SOCAR Proceedings

SOCAR Proceedings

Published by "OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).

SOCAR Proceedings is published from 1930 and is intended for oil and gas industry specialists, post-graduate (students) and scientific workers.

Journal is indexed in Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SCOPUS and Russian Scientific Citation Index, and abstracted in EI’s Compendex, Petroleum Abstracts (Tulsa), Inspec, Chemical Abstracts database.

D. F. Guseynova

«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Diagnosis of the state of the reservoir system based on the entropy approach

Investigation of the energy balance of the oil fields development process by thermodynamic methods shows that the production of reservoir fluids leads to irreversible energy losses, and the use of optimal operating conditions minimizes these losses. Studies were conducted to determine the degree of order of the reservoir system, based on an analysis of the positive and negative signs of production values and changes in the entropy increment, an estimation was made of the self-organization of dynamic open systems far from the equilibrium state. Based on the concept of entropy production, an analysis was made of the main technological data of the oilfield development, which allowed us to determine the boundaries of the transient processes of the reservoir system and evaluate the estimated recoverable oil volumes. The proposed approach, taking into account the reservoir system transient processes using dynamic analysis and the concept of entropy production, allows to obtain reliable predicted values of the recoverable volumes of hydrocarbons and make reasoned decisions on choosing a strategy for oil and gas fields development.

Keywords: oil field; development; entropy production; echnological development indicators.

Investigation of the energy balance of the oil fields development process by thermodynamic methods shows that the production of reservoir fluids leads to irreversible energy losses, and the use of optimal operating conditions minimizes these losses. Studies were conducted to determine the degree of order of the reservoir system, based on an analysis of the positive and negative signs of production values and changes in the entropy increment, an estimation was made of the self-organization of dynamic open systems far from the equilibrium state. Based on the concept of entropy production, an analysis was made of the main technological data of the oilfield development, which allowed us to determine the boundaries of the transient processes of the reservoir system and evaluate the estimated recoverable oil volumes. The proposed approach, taking into account the reservoir system transient processes using dynamic analysis and the concept of entropy production, allows to obtain reliable predicted values of the recoverable volumes of hydrocarbons and make reasoned decisions on choosing a strategy for oil and gas fields development.

Keywords: oil field; development; entropy production; echnological development indicators.


  1. Prigogine, I., Stengers, I (1984). Order out of chaos. New York: Bantam Books.
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  9. Stepanov, S. V., Tyrsin, A. N., Ruchkin, A. A., Pospelova, T. A. (2020). Using entropy modeling to analyze the effectiveness of the waterflooding system. Oil Industry, 06, 62–67.
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  11. Tillero, E. J., Machado, F., Romero, D. (2011, March). From volumetric energy balance to the entropy generation: The evolution of the state of the art in thermodynamic concepts in petroleum production systems. SPE-139913-MS. In: SPE Production and Operations Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  12. Khasanov M., Karachurin N., Tyazhev Ye. (2001). Otsenka izvlekayemykh zapasov nefti na osnove fenomenologicheskikh modeley. Vestnik inzhiniringovogo tsentra YUKOS, 2, 3-7.
  13. Suleymanov, А. А., Mamedzade, М. R. (2011). Application of phenomenological models in oilfield production forecasting. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 27-30.
  14. Holland, J. H. (1996). Hidden order: How adaptation builds complexity. New York: Addison-Wesley.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200667


А. М. Ashurova

«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Investigation of the electrical conductivity of drilling fluid components for drilling sidetracks

Sidetrack drilling allows solving a number of problems, taking into account the geological features of productive horizons. Reducing the cost of equipment and consumables are also advantages of drilling sidetracks. The success of these operations is inextricably linked with the correct choice of the type of drilling fluid, which performs an important technological function, both with drilling the main borehole and maintaining the reservoir properties of deposits. In conditions of potentially unstable clay deposits, highly inhibited drilling fluids with good electrical conductivity should be highly preferred. Improving the quality of penetration by drilling of productive horizons is closely related to the incoming technological information of the drilling parameters, and at the same time, the electrical conductivity of the drilling fluid is one of the key indicators, the determination of which makes it possible to increase the efficiency and improve the technical and economic indicators of drilling. Thus, the measurement of the electrical conductivity of the drilling fluid allows you to effectively select the optimal composition of the process fluid, determine the degree of opening of productive horizons in the drilling process.

