are composed of interbedded carbonate and terrigenous rocks. The geological and production analysis of the drilled wells was carried out. Multistage hydraulic fracturing was used to increase the proportion of reserves involved in development. When drilling horizontal wells, using hydraulic fracturing, it is possible not only to increase the drainage zone of the target reservoir, but also to involve the above- and below-lying layers in the development. The performed analysis confirmed the high efficiency of horizontal wells with multistage fracturing. Various variants of arrangement of production and injection horizontal wells were designed and modeled using the geological and hydrodynamic model of one of the object’s sections. Based on the performed analysis and calculations, the most effective schemes of well arrangements were selected.

Keywords: carbonate rocks; horizontal well; forecast; modeling; multistage fracturing; injection; pressure maintenance system.

The paper considers one of the ways to determine the optimal arrangement of production and injection horizontal wells in the Vereisky horizon, which formations are composed of interbedded carbonate and terrigenous rocks. The geological and production analysis of the drilled wells was carried out. Multistage hydraulic fracturing was used to increase the proportion of reserves involved in development. When drilling horizontal wells, using hydraulic fracturing, it is possible not only to increase the drainage zone of the target reservoir, but also to involve the above- and below-lying layers in the development. The performed analysis confirmed the high efficiency of horizontal wells with multistage fracturing. Various variants of arrangement of production and injection horizontal wells were designed and modeled using the geological and hydrodynamic model of one of the object’s sections. Based on the performed analysis and calculations, the most effective schemes of well arrangements were selected.

Keywords: carbonate rocks; horizontal well; forecast; modeling; multistage fracturing; injection; pressure maintenance system.


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  13. Almulla, S., Al-Bader, H., Al-Ibrahim, A., et al. (2020, February). Improving well productivity and sustainability in a horizontal exploratory well by multistage fracturing - a case study. SPE-199332-MS. In: SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  14. Badriya, Al-E., Mishal, Al.-M., Ayham, A., Navia, A. (2017, November). First successful openhole lateral multistage acid frac in a complex unconventional carbonate reservoir North Kuwait. SPE-188170-MS. In: Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  15. Kolesova, S. B., Polozov, M. B., Buyanov, A. V. (2018). The quantitative evaluation of temperature logs in horizontal injection wells with multiple hydraulic fractures. Journal of Geophysics, 2, 30-36.
  16. Kozikhin, R. A., Daminov, A. M., Fattakhov, I. G., et al. (2018). Identifying the efficiency factors on the basis of evaluation of acidizing of carbonate reservoirs. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 194(6), 062013.
  17. Bahtizin, R. N., Nurgaliev, R. Z., Fattakhov, I. G., et al. (2018). On the question of the efficiency analysis of the bottom-hole area stimulation method. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(6), 1035–1044.
  18. Kolesova, S. B., Polozov, M. B. (2019). Using acid fracturing for promotion oil recovery of low-permeable heterogeneous reservoirs of Kashiro-Podolsk sediments. Exposition Oil Gas, 3(70), 54-56.
  19. Fattakhov, I. G., Kuleshova, L. S., Yakubova, D. I. et al. (2018). Evaluation of the water shut-off effectiveness of based on model studies. Materials of the 45th scientific and technical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students. Ufa: UGNTU Publishing House.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100829


M. A. Jamalbayov1, N. A. Valiyev2

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

A new concept of the dynamic systems imitation-modeling: theory and application

A new concept of imitation-modeling of dynamic systems is being developed. The basic idea and terms of the concept, the principles of creating an imitation-modeling of a physical process based on interconnected objects are presented. The proposed concept is applied to modeling the process of developing a volatile oil reservoir operated by a well equipped with a submersible rodless pump in the «pumpwell-reservoir» system. Algorithms have been developed to optimize the pump suspension depth and the duration of the waiting and pumping periods in continuous and periodic modes.

Keywords: integral modeling; computer simulation; imitation-modeling; volatile oil; submersible-pump; pump-well-reservoir system.

A new concept of imitation-modeling of dynamic systems is being developed. The basic idea and terms of the concept, the principles of creating an imitation-modeling of a physical process based on interconnected objects are presented. The proposed concept is applied to modeling the process of developing a volatile oil reservoir operated by a well equipped with a submersible rodless pump in the «pumpwell-reservoir» system. Algorithms have been developed to optimize the pump suspension depth and the duration of the waiting and pumping periods in continuous and periodic modes.

Keywords: integral modeling; computer simulation; imitation-modeling; volatile oil; submersible-pump; pump-well-reservoir system.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100830


A. I. Ermolayev1, S. I. Efimov1, P. V. Pyatibratov1, E. D. Minikhanov1, N. V. Dubinya2, A. M. Leonova2

1Gubkin University, Moscow, Russia; 2Sсhmidt Institute of Physics of The Earth of The Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Estimation of the maximum downhole pressure, excluding the destruction of the bottom-hole zone of the formation, based on geomechanical core studies

The purpose of the work is to generate a methodology to substantiate the limit values of parameters that determine the technological mode of operation for production gas wells. The basis for this is the data of laboratory geomechanical and filtration core studies and the results of mathematical modeling. Determination of filtration-capacitance and strength characteristics of weakly cemented (weakly consolidated) cores of Cenomanian and Turonian ages was carried out under reservoir conditions (in terms of baric parameters). The research was aimed at identifying the limitations, the violation of which leads to the destruction of the reservoir. A modification of the methodology for determining the marginal depression based on laboratory core studies and mathematical modeling using the Coulomb-Mohr destruction criterion is proposed.

Keywords: gas wells; pressure; depression; core; stress; formation; destruction.

The purpose of the work is to generate a methodology to substantiate the limit values of parameters that determine the technological mode of operation for production gas wells. The basis for this is the data of laboratory geomechanical and filtration core studies and the results of mathematical modeling. Determination of filtration-capacitance and strength characteristics of weakly cemented (weakly consolidated) cores of Cenomanian and Turonian ages was carried out under reservoir conditions (in terms of baric parameters). The research was aimed at identifying the limitations, the violation of which leads to the destruction of the reservoir. A modification of the methodology for determining the marginal depression based on laboratory core studies and mathematical modeling using the Coulomb-Mohr destruction criterion is proposed.

Keywords: gas wells; pressure; depression; core; stress; formation; destruction.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100832


A. V. Soromotin, D. A. Martyushev, I. B. Stepanenko

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation

Application of machine learning methods to forecast the rate of horizontal wells

The paper summarizes and provides an overview of the analytical equations of fluid inflow to horizontal wells. Using the actual data, it was found that analytical equations do not allow reliably calculating and predicting the flow rate of horizontal wells and it is necessary to apply new approaches to solve this problem. The paper proposes a fundamentally new approach to forecasting the flow rate of horizontal wells, based on the application and training of machine learning methods. A fully connected neural network of direct propagation was used as a model. When comparing the actual and calculated using a fully connected neural network of direct propagation of horizontal well flow rates, their high convergence with a correlation coefficient of more than 0.8 was established. In further studies, it is planned to expand the sample and parameters included in the model to improve the calculation and forecasting of horizontal wells in various geological and physical conditions of their operation.

Keywords: horizontal well; oil flow rate; linear regression; artificial neural network.

The paper summarizes and provides an overview of the analytical equations of fluid inflow to horizontal wells. Using the actual data, it was found that analytical equations do not allow reliably calculating and predicting the flow rate of horizontal wells and it is necessary to apply new approaches to solve this problem. The paper proposes a fundamentally new approach to forecasting the flow rate of horizontal wells, based on the application and training of machine learning methods. A fully connected neural network of direct propagation was used as a model. When comparing the actual and calculated using a fully connected neural network of direct propagation of horizontal well flow rates, their high convergence with a correlation coefficient of more than 0.8 was established. In further studies, it is planned to expand the sample and parameters included in the model to improve the calculation and forecasting of horizontal wells in various geological and physical conditions of their operation.

Keywords: horizontal well; oil flow rate; linear regression; artificial neural network.