Keywords: drilling fluid; electrical conductivity; resistance; sidetrack; productive horizon.

Sidetrack drilling allows solving a number of problems, taking into account the geological features of productive horizons. Reducing the cost of equipment and consumables are also advantages of drilling sidetracks. The success of these operations is inextricably linked with the correct choice of the type of drilling fluid, which performs an important technological function, both with drilling the main borehole and maintaining the reservoir properties of deposits. In conditions of potentially unstable clay deposits, highly inhibited drilling fluids with good electrical conductivity should be highly preferred. Improving the quality of penetration by drilling of productive horizons is closely related to the incoming technological information of the drilling parameters, and at the same time, the electrical conductivity of the drilling fluid is one of the key indicators, the determination of which makes it possible to increase the efficiency and improve the technical and economic indicators of drilling. Thus, the measurement of the electrical conductivity of the drilling fluid allows you to effectively select the optimal composition of the process fluid, determine the degree of opening of productive horizons in the drilling process.

Keywords: drilling fluid; electrical conductivity; resistance; sidetrack; productive horizon.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200668


J. Eyvazov

«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Sensitivity analysis of oil and gas production as a result of increasing the drainage area with changes in well parameters during different completion of wells

Drilling of wells and their return to other horizons are planned in certain sequences and intervals in order to obtain maximum economic efficiency during the development and operation of hydrocarbon fields. It is important to determine the real layout of production wells, to study the relationship between them depending on various parameters. In the presented work, depending on the reservoir and well parameters, the drainage areas of horizontal wells and the interrelationships between these wells were determined, and the maximum final production of such wells was determined. The joint hydrodynamic model of the reservoir-well was used in the research. The results of the work can be used to determine the drainage areas depending on the angle of inclination of horizontal wells and to determine the relationship between them, to increase the economic efficiency of the field by reducing the additional costs of drilling unnecessary wells during field development.

Keywords: sensitivity analysis; drainage area; skin factor; hydraulic fracturing; acid treatment; formation damage; production rate.

Drilling of wells and their return to other horizons are planned in certain sequences and intervals in order to obtain maximum economic efficiency during the development and operation of hydrocarbon fields. It is important to determine the real layout of production wells, to study the relationship between them depending on various parameters. In the presented work, depending on the reservoir and well parameters, the drainage areas of horizontal wells and the interrelationships between these wells were determined, and the maximum final production of such wells was determined. The joint hydrodynamic model of the reservoir-well was used in the research. The results of the work can be used to determine the drainage areas depending on the angle of inclination of horizontal wells and to determine the relationship between them, to increase the economic efficiency of the field by reducing the additional costs of drilling unnecessary wells during field development.

Keywords: sensitivity analysis; drainage area; skin factor; hydraulic fracturing; acid treatment; formation damage; production rate.


  1. Etesami, D. (2020). Modeling and prediction of rate of penetration for deviated wells. Canada: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan.
  2. Prasun, S., Kumar, A. (2019, September). Drainage areas, shapes and reservoirs for wells in reservoirs with multiple fluid contacts. SPE -196184-MS. In: SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  3. Chan, K. S., Masoudi, R., Karkooti, H., et al (2014, October). Smart horizontal well drilling and completion for effective development of thin oil-rim reservoirs in Malaysia. SPE-170593-MS. In: SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  4. Prasandi, A. A., Tutuka, A. (2017). Optimization of horizontal well direction and length considering geomechanics properties and drainage area using genetic algorithm in a gas field. Modern Applied Science, 11(9), 114-130.
  5. Szott, W., Miłek, K. (2015). Methods to determine drainage area in shale formations produced by stimulated horizontal wells using reservoir simulation modelling. Journal «Nafta-gas», 12, 992-994.
  6. Economides, J. M., Nolte, G. K. (2000). Reservoir stimulation. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  7. Wagenhofer, T., Hatzignatiou, D. G. (1996, May). Optimization of horizontal well placement. SPE-35714-MS. In: SPE Western Regional Meeting. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  8. Joshi, S. D. (2003, May). Cost/benefits of horizontal wells. SPE-83621-MS. In: SPE Western Regional/AAPG Pacific Section Joint Meeting. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  9. Lingyan, H., Hai, T. (2015). The optimization of sidetracking horizontal well. Development Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, 20(14), 5945-5946.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200669


Z. S. Aliev, D. A. Marakov, F.A. Adzynova

Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia

Justification and selection of initial flow rates and depressions on the formation of horizontal wells design taking into account reservoir and filtration properties of the reservoir and the design of the horizontal section of the trunk

Normally, the starting production rate of the planned horizontal wells is based on the data acquired during the tests and surveys carried out in the vertical prospecting or exploratory wells, assigned pressure drawdowns, and the length of the horizontal wellbore section. This paper discusses the key challenges encountered when determining the productivity of the planned horizontal wells. The authors propose a method to justify and select the pressure drawdown and the length of the horizontal wellbore section when determining the well starting production rate and pressure drawdown to ensure the economic efficiency of the field development.