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  12. Martyushev, D. A., Ponomareva, I. N., Zakharov, L. A., Shadrov, T. A. (2021). Application of machine learning for forecasting formation pressure in oil field development. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering, 332(10), 140-149.
  13. Galkin, V. I., Ponomareva, I. N., Martyushev, D. A. (2021). Prediction of reservoir pressure and study of its behavior in the development of oil fields based on the construction of multilevel multidimensional probabilisticstatistical models. Georesursy, 23(3), 73–82.
  14. Ponomareva, I. N., Galkin, V. I., Martyushev, D. A. (2021). Operational method for determining bottom hole pressure in mechanized oil producing wells, based on the application of multivariate regression analysis. Petroleum Research, 6(4), 351-360.
  15. Raji, S., Dehnamaki, A., Somee, B., Mahdiani, M. R. (2022). A new approach in well placement optimization using metaheuristic algorithms. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 215, 110640.
  16. Ramah, S. G., Othman, M. A., Nouh, A. Z., El-Kwidy, T. (2022). Prediction of fold-of-increase in productivity index post limited entry fracturing using artificial neural network. Petroleum Research, 7(2), 236-245.
  17. Zhang, L., Dou, H., Wang, T., et al. (2022). A production prediction method of single well in water flooding oilfield based on integrated temporal convolutional network model. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 49(5), 1150-1160.
  18. Zakharov, L. À., Martyushev, D. À., Ponomareva, I. N. (2022). Predicting dynamic formation pressure using artificial intelligence methods. Journal of Mining Institute, 253, 23-32.
  19. Li, D., Liu, X., Zha, W., et al. (2020). Automatic well test interpretation based on convolutional neural network for a radial composite reservoir. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 47(3), 623-631.
  20. Bahaloo, S., Mehrizadeh, M., Najafi-Marghmaleki, A. (2022). Review of application of artificial intelligence techniques in petroleum operations. Petroleum Research.
  21. Bhattacharyya, S., Vyas, A. (2022). Machine learning based rate decline prediction in unconventional reservoirs. Upstream Oil and Gas Technology, 8, 100064.
  22. Veliyev, E. F., Shirinov, S. V., Mammedbeyli, T. E. (2022). Intelligent oil and gas field based on artificial intelligence technology. SOCAR Proceedings, 4, 70-75.
  23. Bukhtoyarov, V. V., Nekrasov, I. S., Tynchenko, V. S., et al. (2022). Application of machine learning algorithms for refining processes in the framework of intelligent automation. SOCAR Proceedings, SI1, 12-20.
  24. Wang, Z.-Z., Zhang, K., Chen, G.-D., et al. (2023). Evolutionary-assisted reinforcement learning for reservoir realtime production optimization under uncertainty. Petroleum Science, 20(1), 261-276.
  25. Rashid, M., Luo, M., Ashraf, U., et al. (2023). Reservoir quality prediction of gas-bearing carbonate sediments in the Qadirpur field: Insights from advanced machine learning approaches of SOM and cluster analysis. Minerals, 13, 29.
  26. Kang, J., Li, N.-Y., Zhao, L.-Q., et al. (2022). Construction of complex digital rock physics based on full convolution network. Petroleum Science, 19(2), 651-662.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100833


N. I. Нuseynova1, N. M. Safarov1, G. N. Safarova2

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Hydrodynamic simulation of the current state of liquid filtration under water emulsion impact on оil layer

The article, in order to increase the efficiency of field development, it is proposed to apply water-oil emulsion to the formation along with dewatering. In order to evaluate the results of the complex impact on the oil layer, the method based on the mathematical modeling of fluid percolation in the layer by fixing the flow lines was used. By calculating and visualizing the distribution of hydrodynamic indicators of fluid filtration flows in the formation environment, the fast-acting mathematical model allows for a fairly accurate assessment of the current state of the impact process on productive formations. The proposed method for assessing the current state of liquid percolation during the impact of water-oil emulsion on the oil layer with local detailed solution , in the case of uncertainty - when solving the diagnostic problems that arise due to the lack of geophysical and hydrodynamic (physical, mechanical, lithological and other) data of the current indicators characterizing the reservoir system can prevent many difficulties.

Keywords: оil layer flooding; water emulsion inpact; stream lines; displacement front; viscosity of water-oil emulsion; diagnostic; filtration.

The article, in order to increase the efficiency of field development, it is proposed to apply water-oil emulsion to the formation along with dewatering. In order to evaluate the results of the complex impact on the oil layer, the method based on the mathematical modeling of fluid percolation in the layer by fixing the flow lines was used. By calculating and visualizing the distribution of hydrodynamic indicators of fluid filtration flows in the formation environment, the fast-acting mathematical model allows for a fairly accurate assessment of the current state of the impact process on productive formations. The proposed method for assessing the current state of liquid percolation during the impact of water-oil emulsion on the oil layer with local detailed solution , in the case of uncertainty - when solving the diagnostic problems that arise due to the lack of geophysical and hydrodynamic (physical, mechanical, lithological and other) data of the current indicators characterizing the reservoir system can prevent many difficulties.

Keywords: оil layer flooding; water emulsion inpact; stream lines; displacement front; viscosity of water-oil emulsion; diagnostic; filtration.


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  17. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2021). Impact of nanoparticle structure on the effectiveness of Pickering emulsions for EOR applications. ANAS Transactions, 1, 82-92.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100834


E. F. Veliyev1,2, A. A. Aliyev1

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Composite Materials Scientific Research Center, Azerbaijan Sate University of Economics (UNEC), Baku, Azerbaijan

Laboratory evaluation of novel nano composite gel for water shut-off

When extracting oil and gas from underground reservoirs, fluids such as water, CO2, polymer solutions, and surfactant solutions are often injected to displace the hydrocarbon resources. However, the presence of high-permeable layers, channels, and fractures in the reservoirs can hinder the efficiency of the displacement processes. The displacing fluids tend to channel through these high-permeability features, leaving behind significant amounts of hydrocarbon in low-permeability zones, which remain unswept. Recent developments in nanocomposite hydrogels, such as PPGs, have shown promising results for water shutoff due to their thermal stability and deformability. In this study, a preformed particle gel with nano additive (NC-PPG) was developed through free radical polymerization of AM, AMPS, and nanoclay. Nanoclay nanoparticles were found to act as physical cross-linkers in the polymer network, leading to smaller pore sizes and slightly enhanced thermal stability. The addition of an appropriate amount of nanoclay nanoparticles significantly improved the swelling rate and mechanical properties of NC-PPG. The presented composition also showed good salt tolerance, as evidenced by its compatibility with highly saline formation water and the plugging rate and RRF of 0.25% NC-PPG solution, which were 94.3% and 17.6, respectively, in the sand-pack flowing experiment. These results suggest that NC-PPG has the potential to effectively plug the high permeability zones in mature reservoirs, making it a suitable candidate for water shutoff treatment and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) strategies. The ability of NC-PPG to improve sweep efficiency and control water flow in reservoirs can contribute to more efficient oil production and reservoir management practices.

Keywords: enhanced oil recovery; water shut-off; plugging efficiency; preformed particle gel; nanoclay; sweep efficiency.

When extracting oil and gas from underground reservoirs, fluids such as water, CO2, polymer solutions, and surfactant solutions are often injected to displace the hydrocarbon resources. However, the presence of high-permeable layers, channels, and fractures in the reservoirs can hinder the efficiency of the displacement processes. The displacing fluids tend to channel through these high-permeability features, leaving behind significant amounts of hydrocarbon in low-permeability zones, which remain unswept. Recent developments in nanocomposite hydrogels, such as PPGs, have shown promising results for water shutoff due to their thermal stability and deformability. In this study, a preformed particle gel with nano additive (NC-PPG) was developed through free radical polymerization of AM, AMPS, and nanoclay. Nanoclay nanoparticles were found to act as physical cross-linkers in the polymer network, leading to smaller pore sizes and slightly enhanced thermal stability. The addition of an appropriate amount of nanoclay nanoparticles significantly improved the swelling rate and mechanical properties of NC-PPG. The presented composition also showed good salt tolerance, as evidenced by its compatibility with highly saline formation water and the plugging rate and RRF of 0.25% NC-PPG solution, which were 94.3% and 17.6, respectively, in the sand-pack flowing experiment. These results suggest that NC-PPG has the potential to effectively plug the high permeability zones in mature reservoirs, making it a suitable candidate for water shutoff treatment and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) strategies. The ability of NC-PPG to improve sweep efficiency and control water flow in reservoirs can contribute to more efficient oil production and reservoir management practices.

Keywords: enhanced oil recovery; water shut-off; plugging efficiency; preformed particle gel; nanoclay; sweep efficiency.