Keywords: horizontal well; pressure drawdown; shape of the reservoir drainage area; planned well; exploratory well.

Normally, the starting production rate of the planned horizontal wells is based on the data acquired during the tests and surveys carried out in the vertical prospecting or exploratory wells, assigned pressure drawdowns, and the length of the horizontal wellbore section. This paper discusses the key challenges encountered when determining the productivity of the planned horizontal wells. The authors propose a method to justify and select the pressure drawdown and the length of the horizontal wellbore section when determining the well starting production rate and pressure drawdown to ensure the economic efficiency of the field development.

Keywords: horizontal well; pressure drawdown; shape of the reservoir drainage area; planned well; exploratory well.


  1. Aliyev, Z. S., Bondarenko, V. V. (2002). Rukovodstvo po proyektirovaniyu razrabotki gazovykh i gazoneftyanykh mestorozhdeniy. Pechora: Pechorskoye vremya.
  2. Aliyev, Z. S., Marakov D. A., Meshcheryakov, S. V. i dr. (2016). Osobennosti razrabotki nizkoproizvoditelʹnykh gazokondensatnykh mestorozhdeniy s bolʹshim kolichestvom kondensata s ispolʹzovaniyem gorizontalʹnykh skvajin. Moskva: Nedra.
  3. Aliyev, Z. S., Sheremet V. V. (1995). Opredeleniye proizvoditelʹnosti gorizontalʹnykh skvazhin, vskryvshikh gazovyye i gazoneftyanyye plastmassy. Moskva: Nedra.
  4. Aliyev, Z. S., Marakov D. A., Kotlyarova, Ye. M. i dr. (2014). Teoreticheskiye i tekhnologicheskiye osnovy primeneniya gorizontalʹnykh skvazhin dlya osvoyeniya gazovykh i gazokondensatnykh mestorozhdeniy. Moskva: Nedra.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200670


А. G. Gurbanov1, Е. Т. Baspayev2

1Umid Babek Operation Company (UBOC), Baku, Azerbaijan; 2«OPTIMUM» Design Institute LLP, Aktau, Kazakhstan

New kill method for gas producing wells

There have been defined optimal blocking compounds in an effort to reduce the negative impact of killing fluid on the production of wells, namely the gas shows in the process of well servicing and the absorption of killing fluid. In order to increase the efficiency of killing technique for wells with gas shows, the method of well killing was developed, based on the successive injection of the gel-like mass and displacing fluid into the well. In this case, the required volume of foamgel injected in the well is determined by the height of the perforated interval of the well. Condensate or light oil is injected into the well to prevent the mixing of displacing fluid with foamgel before its full cross-linking. To retrieve the foam from the well does not need to use special compositions for its destruction. Due to the low density, the foam is easily removed from the wells by pressure drop.

Keywords: killing fluid; gas-show wells; reservoir properties; foamgel; density; displacing fluid.

There have been defined optimal blocking compounds in an effort to reduce the negative impact of killing fluid on the production of wells, namely the gas shows in the process of well servicing and the absorption of killing fluid. In order to increase the efficiency of killing technique for wells with gas shows, the method of well killing was developed, based on the successive injection of the gel-like mass and displacing fluid into the well. In this case, the required volume of foamgel injected in the well is determined by the height of the perforated interval of the well. Condensate or light oil is injected into the well to prevent the mixing of displacing fluid with foamgel before its full cross-linking. To retrieve the foam from the well does not need to use special compositions for its destruction. Due to the low density, the foam is easily removed from the wells by pressure drop.

Keywords: killing fluid; gas-show wells; reservoir properties; foamgel; density; displacing fluid.


  1. Veliyev, E. F. (2020). Mechanisms of polymer retention in porous media. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 126-134.
  2. Suleimanov, B. A., Guseynova, N. I., Veliyev, E. F. (2017, October). Control of displacement front uniformity by fractal dimensions. SPE-187784-MS. In: SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  3. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Naghiyeva, N. V. (2021). Colloidal dispersion gels for in-depth permeability modification. Modern Physics Letters B, 35(1), 2150038.
  4. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F., Naghiyeva, N. V. (2020). Preformed particle gels for enhanced oil recovery. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 34(28), 2050260.
  5. Veliyev, E.F. (2021). Polymer dispersed system for in-situ fluid diversion. Prospecting and Development of Oil and Gas Fields, 1(78), 61–72.
  6. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A. (2021, October). Propagation of nano sized CDG deep into porous media. SPE-207024-MS. In: SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  7. Veliyev, E.F. (2021). Application of amphiphilic block-polymer system for emulsion flooding. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 78-86.
  8. Ismailov, R. G., Veliev, E. F. (2021). Emulsifying composition for increase of oil recovery efficiency of high viscous oils. Azerbaijan Oil Industry, 5, 22-28.
  9. Veliyev, E. F., Aliyev, A. A., Mammadbayli, T. E. (2021). Machine learning application to predict the efficiency of water coning prevention techniques implementation. SOCAR Procceedings, 1, 104-113.
  10. Suleimanov, B. A., Veliyev, E. F. (2016). The effect of particle size distribution and the nano-sized additives on the quality of annulus isolation in well cementing. SOCAR Proceedings, 4, 4-10.
  11. Suleimanov, B. A., Bayramov, M. M., Mamedov, M. R. (2004). On the skin effect influence on the flow rate of oil wells. Geology, Geophysics and Development of Oil and Gas Fields, 8, 68-70.
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  13. Suleimanov, B. A. (2011). Sand plug washing with gassy fluids. SOCAR Proceedings, 1, 30-36.
  14. Naghiyeva, N. V. (2020). Colloidal dispersion gels for align the injectivity profile of injection wells. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 67-77.
  15. Baspayev, Y. T., Ayapbergenov, Y. O., Rzayeva, S. D. (2018). Analysis of the well killing fluids effect on the filtration properties of the rocks of the «Uzen» field. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 38-44.
  16. Vakhrushev, S. A., Mikhailov, A. G., Kostin, D. S., et al. (2017). Production wells killing on R. Trebs high temperature cavernous-fractured carbonate deposits. Oil Industry, 10, 41-45.
  17. Shilov, I. A., Nevolin, A. I. (2017). Selection of the most efficient fluids of wells killing for reservoir-rocks of Perm region deposits and assessment of their impact during core laboratory simulation. Oilfield Engineering, 12, 53-57.
  18. Bachurina, O. V., Pavlyuchenko, V. I. (2015). Osobennosti tekhnologii glusheniya skvazhin v zaglinizirovannykh kollektorakh. Neftegazovoye Delo, 2, 18-21
  19. Popov, A. N., Sufyanov, K. T., Konesev, V. G., et al. (2014). Elaboration of biopolymer mud for wells killing with abnormally low reservoir pressure. Oil and Gas Territory, 6, 16-19.
  20. Gladkov, P. (2014). Development of a new well-killing fluid based on oil-wetting agent Ng-1 for polymineral low-permeable reservoirs. World Applied Sciences Journal, 31(6), 1078-1081.
  21. Fan, H., Deng, S., Ren, W., et al. (2017). A new calculation method of dynamic kill fluid density variation during deep water drilling. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 3, 1-8.
  22. Ponomareva, I. N., Iluishin, P. Yu., Martyushev, D. A., Rakhimzyanov, R. M. (2017). Results of research for improving well-killing technology. Oil Industry, 1, 62-65.
  23. Okromelidze, G. V., Garshina, O. V., Nekrasova, I. L., et al. (2014, October). Method of well-killing operation by using visco-elastic gels with controllable destruction terms. SPE-171302-MS. In: SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  24. Simonsen, A. C., Hansen, P. L., Klosgen, B. (2004). Nanobubbles give evidence of incomplete wetting at a hydrophobic interface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 273, 291-299.
  25. Ying, X., Yuan, X., Yadong, Z., et al. (2020). Study of gel plug for temporary blocking and well-killing technology in low-pressure, leakage-prone gas well. SPE Production & Operation, 36(01), 234-244.
  26. Ying, X., Youquan, L., Nan, C., et al. (2018). The research and application of controllable crosslinking temporary plugging rubber plug for killing well. Chemical Engineering of Oil and Gas, 47(6), 55-58.
  27. Zejgman, J. V., Mukhametshin, V. Sh., Khafizov, A. R., Kharina, S. B. (2016). Prospects of application of multifunctional well killing fluids in carbonate reservoirs. SOCAR Proceedings, 3, 33-39.
  28. Haobo, Z., Sun, M., Niu, X., et al. (2018, November). Dynamic well killing method for ultra-deep wells and the simulation system. SPE-193216-MS. In: Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  29. Suleimanov, B. A., Gurbanov, A. G., Baspaev, E. T. (2021). Well killing method. Application for a Eurasian Patent No. 2021/023(AZ) dated 09/01/2021.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200671