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  3. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2021). Innovative technologies as a priority factor of the oil and gas industry development. ANAS Transactions. Earth Sciences, 2, 81-93.
  4. Veliyev, E. F., Askerov, V. M., Aliyev, A. A. (2022). Enhanced oil recovery method for highly viscous oil reservoirs based on in-situ modification of physico-chemical properties. SOCAR Proceedings, SI2, 144-152.
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  7. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Vishnyakov, V. (2022). Nanocolloids for petroleum engineering: Fundamentals and practices. John Wiley & Sons.
  8. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2022). The application of nanoparticles to stabilise colloidal disperse systems. ANAS Transactions. Earth Sciences, 1, 37-50.
  9. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2021, October). Propagation of nano sized CDG deep into porous media. SPE-207024-MS. In: SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100835


E. F. Veliyev1,2, A. D. Shovgenov3

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Composite Materials Scientific Research Center, Azerbaijan Sate University of Economics (UNEC), Baku, Azerbaijan; 3Halliburton International GmbH, Moscow, Russia

Novel water shut off method based on temporary plugging agent and gel composition

This article presents the laboratory development of a novel rigless, self-selective water shut-off technique. The technique involves the design and pumping of three different fluids through fractured core plugs in a specific sequence. The first fluid serves to temporarily block porous medium while moving freely through fractures. The second fluid is a cross-linking polymer gelant, which is injected immediately after the first fluid at a pressure below the fracture pressure of the formation to block fractures. An enzyme-based chemical breaker solution, serving as the third fluid, is evaluated for removing the filter-forming materials. The treatment and flow studies are conducted using a high-pressure, high-temperature core flow setup. In conclusion, the developed water control technology presented in this study offers a low-cost solution for fractured and high-anomaly wells. The technology is particularly effective when there is a significant permeability contrast between the oil-bearing matrix and water-conductive fractures. The results demonstrate a successful blockage of fracture, with minimal contamination of porous medium. The study also highlights important factors to consider for the field application of this technology. It is recommended to conduct customized laboratory investigations under simulated reservoir conditions prior to implementing the technology in the field. This will help optimize the treatment design and ensure its effectiveness in real-world applications.

Keywords: water shut-off; temporary blocking agent; gel composition; coreflood; permeability contrast.

This article presents the laboratory development of a novel rigless, self-selective water shut-off technique. The technique involves the design and pumping of three different fluids through fractured core plugs in a specific sequence. The first fluid serves to temporarily block porous medium while moving freely through fractures. The second fluid is a cross-linking polymer gelant, which is injected immediately after the first fluid at a pressure below the fracture pressure of the formation to block fractures. An enzyme-based chemical breaker solution, serving as the third fluid, is evaluated for removing the filter-forming materials. The treatment and flow studies are conducted using a high-pressure, high-temperature core flow setup. In conclusion, the developed water control technology presented in this study offers a low-cost solution for fractured and high-anomaly wells. The technology is particularly effective when there is a significant permeability contrast between the oil-bearing matrix and water-conductive fractures. The results demonstrate a successful blockage of fracture, with minimal contamination of porous medium. The study also highlights important factors to consider for the field application of this technology. It is recommended to conduct customized laboratory investigations under simulated reservoir conditions prior to implementing the technology in the field. This will help optimize the treatment design and ensure its effectiveness in real-world applications.

Keywords: water shut-off; temporary blocking agent; gel composition; coreflood; permeability contrast.


  1. Aldhaheri, M., Wei, M., Alhuraishawy, A., Bai, B. (2021). Field performances, effective times, and economic assessments of polymer gel treatments in controlling excessive water production from mature oil fields. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 143(8), 080804.
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  4. Veliyev, E., Aliyev, A., Mammadbayli, T. (2021). Machine learning application to predict the efficiency of water coning prevention techniques implementation. SOCAR Proceedings, 2021(1), 104-113.
  5. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A., Guliyev, V. V., Naghiyeva, N. V. (2019, October). Water shutoff using crosslinked polymer gels. SPE-198351-MS. In: SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  6. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Vishnyakov, V. (2022). Nanocolloids for petroleum engineering: Fundamentals and practices. John Wiley & Sons.
  7. Suleimanov, B. A., Gurbanov, А. Q., Tapdiqov, Sh. Z. (2022). Isolation of water inflow into the well with a thermosetting gel-forming. SOCAR Proceedings, 4, 21-26.
  8. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Dyshin, O. A. (2015). Effect of nanoparticles on the compressive strength of polymer gels used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Petroleum Science and Technology, 33(10), 1133 – 1140.
  9. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F. (2017). Novel polymeric nanogel as diversion agent for enhanced oil recovery. Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(4), 319-326.
  10. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2020). Colloidal dispersion nanogels for in-situ fluid diversion. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 193(10), 107411.
  11. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismayilov, R. H., Abbasov, H. F., et al. (2017). Thermophysical properties of nano- and microfluids with [Ni5(μ5-pppmda)4Cl2] metal string complex particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 513, 41-50.
  12. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2021, October). Propagation of nano sized CDG deep into porous media. SPE-207024-MS. In: SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  13. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2021). Innovative technologies as a priority factor of the oil and gas industry development. ANAS Transactions. Earth Sciences, 2, 81-93.
  14. Suleimanov, B. A.,Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2021). Impact of nanoparticle structure on the effectiveness of pickering emulsions for eor applications. ANAS Transactions. Earth Sciences, 1, 82–92.
  15. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2022). The application of nanoparticles to stabilise colloidal disperse systems. ANAS Transactions. Earth Sciences, 1, 37-50.
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  19. Xindi, S. U. N., Baojun, B. A. I. (2017). Comprehensive review of water shutoff methods for horizontal wells. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 44(6), 1022-1029.
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  21. Kabir, A. H. (2001, October). Chemical water & gas shutoff technology – an overview. SPE-72119-MS. In: SPE Asia Pacific Improved Oil Recovery Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  22. Chung, T., Bae, W., Nguyen, N. T. B., et al. (2011). A review of polymer conformance treatment: A successful guideline for water control in mature fields. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 34(2), 122-133.
  23. Di Lullo, G., Rae, P., Curtis, J. (2002, November). New insights into water control-a review of the state of the art – Part II. SPE-79012-MS. In: SPE International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium and International Horizontal Well Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  24. Suleymanov, A. B., Shovgenov, A. D. (2021, October). Nano composite polymer composition for water shutoff treatment at high formation temperature. SPE-207066-MS. In: SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  25. Elsharafi, M., Saleh, L., Alhaj, H. K. (2016, December). Microgels, bright water, and colloidal dispersion gel (CDG) applications in mature reservoirs. In: The 1st International Conference on Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering (ICCPGE 2016).
  26. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Shovgenov, A. D. (2022). Well cementing: fundamentals and practices. Moscow-Izhevsk: ICS.
  27. Farooqui, M. A. S. Z., Al-Rufaie, Y. A. (1998, February). Rigless techniques enhance the effectiveness and economics of water shut-off. SPE-39511-MS. In: SPE India Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100837


E. F. Veliyev1,2, G. V. Aliyeva3

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Composite Materials Scientific Research Center, Azerbaijan Sate University of Economics (UNEC), Baku, Azerbaijan; 3Abraj Energy Services S.A.O.C, Muscat, Oman

Laboratory analysis of self-healing cement composition based on calcium lactate and bacteria

The research aims to evaluate the feasibility of using bacteria-based self-healing concrete using Portland cement and assess the effect of temperature on its performance. The results showed that the inclusion of calcium lactate and bacteria in the mixture accelerates the gain in compressive strength, but after 28 days of curing, the healing agent has no impact on the overall compressive strength value of the mixture. The crack width distribution analysis revealed an inverse relationship between crack width and self-healed area, with wider cracks having lower self-healing rates. Most of the healing occurs within 15 days, with only a small fraction healing between day 15 and 60 days. The study also showed that low temperatures do not produce self-healing in tested samples, and 25°C increases the self-healed area for all crack widths. Finally, chromatography tests of submerged water reveal that reaction to seal the cracks takes calcium from some external source.

Keywords: self-healing cement; carbon emission; bacteria; calcium lactate; Portland cement.

The research aims to evaluate the feasibility of using bacteria-based self-healing concrete using Portland cement and assess the effect of temperature on its performance. The results showed that the inclusion of calcium lactate and bacteria in the mixture accelerates the gain in compressive strength, but after 28 days of curing, the healing agent has no impact on the overall compressive strength value of the mixture. The crack width distribution analysis revealed an inverse relationship between crack width and self-healed area, with wider cracks having lower self-healing rates. Most of the healing occurs within 15 days, with only a small fraction healing between day 15 and 60 days. The study also showed that low temperatures do not produce self-healing in tested samples, and 25°C increases the self-healed area for all crack widths. Finally, chromatography tests of submerged water reveal that reaction to seal the cracks takes calcium from some external source.