V. I. Shchetnikov1, V. V. Mukhametshin2, L. S. Kuleshova3, E. M. Veliev3, R. R. Stepanova3, L. Z. Samigullina3

1JV “Vietsovpetro”, Vung Tau, Vietnam; 2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 3Institute of Oil and Gas, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Branch in the City of Oktyabrsky), Oktyabrsky, Russia

Surfactant enzymes combined application for oil production intensification in Vietnam

The article shows that in the conditions of Vietnamese fields to prevent a decrease in the enzymes activity in reservoir conditions due to high salinity and temperature, it is necessary to include chelate compounds limiting the metal ions influence. The results of the EDTA-chelate experiment showed that at EDTA concentrations from 2.0 to 0.8%, the turbidity of the enzyme solution decreased during the testing time, demonstrating the positive effect of EDTA with enzymes in a salt water environment. The results of a study comparing changes in the enzyme and surfactant solutions surface tension showed that the addition of 1% stabilizer EDTA, 1% surfactant alpha-olefinsulfonate to the enzyme solution increases the activity of the system. Based on the experimental data obtained using the Modde 5.0 software, the optimal concentrations of enzyme and surfactant solutions for the minimum value of surface tension were determined. The optimal effect of the minimum surface tension value is 1.735 mN/m with components was obtained at a ratio of components enzyme:surfactant=0.477:0.3. Based on the results of optimization, the component composition of the system was obtained: microbial product of enzyme origin is 50%; Surfactant is 30%; stabilizer is 1.0%; microorganisms inhibitor is 0.5%.

Keywords: enzyme; surfactants; bottomhole formation zone; chelate compounds; surface tension.

The article shows that in the conditions of Vietnamese fields to prevent a decrease in the enzymes activity in reservoir conditions due to high salinity and temperature, it is necessary to include chelate compounds limiting the metal ions influence. The results of the EDTA-chelate experiment showed that at EDTA concentrations from 2.0 to 0.8%, the turbidity of the enzyme solution decreased during the testing time, demonstrating the positive effect of EDTA with enzymes in a salt water environment. The results of a study comparing changes in the enzyme and surfactant solutions surface tension showed that the addition of 1% stabilizer EDTA, 1% surfactant alpha-olefinsulfonate to the enzyme solution increases the activity of the system. Based on the experimental data obtained using the Modde 5.0 software, the optimal concentrations of enzyme and surfactant solutions for the minimum value of surface tension were determined. The optimal effect of the minimum surface tension value is 1.735 mN/m with components was obtained at a ratio of components enzyme:surfactant=0.477:0.3. Based on the results of optimization, the component composition of the system was obtained: microbial product of enzyme origin is 50%; Surfactant is 30%; stabilizer is 1.0%; microorganisms inhibitor is 0.5%.

Keywords: enzyme; surfactants; bottomhole formation zone; chelate compounds; surface tension.


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  14. Khakimzyanov, I. N., Mukhametshin, V. Sh., Bakhtizin, R .N., Sheshdirov, R. I. (2021). Determination of well spacing volumetric factor for assessment of final oil recovery in reservoirs developed by horizontal wells. SOCAR Proceedings, 2, 47-53.
  15. Khuzin, R. R., Bakhtizin, R. N., Andreev, V. E., et al. (2021). Oil recovery enhancement by reservoir hydraulic compression technique employment. SOCAR Proceedings, SI1, 98-108.
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  17. Veliyev, E. F. (2020). Mechanisms of polymer retention in porous media. SOCAR Procеedings, 3, 126-134.
  18. Grishchenko, V. A., Rabaev, R. U., Asylgareev, I. N., et al. (2021). Methodological approach to optimal geological and technological characteristics determining when planning hydraulic fracturing at multilayer facilities. SOCAR Proceedings, SI2, 182-191.
  19. Veliyev, E. F. (2021). Polymer dispersed system for in-situ fluid diversion. Prospecting and Development of Oil and Gas Fields, 1(78), 61–72.
  20. Mukhametshin, V. V., Bakhtizin, R. N., Kuleshova, L. S., et al. (2021). Screening and assessing the conditions for effective oil recovery enhancing techniques application for hard to recover high-water cut reserves. SOCAR Proceedings, SI2, 48-56.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200672