Keywords: self-healing cement; carbon emission; bacteria; calcium lactate; Portland cement.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100838


Kh. M. Ibrahimov

«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Thermal-gas-chemical method for oil production intensification in low-temperature reservoirs

A method is proposed for developing an oil deposit based on low-temperature oil oxidation as a result of initiating an exothermic reaction and subsequent injection of oxygen-containing gas into the reservoir. In the proposed method, which includes successive injection of aqueous solutions of potassium salt and sulfuric acid into the well, light oil or gas condensate is injected into the deposit before injection of the aqueous acid solution. Further, after injection of an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid into the formation, air is pumped with further pushing with water. In the method, a 16% aqueous solution of potassium dichromate is used as an aqueous solution of potassium salt. The application of the proposed technology led to an increase in the temperature in the reservoir above 200 °C and an increase in the displacement efficiency up to 19.7%.

Keywords: thermal chemical treatment; production stimulation; low-temperature reservoir; enhanced oil recovery; low temperature oxidation; oil displacement.

A method is proposed for developing an oil deposit based on low-temperature oil oxidation as a result of initiating an exothermic reaction and subsequent injection of oxygen-containing gas into the reservoir. In the proposed method, which includes successive injection of aqueous solutions of potassium salt and sulfuric acid into the well, light oil or gas condensate is injected into the deposit before injection of the aqueous acid solution. Further, after injection of an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid into the formation, air is pumped with further pushing with water. In the method, a 16% aqueous solution of potassium dichromate is used as an aqueous solution of potassium salt. The application of the proposed technology led to an increase in the temperature in the reservoir above 200 °C and an increase in the displacement efficiency up to 19.7%.

Keywords: thermal chemical treatment; production stimulation; low-temperature reservoir; enhanced oil recovery; low temperature oxidation; oil displacement.


  1. Chen, Z., Wang, L.,Tang, L., Huang, A. (2012). Low temperature oxidation experiments and kinetic model of heavy oil. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 4(2), 58–62.
  2. Khlebnikov, V. N., Zobov, P. M., Antonov, S. V., Ruzanova, YU. F. (2008). Issledovaniye termogazovogo metoda dobychi nefti. Kineticheskiye zakonomernosti avtookisleniya nefti plastov yurskogo vozrasta. Bashkirskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, 2008, 15(4), 105-110.
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  5. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Vishnyakov, V. V. (2022). Nanocolloids for petroleum engineering: Fundamentals and practices. John Wiley &
  6. Suleimanov, B. A.  (2006). Specific features of heterogenous systems flow. Moscow-Izhevsk: ICS.
  7. Suleimanov, B. A. (2012). The mechanism of slip in the flow of gassed non-Newtonian liquids. Colloid Journal, 74(6), 726–730.
  8. Suleimanov, B. A. (2011). Mechanism of slip effect in gassed liquid flow. Colloid Journal, 73(6), 846–855.
  9. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F. (2017). Novel polymeric nanogel as diversion agent for enhanced oil recovery. Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(4), 319-326
  10. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2020). Colloidal dispersion nanogels for in-situ fluid diversion. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 193(10), 107411.
  11. Suleimanov, B. A, Veliyev, E. F., Dyshin, O. A. (2015). Effect of nanoparticles on the compressive strength of polymer gels used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Petroleum Science and Technology, 33(10), 1133 - 1140
  12. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismayilov, H.,  Abbasov, H. F., et al. (2017). Thermophysical properties of nano- and microfluids with [Ni5(μ5-pppmda)4Cl2] metal string complex particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 513, 41-50.
  13. Suleimanov, B. A., Suleymanov, A. A., Abbasov, E. M., Baspayev, E. T. (2018) A mechanism for generating the gas slippage effect near the dewpoint pressure in a porous media gas condensate flow. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 53, 237-248.
  14. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, E. M., Sisenbayeva, M. R. (2017). Mechanism of gas saturated oil viscosity anomaly near to phase transition point. Physics of Fluids, 29, 012106.
  15. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, H. F., Ismayilov, R. H. (2023) Enhanced oil recovery with nanofluid injection. Petroleum Science and Technology, 41(18), 1734-1751.
  16. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, H. F. (2016). Effect of copper nanoparticle aggregation on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 90(2), 420–428.
  17. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, H. F. (2022). Enhanced oil recovery mechanism with nanofluid injection. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 28-37.
  18. Veliyev, F. F. (2022). Regulation of specific properties of drilling fluids with newly synthesized polymer additives. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 42-45.
  19. Qayibova, А. Q., Аbbasov, M. M. (2022). Study of innovative water-insulating composition based on urea-formaldehyde resin. Scientific Petroleum, 2, 23-27.
  20. Latifov Y.A. (2021) Non-stationary effect of thermoactive polymer composition for deep leveling of filtration profile. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 25-30.
  21. Khlebnikov, V. N., Voloshin, A. I., Telin, A. G., Bokserman, A. A. (2006). Oil field recovery increase method. RU Patent 2277632.
  22. Bokserman, A. A., Bernshtejn, A. M., Polkovnikov, V. V., et al. (1996). Well-drilling filter. SU Patent
  23. Bruslov, A. Ju., Gorbunov, A. T., Shakhverdiev, A. Kh., et al. (1994). ) Method for thermochemical treatment of hole bottom zone. RU Patent 2023874.
  24. Suleimanov, B. A., Ibargimov, Kh. M., Rzayeva, S. J., et al. (2022). Method for oil reservoir development. EA Patent EA039711.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100839


V. M. Shamilov1, E. R. Babayev2, P. Sh. Mammadova2, I. G. Ayyubov3, E. G. Hajiyev1

1SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan; 3Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Academician Yusif Mammadaliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan

Some aspects of the use of carbon nanotubes for enhanced oil recovery

In the presented work, the effect of modified carbon nanotubes on various reagents used to increase the oil recovery factor (ORF) was studied. It was found that nanotubes contribute to the stabilization of the foam in the studied reagents, which had a positive effect on the increase in the recovery factor.

Keywords: nanotechnologies; enhanced oil displacement, carbon nanotubes.

In the presented work, the effect of modified carbon nanotubes on various reagents used to increase the oil recovery factor (ORF) was studied. It was found that nanotubes contribute to the stabilization of the foam in the studied reagents, which had a positive effect on the increase in the recovery factor.

Keywords: nanotechnologies; enhanced oil displacement, carbon nanotubes.