V. I. Shchetnikov1, V. V. Mukhametshin2, M. M. Veliev1, L. S. Kuleshova3, R. V. Vafin3, Sh. G. Mingulov3

1JV “Vietsovpetro”, Vung Tau, Vietnam; 2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 3Institute of Oil and Gas, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Branch in the City of Oktyabrsky), Oktyabrsky, Russia

Investigation of enzyme solutions-based complexes for oil production intensification

The article presents the laboratory studies results of enzyme-based complexes. It has been shown that to prevent a decrease in enzyme activity in reservoir conditions due to high salinity and temperature, it is necessary to include chelate compounds to limit the effect of metal ions. The results of the EDTA-chelate experiment showed that at EDTA concentrations between 2 and 0.8%, the turbidity of the enzyme solution decreased during the testing time, demonstrating the positive effect of using EDTA with enzymes in a salt water environment. On the basis of experiment the optimal enzyme solutions and surfactants concentration for the minimum surface tension value has been clarified. The optimal effect of the minimum surface tension value is 1.735 mN/m with components was obtained at the enzyme:surfactant ratio equal to 0.477:0.3. The thermal stability of the enzyme complex study results showed that the interfacial tension between the enzyme complex solution and kerosene is much less than the interfacial tension between sea water and kerosene (21.75 mN/m), and this is proof of the enzyme complex thermal stability at the reservoir temperature.

Keywords: enzyme solution; thermal stability; wettability; oil recovery stimulation; surfactant.

The article presents the laboratory studies results of enzyme-based complexes. It has been shown that to prevent a decrease in enzyme activity in reservoir conditions due to high salinity and temperature, it is necessary to include chelate compounds to limit the effect of metal ions. The results of the EDTA-chelate experiment showed that at EDTA concentrations between 2 and 0.8%, the turbidity of the enzyme solution decreased during the testing time, demonstrating the positive effect of using EDTA with enzymes in a salt water environment. On the basis of experiment the optimal enzyme solutions and surfactants concentration for the minimum surface tension value has been clarified. The optimal effect of the minimum surface tension value is 1.735 mN/m with components was obtained at the enzyme:surfactant ratio equal to 0.477:0.3. The thermal stability of the enzyme complex study results showed that the interfacial tension between the enzyme complex solution and kerosene is much less than the interfacial tension between sea water and kerosene (21.75 mN/m), and this is proof of the enzyme complex thermal stability at the reservoir temperature.

Keywords: enzyme solution; thermal stability; wettability; oil recovery stimulation; surfactant.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200673


M. M. Veliev1, V. I. Shchetnikov1, V. V. Mukhametshin2, L. S. Kuleshova3, T. R. Vafin3

1JV “Vietsovpetro”, Vung Tau, Vietnam; 2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 3Institute of Oil and Gas, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Branch in the City of Oktyabrsky), Oktyabrsky, Russia

Experimental studies of oil displacement ability using enzyme solutions based complexes on a reservoir model

The article presents the laboratory tests results of enzyme solutions application on the model of the White Tiger Miocene deposits. It has been established that the enzyme solutions application makes it possible to increase the oil displacement efficiency in the range of 7.23–10.59%. The values variation is associated with different core samples characteristics in terms of porosity, permeability, initial oil saturation, and in terms of lithological composition as well. After enzyme solution treatment the differential pressure decreases, which indicates a change in the oil with oil-bearing rock wettability.

Keywords: Enzyme solution; reservoir model; oil displacement efficiency; wettability; bottomhole formation zone.

The article presents the laboratory tests results of enzyme solutions application on the model of the White Tiger Miocene deposits. It has been established that the enzyme solutions application makes it possible to increase the oil displacement efficiency in the range of 7.23–10.59%. The values variation is associated with different core samples characteristics in terms of porosity, permeability, initial oil saturation, and in terms of lithological composition as well. After enzyme solution treatment the differential pressure decreases, which indicates a change in the oil with oil-bearing rock wettability.