  1. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismailov, F. S., Veliyev, E. F. (2011). Nanofluid for enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 78(2), 431-437.
  2. Shamilov, V. M., Babayev, E. R. (2019). Biocidal composition with copper nanoparticles for the oil industry. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 46-50.
  3. Ismagilova, V. S. (2020). Use of nanotechnologies in development of fields with hard-to-remove oil reserves. Problems of Development of Hydrocarbon and Ore Mineral Deposits, 2, 150-156.
  4. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Vishnyakov, V. V. (2022). Nanocolloids for petroleum engineering: Fundamentals and practices. John Wiley & Sons.
  5. Suleimanov, B. A.  (2006). Specific features of heterogenous systems flow. Moscow-Izhevsk: ICS.
  6. Suleimanov, B. A. (2012). The mechanism of slip in the flow of gassed non-Newtonian liquids. Colloid Journal, 74(6), 726–730.
  7. Suleimanov, B. A. (2011). Mechanism of slip effect in gassed liquid flow. Colloid Journal, 73(6), 846–855.
  8. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F. (2017). Novel polymeric nanogel as diversion agent for enhanced oil recovery. Petroleum Science and Technology, 35(4), 319-326
  9. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2020). Colloidal dispersion nanogels for in-situ fluid diversion. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 193(10), 107411.
  10. Suleimanov, B. A, Veliyev, E. F., Dyshin, O. A. (2015). Effect of nanoparticles on the compressive strength of polymer gels used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Petroleum Science and Technology, 33(10), 1133 - 1140
  11. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismayilov, H.,  Abbasov, H. F., et al. (2017). Thermophysical properties of nano- and microfluids with [Ni55-pppmda)4Cl2] metal string complex particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 513, 41-50.
  12. Suleimanov, B. A., Suleymanov, A. A., Abbasov, E. M., Baspayev, E. T. (2018) A mechanism for generating the gas slippage effect near the dewpoint pressure in a porous media gas condensate flow. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 53, 237-248.
  13. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, E. M., Sisenbayeva, M. R. (2017). Mechanism of gas saturated oil viscosity anomaly near to phase transition point. Physics of Fluids, 29, 012106.
  14. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, H. F., Ismayilov, R. H. (2023) Enhanced oil recovery with nanofluid injection. Petroleum Science and Technology, 41(18), 1734-1751.
  15. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, H. F. (2016). Effect of copper nanoparticle aggregation on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 90(2), 420–428.
  16. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, H. F. (2022). Enhanced oil recovery mechanism with nanofluid injection. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 28-37.
  17. Veliyev, F. F. (2022). Regulation of specific properties of drilling fluids with newly synthesized polymer additives. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 42-45.
  18. Qayibova, А. Q., Аbbasov, M. M. (2022). Study of innovative water-insulating composition based on urea-formaldehyde resin. Scientific Petroleum, 2, 23-27.
  19. Latifov Y.A. (2021) Non-stationary effect of thermoactive polymer composition for deep leveling of filtration profile. Scientific Petroleum, 1, 25-30.
  20. Sircar, A., Rayavarapu, K., Bist, N., et al. (2022). Applications of nanoparticles in enhanced oil recovery. Petroleum Research, 7(1), 77-90.
  21. Ogolo, N. A., Olafuyi, O. A., Onyekonwu, M. O. (2012). Enhanced oil recovery using nanoparticles. SPE-160847-MS. In: SPE Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  22. Razavinezhad, J., Jafari, A., Elyaderani, S. (2022). Experimental investigation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes assisted surfactant/polymer flooding for enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 214, 110370.
  23. Shamilov, M.(2022). Production of modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes and their application for stimulation from oil recovery. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 84-88.
  24. Ghalamizade, S., Jafari, A., Razavi, J. (2019). Experimental investigation of mechanisms in functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube flooding for enhancing the recovery from heavy-oil reservoirs. SPE Journal,24(06), 2681-2694.
  25. Bashkirtseva, N. Y., Kuryashov, D. A., Mingazov, R. R., et al. (2020). Composition for increasing oil extraction from zwitterionic-based surfactants. RU Patent
  26. Krämer, C., Kowald, T. L., Butters, V., Trettin, R. H. F. (2016). Carbon nanotube-stabilized three-phase-foams. Journal of Materials Science, 51, 3715–3723.
  27. Li, X., Pua, Ch., Bai, Y., Huang, F. (2022). Effect of surfactant types on the foam stability of multiwalled carbon nanotube stabilized foam. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 648, 129389. 
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100863


O. A. Kolenchukov1, T. N. Kolenchukova1, K. A. Bashmur1, V. V. Bukhtoyarov1,2, R. B. Sergienko3

1Institute of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; 2Digital Material Science: New Materials and Technologies, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia; 3Gini Gmbh, Munich, Germany

Discrete rough surface intensifiers in the thermal decomposition plants: current status and future potential

It is known that roughness affects the drop in hydraulic pressure, increasing the resistance force. The formation of a boundary layer on rough surfaces significantly affects fluid dynamics and the process of heat exchange in convective flows, causing disturbances in the velocity profile and affecting surface resistance, turbulent mixing and heat exchange. Despite the fact that there are a large number of experimental and CFD studies in the field of studying turbulent flow, there is no full-fledged review of this issue. In view of this, it is necessary to systematize studies related to the study of the influence of a rough surface during turbulent fluid flow. In most cases, roughness is quantified only using a single scaling parameter – the equivalent roughness height of a grain of sand, which can be expressed based on statistical parameters. This article presents an overview and generalization of data on the parameters and characteristics of rough surfaces. The correlation method is considered using the standard deviation in the slope of the roughness profile, as well as the effect of the secondary flow on the flow of the coolant in a closed space. The results of this study can be used in the intensification of heat transfer in thermal destruction reactors using intensifiers in the form of discretely rough surfaces.

Keywords: discrete-rough surfaces; thermal contact surface;и rough surface; turbulent flow; pyrolysis reactor; thermal destruction; heat exchanger.

It is known that roughness affects the drop in hydraulic pressure, increasing the resistance force. The formation of a boundary layer on rough surfaces significantly affects fluid dynamics and the process of heat exchange in convective flows, causing disturbances in the velocity profile and affecting surface resistance, turbulent mixing and heat exchange. Despite the fact that there are a large number of experimental and CFD studies in the field of studying turbulent flow, there is no full-fledged review of this issue. In view of this, it is necessary to systematize studies related to the study of the influence of a rough surface during turbulent fluid flow. In most cases, roughness is quantified only using a single scaling parameter – the equivalent roughness height of a grain of sand, which can be expressed based on statistical parameters. This article presents an overview and generalization of data on the parameters and characteristics of rough surfaces. The correlation method is considered using the standard deviation in the slope of the roughness profile, as well as the effect of the secondary flow on the flow of the coolant in a closed space. The results of this study can be used in the intensification of heat transfer in thermal destruction reactors using intensifiers in the form of discretely rough surfaces.

Keywords: discrete-rough surfaces; thermal contact surface;и rough surface; turbulent flow; pyrolysis reactor; thermal destruction; heat exchanger.


  1. Kolenchukov, O. A., Petrovsky, E. A., Bashmur, K. A., et al. (2021). Simulating the hydrocarbon waste pyrolysis in reactors of various designs. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 1-7.
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  8. Forooghi, P., Weidenlener, A., Magagnato, F., et al. (2018). DNS of momentum and heat transfer over rough surfaces based on realistic combustion chamber deposit geometries. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 69, 83-94.
  9. Schultz, M. P. (2007). Effects of coating roughness and biofouling on ship resistance and powering. Biofouling, 23, 331-341.
  10. Walker, J. M., Flack, K. A., Lust, E. E., et al. (2014). Experimental and numerical studies of blade roughness and fouling on marine current turbine performance. Renewable Energy, 66, 257-267.
  11. Li, J., Tsubokura, M., Tsunoda, M. (2017). Numerical investigation of the flow past a rotating golf ball and its comparison with a rotating smooth sphere. Flow, Turbulence Combustion, 99(3), 837-864.
  12. Oeffner, J., Lauder, G.V. (2012). The hydrodynamic function of shark skin and two biomimetic applications. Journal of Experimental Biology, 215(5), 785-795.
  13. Suleimanov, B. A., Ismayilov, R. H.,  Abbasov, H. F., et al. (2017). Thermophysical properties of nano- and microfluids with [Ni55-pppmda)4Cl2] metal string complex particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 513, 41-50.
  14. Suleimanov, B. A., Abbasov, H. F., Valiyev, F. F., et al. (2019). Thermal-conductivity enhancement of microfluids with Ni3(µ3-ppza)4Cl2 metal string complex particles. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 141, 012404.
  15. Shu, L., Li, H., Hu, Q., et al. (2018). Study of ice accretion feature and power characteristics of wind turbines at natural icing environment. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 147, 45-54.
  16. Lien, F. S., Yee, E., Cheng, Y. (2004). Simulation of mean flow and turbulence over a 2D building array using high-resolution CFD and a distributed drag force approach. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 92(2), 117-158.
  17. Finnigan, J. (2000). Turbulence in plant canopies. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 32, 519-571.
  18. Abdullayev, V. J., Gamzaev, Kh. M. (2022). Numerical method for determining the coefficient of hydraulic resistance two-phase flow in a gas lift well. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 56-60.
  19. Bashmur, K. A., Petrovsky, E. A., Tynchenko, V. S., и др. (2021). Effects of a rough surface vortex breaker hydrocyclone on the separating capacity of heterogeneous fluid systems. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 13-20.
  20. Coceal, O., Belcher, S. E. (2004). A canopy model of mean winds through urban areas. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 130(599), 1349-1372.
  21. Cheng, H., Castro, I. P. (2002). Near wall flow over urban-like roughness. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 104(2), 229-259.
  22. Roth, M. (2007). Review of atmospheric turbulence over cities. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 126(564), 941-990.
  23. Barlow, J. F., Coceal, O. (2008). A review of urban roughness sublayer turbulence. Technical Report. Met Office.
  24. Domel, A. G., Saadat, M., Weaver, J. C., et al. (2018). Shark skin-inspired designs that improve aerodynamic performance. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15(139), 20170828.
  25. Liu, G., Yuan, Z., Qiu, Z., et al. (2020). A brief review of bio-inspired surface technology and application toward underwater drag reduction. Ocean Engineering, 199(1), 106962.
  26. Li, P., Guo, D., Huang, X. (2020). Heat transfer enhancement, entropy generation and temperature uniformity analyses of shark-skin bionic modified microchannel heat sink. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 146, 118846.
  27. Liu, W., Ni, H., Wang, P., Zhou, Y. (2020). An investigation on the drag reduction performance of bioinspired pipeline surfaces with transverse microgrooves. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 11(1), 24-40.
  28. Dean, B., Bhushan, B. (2010). Shark-skin surfaces for fluid-drag reduction in turbulent flow: a review. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 368(1929), 4775-4806.
  29. Soleimani, S., Eckels, S. (2021). A review of drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement by riblet surfaces in closed and open channel flow. International Journal of Thermofluids, 9(1), 100053.
  30. Liang, G., Mudawar, I. (2019). Review of pool boiling enhancement by surface modification. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 128, 892-933.
  31. Alnaimat, F., AlHamad, I. M., Mathew, B. (2021). Heat transfer intensification in MEMS two-fluid parallel flow heat exchangers by embedding pin fins in microchannels. International Journal of Thermofluids, 9, 100048.
  32. Boomsma, A., Sotiropoulos, F. (2016). Direct numerical simulation of sharkskin denticles in turbulent channel flow. Physics of Fluids, 28(3), 035106.
  33. Sharma, S. K., Kalamkar, V. R. (2015). Thermo-hydraulic performance analysis of solar air heaters having artificial roughness–a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, 413-435.
  34. Gawande, V. B., Dhoble, A. S. A., Zodpe, D. B. B. (2014). Effect of roughness geometries on heat transfer enhancement in solar thermal systems – a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 32, 347-378.
  35. Alam, T., Kim, M. H. (2017). A critical review on artificial roughness provided in rectangular solar air heater duct. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69, 387-400.
  36. Ahmad, D., van den Boogaert, I., Miller, J., et al. (2018). Hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials and their applications, energy sources, part a recover. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 40, 2686-2725.
  37. Quéré, D. (2008). Wetting and roughness. Annual Review of Materials Research, 38(1), 71-99.
  38. Bammert, K., Sandstede, H. (1976). Influences of manufacturing tolerances and surface roughness of blades on the performance of turbines. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 98(1) 29–36.
  39. Koch, C. C., Smith, L. H. (1976). Loss sources and magnitudes in axial-flow compressors. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 98, 411-424.
  40. Abdullayev, V. J. (2021). New approach for two-phase flow calcuation of artifical lift. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 49-55.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100823


K. A. Goridko1,2, V. S. Verbitsky2, O. S. Kobzar2

1Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia; 2Gubkin University, Moscow, Russia

The approach to determine the gas separator efficiency as a part of an electric submersible pump unit

The current conditions of well operation with electric submersible pumps are characterized by the need for gas separation at the pump intake, and natural separation can be insufficient to provide the technological rate of well, so gas separators are used as part of the electric submersible pump unit. The literature review and the results of our research demonstrate that currently there is no unified methodology for selecting gas separators of various designs for the operating well conditions, equipped with ESP units of different series. That is, the selection of a gas separator as part of ESP unit is based on partial data on performance and design of the gas separator, which is unacceptable, and in some cases dangerous due to the possible failure mode. The paper describes a methodology to predict the efficiency of a gas separator as part of a downhole electric submersible pump unit based on the summary of a significant set of statistical information from publications, results of our own experimental and field studies.

Keywords: gas separator; gas content; electric submersible pump unit; ESP; separation efficiency; well oil production; separation coefficient.

The current conditions of well operation with electric submersible pumps are characterized by the need for gas separation at the pump intake, and natural separation can be insufficient to provide the technological rate of well, so gas separators are used as part of the electric submersible pump unit. The literature review and the results of our research demonstrate that currently there is no unified methodology for selecting gas separators of various designs for the operating well conditions, equipped with ESP units of different series. That is, the selection of a gas separator as part of ESP unit is based on partial data on performance and design of the gas separator, which is unacceptable, and in some cases dangerous due to the possible failure mode. The paper describes a methodology to predict the efficiency of a gas separator as part of a downhole electric submersible pump unit based on the summary of a significant set of statistical information from publications, results of our own experimental and field studies.

Keywords: gas separator; gas content; electric submersible pump unit; ESP; separation efficiency; well oil production; separation coefficient.


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  18. Musinsky, A. N. (2018). Separation characteristics of modern centrifugal submersible gas separators. Actual Problems of Increasing the Efficiency and Safety of the Operation of Mining and Oilfield Equipment, 1, 282-287.
  19. Harun, A. F., Prado, M. G., Doty, D. R. (2003, March). Design optimization of a rotary gas separator in ESP systems. SPE-80890-MS. In: SPE Production and Operations Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  20. Harun, A. F., Prado, M. G., Shirazi, S. A., Doty, D. R. (2000, October). An improved model for predicting separation efficiency of a rotary gas separator in ESP systems. SPE-63044-MS. In: SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  21. Volkov, M. G., Mikhailov, V. G., Petrov, P. V. (2012). Study of the influence of the structure of a gas-liquid mixture on the efficiency of the gas separation process in a centrifugal gas separator. Bulletin of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 16(5), 93-99.
  22. Mikhailov, V. G., Petrov, P. V. (2008). The theoretical model of gas separation in the working chamber of a rotary gas separator. Bulletin of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 10(1), 21-29.
  23. Abbariki, G., Riasi, A., Rezghi, A. (2020). Surrogate-based optimization for the design of rotary gas separator in ESP systems. SPE Production & Operations, 35(03), 497-509.
  24. Derakhshan, S., Riahi, F., Bashiri, M. (2018). Efficiency improvement of a rotary gas separator by parametric study and gas/liquid-flow analysis. SPE Production & Operations, 33(02), 320-335.
  25. Musinsky, A. N. (2021). Development and research of vortex gas separators for high-rate wells. PhD Thesis. Ufa: Ufa State Petroleum Technological University.
  26. Lyapkov, P. D. (1987). Selection of installation of a submersible centrifugal pump to the well. Moscow: MING.
  27. Lyapkov, P. D., Igrevsky, V. I., Drozdov, A. N. (1989). Investigation of the operation of the gas separator 1MNG5 to the ESP on viscous gas-liquid mixtures. Oil Industry, 4, 41-44.
  28. Drozdov, A. N., Igrevsky, V. I. (1994). Bench tests of 1MNG5 and MNGSL5 separators for submersible centrifugal pumps. Oil Industry, 8, 44-48.
  29. Lackner, G., Doty, D. R., Shirazi, S. A., Schmidt, Z. (1999, March). Effect of viscosity on downhole gas separation in a rotary gas separator. SPE-52160-MS. In: SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  30. Shakirov, A. M. (2011, February). An accurate model to predict natural separation efficiency based on common data. MEALF-00098. In: Middle East Artificial Lift Forum, Bahrain.
  31. Shakirov, A. M. (2011). A model to predict natural separation of free gas at downhole equipment intake. Neft, qaz i biznes, 6, 27-30.
  32. Márquez, R. (2004). Modeling downhole natural separation. PhD dissertation. Tulsa.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100831


М. А. Gadjiyev1, I. G. Guseynov2, U. М. Gadjiyeva1

1Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Stress-strain state and load ability of compressed pipe-concrete elements

In the article are presented the results of stress-strain state and the bearing capacity of compression pipe-concrete elements studies. The studies were carried by using a fractional-rational diagram of relationship between stress and strain proposed in the Eurocode for a compressed concrete core inside a pipe and a symmetrical two-line diagram with limited area of fluidity for any values of an arbitrary flexibility of element and eccentricity of compressive force. On the carried research basis has been developed an effective numerical technique for determining the stress-strain state and the bearing capacity of compressed pipe-concrete elements. In calculation technique constructing, the task solution is reduced to system of nonlinear algebraic equations solving, relative to the deformation level in the most stressed section of the compressed concrete core section and the position of the neutral axis in this section. The efficiency of the proposed calculation method has been verified by numerous numerical experiments. It is shown that depending on the element's flexibility and the compressive force's eccentricity, at the moment of bearing capacity loss, the operation of the steel pipe can be both elastic and elasticplastic, and this is determined only by calculations using the proposed general method.

Keywords: concrete; steel pipe; «load-deflection» graph; deformation; stress; deflection; stress-strain state; bearing capacity; eccentricity.

In the article are presented the results of stress-strain state and the bearing capacity of compression pipe-concrete elements studies. The studies were carried by using a fractional-rational diagram of relationship between stress and strain proposed in the Eurocode for a compressed concrete core inside a pipe and a symmetrical two-line diagram with limited area of fluidity for any values of an arbitrary flexibility of element and eccentricity of compressive force. On the carried research basis has been developed an effective numerical technique for determining the stress-strain state and the bearing capacity of compressed pipe-concrete elements. In calculation technique constructing, the task solution is reduced to system of nonlinear algebraic equations solving, relative to the deformation level in the most stressed section of the compressed concrete core section and the position of the neutral axis in this section. The efficiency of the proposed calculation method has been verified by numerous numerical experiments. It is shown that depending on the element's flexibility and the compressive force's eccentricity, at the moment of bearing capacity loss, the operation of the steel pipe can be both elastic and elasticplastic, and this is determined only by calculations using the proposed general method.

Keywords: concrete; steel pipe; «load-deflection» graph; deformation; stress; deflection; stress-strain state; bearing capacity; eccentricity.


  1. Sanzharovsky, R. S., Veselov, A. A. (2002). Theory of calculation of building structures for stability and modern standards. Sankt-Petersburg, Moscow: ASV.
  2. Beglov, A. D., Sanzharovsky, R. S. (2006). Theory of strength and stability calculation for reinforced concrete structures. Modern norms and European standards. Sankt-Petersburg, Moscow: ASV.
  3. Hajiyev, M. A.. (2006). Non-real ability for out of central compressed reinforced elements of circular diametrical section. Bulletin of Civil Engineers, 2(8), 33-38.
  4. Shekhovtsev, V. A., Guseynov, I. G. (2003). Nesushchaya sposobnost' morskikh statsionarnykh platform. Sankt-Peterburg: PGASU.
  5. Karpenko, N. I., Travush, V. I., Karpenko, S. N. i dr. (2017). Staticheski neopredelimyye zhelezobetonnyye konstruktsii. Diagrammnyye metody avtomatizirovannogo rascheta i proyektirovaniya. Moskva: MSZHKKH RF.
  6. Hasanov, F. G. (2020). Application of the «steel plate» design for the major turnaround of metal support piles at offshore process facilities. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 105-111.
  7. Kodysh, E. N., Nikitin, I. N., Trekin, N. N. (2011). Raschet zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy iz tyazhelogo betona po prochnosti, treshchinostoykosti i deformatsiyam. Moskva: ASV.
  8. Yakovlev, S. K., Myslyayeva, YA. I. (2015). Raschet zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy po Yevrokodu EN1992. Moskva: MGU.
  9. Kolmogorov, A. G., Plevkov, V. S. (2014). Raschet zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy po rossiyskim i zarubezhnym normam. Moskva: ASV.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100836


A. M. Gafarov1, P. G. Suleymanov2

1Azerbaijan State Marine Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan State Scientific-Research Institute of Labor Protection and Safety Engineering, Baku, Azerbaijan

Analysis of the characteristics of reliability indicators of machines and equipment operating in emergency situations and extreme conditions

The article analyzes the main characteristics of the reliability indicators of machines and equipment operated in emergency situations and extreme conditions. Methods for their evaluation are discussed using various methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics.

Keywords: machines; equipment; reliability; emergency; extreme conditions; evaluation; probability theory; mathematical statistics.

The article analyzes the main characteristics of the reliability indicators of machines and equipment operated in emergency situations and extreme conditions. Methods for their evaluation are discussed using various methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics.

Keywords: machines; equipment; reliability; emergency; extreme conditions; evaluation; probability theory; mathematical statistics.


  1. Gafarov, A. M., Suleymanov, P. H., Gafarov, V. A. (2014). Prognostication and statistic evaluation of reliability of machine and equipment working in extreme conditions. Khimicheskoe i Neftegazovoe Mashinostroenie, 11, 15-17.
  2. Gafarov, A. M., Suleymanov, P. H., Gafarov, V. A., et al. (2014). Technological aspects of machine parts durability improvements. Science and Applied Engineering Quarterly (SAEQ), 1-3, 24-31.
  3. Nevzorov, V. N., Sugak, E. V. (1998). Reliability of machines and equipment. Krasnoyarsk: SGTU.
  4. Gafarov, A. M., Suleymanov, P. G. (2015). Some aspects of improving the machines and equipment reliability of operated in extreme conditions. Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference «Emergency situations and safe life». Baku.
  5. Gafarov, A. M., Suleymanov, V. A., Gafarov, V. А. (2015). Accuracy and reliability of statistical estimates in determining the fire and rescue vehicles and units reliability. Collection of materials of the international conference «Prevention, liquidation of consequences of emergency situations and rescue of people at the venues of mass sports events». Baku.
  6. Gafarov, A. M., Sharifov, Z. Z., Khankishiyev, Y. A. (2020). Etibarliligin ve uzunomurluluyun esaslari. Baki: ADDA.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100864


A. M. Gafarov1, P. G. Suleymanov2

1Azerbaijan State Marine Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan State Scientific-Research Institute of Labor Protection and Safety Engineering, Baku, Azerbaijan

Study of the influence of various technological factors on the reliability of machines and equipment operating in emergency situations and extreme conditions

The article presents the results of research on the influence of various technological factors on the reliability of machines and equipment operated in emergency situations and extreme conditions. The regularities obtained are discussed.

Keywords: machines; equipment; technological factors; extreme conditions; reliability; emergency; working efficiency.

The article presents the results of research on the influence of various technological factors on the reliability of machines and equipment operated in emergency situations and extreme conditions. The regularities obtained are discussed.

Keywords: machines; equipment; technological factors; extreme conditions; reliability; emergency; working efficiency.


  1. Tamargazin, A. A., Variyukhno, V. V., Dovgal, A. G., Sidorenko, A. Y. (2019). Wear of composition coatings containing SIC–AL2O3 for piston skirt of internal combustion engines of aircraft ground support equipment. Journal of Friction and Wear, 40(4), 303-308.
  2. Nevzorov, V. N., Sugak, E. V. (1998). Reliability of machines and equipment. Krasnoyarsk: SGTU.
  3. Gafarov, A. M., Suleimanov, P. G., Kalbiev, F. M. (2013). Investigation of the parts wear influence, temperature deformations and vibrations on the machines and equipment reliability operating in extreme conditions. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 3-4, 112-116.
  4. Gafarov, A. M. (1998). Technological ways to improve the wear resistance of machine parts. Baku: Elm.
  5. Suleymanov, P. G. (2018). Improving the machines and equipment reliability operated in extreme conditions. Baku: Elm.
  6. Tomashov, N. D. (1959). Theory of metals corrosion and protection. Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100865


G. S. Suleymanov1, J. K. Guliyev2

1Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2SOCAR Turkey Enerji A.Ş., Baku, Azerbaijan

Innovative mechanisms for improving oil production efficiency

The paper discusses innovative mechanisms for increasing EOR factor. For this purpose, the paper describes an innovative algorithm of efficient use of existing production facilities in the oil industry. For this purpose, the research puts forward innovative methods of workover efficiency improvement and a new methodical approach based on them. The paper outlines complex innovative and economic mechanisms for increasing EOR factor. At the same time, the role of the new methodical approach proposed EOR factor is science-based, both theoretically and practically.

Keywords: production; innovations; fixed assets; overhaul; efficiency; oil recovery.

The paper discusses innovative mechanisms for increasing EOR factor. For this purpose, the paper describes an innovative algorithm of efficient use of existing production facilities in the oil industry. For this purpose, the research puts forward innovative methods of workover efficiency improvement and a new methodical approach based on them. The paper outlines complex innovative and economic mechanisms for increasing EOR factor. At the same time, the role of the new methodical approach proposed EOR factor is science-based, both theoretically and practically.

Keywords: production; innovations; fixed assets; overhaul; efficiency; oil recovery.


  1. Suleimanov, B. А. (2022). Theory and practice of enhanced oil recovery. Moscow-Izhevsk: ICS.
  2. Vishnyakov, V., Suleimanov, B., Salmanov, A., Zeynalov, E. (2019). Primer on enhanced oil recovery. United States: Elsevier Inc., Gulf Professional Publishing.
  3. Suleymanov, G. S., Kerimov, K. S., Isayev, K. G. (2020). Ekonomicheskiye mekhanizmy innovatsionnogo upravleniya otraslyami. Baku.
  4. Khalilov, G. A. (2023). Neft’ i ekonomicheskoye razvitiye: neblagopoluchnaya sreda i vykhod iz polozheniya. Baku.
  5. Salimov, S. M. (2009). Energy safety as the major factor of the strategy of sustainable development of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Moscow: MAKS Press.
  6. Salimova, S. G. (2016). Graficheskaya interpretatsiya rezul’tatov issledovaniya po probleme detal’nogo analiza effektivnosti provedeniya kapital’nogo remonta skvazhin. Izvestiya NAN Azerbaydzhana, Ekonomicheskaya seriya, 4, 85-90.
  7. Salimova, S. G. (2015). On the problem of detailed analysis of capital productivity by well groups. SOCAR Proceeding, 4, 61-66.
  8. Andreichikov, A. V., Andreichikova, O. N. (2013). Strategic management in innovative organizations: system analysis and decision making. Moscow: INFRA.
  9. Suleymanov, G. S., Salimova, S. G., Kuliyev, D. K. (2020). Novyy metodicheskiy podkhod k obshchemu analizu effektivnosti provedeniya kapital’nogo remonta skvazhin neftegazodobyvayushchego predpriyatiya. Izvestiya NAN Azerbaydzhana, Ekonomicheskaya seriya, 5, 87-92.
  10. Suleymanov, Q. S., Salimova, S. G., Kuliyev, J. K. (2020). A methodic approach to the solution of problem of main stock usage effictiveness. SOCARProceeding, 3, 142-147.
  11. Suleymanov, G. S., Ismayilova, H. G., Qasumov, E. R. (2022). Main direction for improving the use of oil and qas fields. SOCAR Proceeding, 3, 61-65.
  12. (2006). Economics of oil and gas industry enterprises / Ed. prof. Dunaev, V. F. Moscow: «Oil and Gas» Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100826


E. A. Guseynov1, A. A. Tagiyev2

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan Sate University of Economics (UNEC), Baku, Azerbaijan

Economic effect of foreign direct investment in the oil and gas sector of Azerbaijan

The article studies the economic effect of foreign direct investment in the oil and gas sector of Azerbaijan. As a study result it was determined that it is most appropriate to direct foreign investments to the sectors capable of creating high added value. Since these investments are mainly oriented to industrial production and processing sector, there are wide export opportunities here. For the economic development of the oil and gas industry, it is advisable to increase the qualitative component of foreign direct investment. In general, the directions of foreign direct investment in the oil and gas sector correspond to the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which means that it is necessary to increase the efficiency of foreign direct investment. This is possible due to optimization of strategic and operational business processes at the level of investor companies. Thus, as a result of the study, it can be said that the inflow of foreign direct investment in the oil and gas sector has had a positive impact on economic growth in the country as a whole.

Keywords: oil and gas sector; foreign investment; foreign direct investment; investment environment assessment; economic development.

The article studies the economic effect of foreign direct investment in the oil and gas sector of Azerbaijan. As a study result it was determined that it is most appropriate to direct foreign investments to the sectors capable of creating high added value. Since these investments are mainly oriented to industrial production and processing sector, there are wide export opportunities here. For the economic development of the oil and gas industry, it is advisable to increase the qualitative component of foreign direct investment. In general, the directions of foreign direct investment in the oil and gas sector correspond to the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which means that it is necessary to increase the efficiency of foreign direct investment. This is possible due to optimization of strategic and operational business processes at the level of investor companies. Thus, as a result of the study, it can be said that the inflow of foreign direct investment in the oil and gas sector has had a positive impact on economic growth in the country as a whole.

Keywords: oil and gas sector; foreign investment; foreign direct investment; investment environment assessment; economic development.


  1. Alikhanov, A. E. (2018). Factors influencing foreign direct investments in Azerbaijan. Scientific Review of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, 6, 129-137.
  2. Alfaro, L. (2003). Foreign direct investment and growth: does the sector matter. Harvard Business School.
  3. Atakishiyev, M. S. (2012). Sovremennaya strategiya ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Azerbaydzhana: modernizatsiya perekhodnoy ekonomiki. Baku.
  4. (2012). Bol’shaya ekonomicheskaya entsiklopediya. Tom II / pod red. akademika Ziyada Samedzade. Baku: Letterpres.
  5. Gadzhizade, E. M. (2013). Natsional’naya neftyanaya strategiya i novyye tseli razvitiya. Nauchnyye novosti universiteta «Tefekkyur», 2.
  6. Guseynov, A. G., Aliyev, M. (2016). Ekonomika i upravleniye neftegazovoy otrasli. Baku.
  7. Nosova, O. V. (2016). Vliyaniye pritoka pryamykh inostrannykh investitsiy na ekonomicheskiy rost. Vísnik yekonomíchnoí̈ nauki Ukraí̈ni, 1, 201-207.
  8. (2016). «Strategicheskaya dorozhnaya karta razvitiya neftegazovoy promyshlennosti (vklyuchaya khimicheskuyu produktsiyu) Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki». Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki № 1138 ot 6 dekabrya 2016 goda. Baku.
  9. (2021). Azerbaydzhan v tsifrakh. Statisticheskiy sbornik. Baku: Goskomstat.
  10. SOCAR annual reports for 2000-2021 years.
  11. (2016). «Ob utverzhdenii osnovnykh napravleniy strategicheskoy dorozhnoy karty po narodnomu khozyaystvu i osnovnym otraslyam ekonomiki» i vytekayushchikh iz neye zadach». 13.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100862


E. G. Mamedova, А. I. Mirgeydarova

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Economic assessment of the present state of cluster formation in Azerbaijani oil and gas companies

Clusters attach great importance to supporting the activities of business entities in various sectors of the economy, as well as accelerating their development, economic and social development of regions throughout the country, modernization of the infrastructure base of the economy. Observation of the processes of economic development taking place in the countries of the world shows that in order to ensure high economic development, competitive sectors of the economy, a system of enterprises producing large volumes of exportoriented products, comprehensive economic development is of paramount importance. In general, at present the role of optimal models of economic development in the rise of developed countries to this level is great, and it is in these processes that the institution of the cluster is of paramount importance.

Keywords: clustering; innovative models of clusters; innovative industrial cluster; fuel and energy complex; infrastructure of the economy.

Clusters attach great importance to supporting the activities of business entities in various sectors of the economy, as well as accelerating their development, economic and social development of regions throughout the country, modernization of the infrastructure base of the economy. Observation of the processes of economic development taking place in the countries of the world shows that in order to ensure high economic development, competitive sectors of the economy, a system of enterprises producing large volumes of exportoriented products, comprehensive economic development is of paramount importance. In general, at present the role of optimal models of economic development in the rise of developed countries to this level is great, and it is in these processes that the institution of the cluster is of paramount importance.

Keywords: clustering; innovative models of clusters; innovative industrial cluster; fuel and energy complex; infrastructure of the economy.


  1. Porter, M. E. (2000). Location, competition and economic development: Local clusters in a global economy. Economic Development Quarterly, 14(1), 15-34.
  2. Delgado, M., Porter, M. E., Stern, S. (2010). Clusters and entrepreneurship. Journal of Economic Geography, 10(4), 495-518.
  3. Bekirova, V. H. (2016). Yanacaq-enerji kompleksi sahelerinde investisiya sinergiyasinin idare edilmesi mexanizminin tekmilleshdirilmesi yollari. Iqtisadiyyat uzre felsefe doktoru elmi derece almaq uchun dissertasiya avtoreferati. Baki.
  4. Semenderov, S. S. (2020). Azerbaycan iqtisaadi fikrince klasterleshme ideyasinin genezisinden. AMEA-nin xeberleri (Iqtisadiyyat seriyasi), 1.
  5. Agarkov, A. P., Golov, R. S. (2017). Design and formation of innovative industrial clusters. Moscow: «Dashkov and K».
  6. Fateev, V. S. (2012). Clusters, the cluster approach and its use as a tool for regulating the development of national and regional economy. Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 5. Economics. Sociology. Biology, 2(131), 40–50.
  7. Ingstrup, M. B., Gamgaard, T. (2013). Cluster facilitation from a cluster life cycle perspective. European Planning Studies, 21, 556-574.
  9. Aliyev, Т. (2019). Klasterler: beynalxalq tecrube ve innovativ inkishaf. Baki: Elm ve Bilik.
  11. Jerome, S. E. (2016). Global clusters of innovation: entrepreneurial engines of economic growth around the world. Edward Elgar Publishing.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP2023SI100866