Keywords: Enzyme solution; reservoir model; oil displacement efficiency; wettability; bottomhole formation zone.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200674


R. N. Bakhtizin1, M. Ya. Khabibullin2, G. G. Gilaev3

1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 2Institute of Oil and Gas, Ufa State Oil Technical University (branch in Oktyabrsky), Oktyabrsky, Russia; 3Institute of Oil, Gas and Energy, Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar, Russia

On the stress state of an elastic hollow ball during liquid filtration through its wall

When determining the stress state of an elastic hollow ball during liquid filtration through its wall, it is necessary to solve the problem of stresses for the case of liquid filtration towards the center of the ball with a decrease in pressure in its cavity (χ = -1). A change in the sign of the filtration potential leads to a change in the tangential stresses on the borehole wall to a value equal to three times the reservoir pressure drawdown (in this case, the radial stresses are equal to zero). This explains the negative effect of well shutdowns, and even more so the change in the direction of the filtration flow in the near-wellbore part of the formation, on the stability of the walls of wells, the operation of which is complicated by formation sanding. Thus, the maximum difference in the main normal stresses is observed on the borehole wall, therefore, in order to prevent the destruction of the formation near the bottom, the necessary condition is that the strength properties of the rocks correspond to the stresses acting in this zone. When operating wells prone to plugging, it is necessary to limit the reservoir pressure drawdown to the maximum allowable value, when the material of the near-filter zone is in an elastic state throughout the volume.

Keywords: stress; state; casing; string; well; integration; equations.

When determining the stress state of an elastic hollow ball during liquid filtration through its wall, it is necessary to solve the problem of stresses for the case of liquid filtration towards the center of the ball with a decrease in pressure in its cavity (χ = -1). A change in the sign of the filtration potential leads to a change in the tangential stresses on the borehole wall to a value equal to three times the reservoir pressure drawdown (in this case, the radial stresses are equal to zero). This explains the negative effect of well shutdowns, and even more so the change in the direction of the filtration flow in the near-wellbore part of the formation, on the stability of the walls of wells, the operation of which is complicated by formation sanding. Thus, the maximum difference in the main normal stresses is observed on the borehole wall, therefore, in order to prevent the destruction of the formation near the bottom, the necessary condition is that the strength properties of the rocks correspond to the stresses acting in this zone. When operating wells prone to plugging, it is necessary to limit the reservoir pressure drawdown to the maximum allowable value, when the material of the near-filter zone is in an elastic state throughout the volume.

Keywords: stress; state; casing; string; well; integration; equations.


  1. Bliznyukov, V. Yu., Gilaevm A. G., Gilaevm G. G. (2010). Analysis of production casing disturbances during the development of sand-producing productive formations with abnormally high reservoir pressures. Construction of Oil and Gas Wells Onshore and Offshore, 6, 50-54.
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  31. Gilaev, Gen. G., Khabibullin, M. Ya., Gilaev, G. G. (2020). Prospects for the use of acid gel for proppant injection in the process of hydraulic fracturing of carbonate formations in the Samara region. Oil Industry, 8, 54-57.
  32. Khabibullin, M. Ya. (2019). Theoretical grounding and controlling optimal parameters for water flooding tests in field pipelines. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. International Conference "Information Technologies in Business and Industry", 042013.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200675


E. G. Shakhbazov1, Kh. I. Hasanov2, N. N. Khalilov2

1Institute of Control Systems, ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Inhibitor for nitrogen-containing hardness deposition based on ethanolammonium phosphates

The inhibitors based on nano-containing compositions (NCC) have been developed for hardness deposition. A method for developing an inhibitor for saline deposits involves the interaction of amino alcohols with orthophosphoric acid by adding nanoparticles and further diluting them with water to form a 2% solution. It was found out that the inhibitors developed by NSC for saline deposits at a flow rate of 20-30 mg/l are highly effective for controlling the deposits of calcium and magnesium sulfate in the produced water model. The controlling effect of inhibition in these cases is 86.3-99.4%.

Keywords: inhibitor; amino-containing compound; orthophosphoric acid; hardness deposition; nanoparticles.

The inhibitors based on nano-containing compositions (NCC) have been developed for hardness deposition. A method for developing an inhibitor for saline deposits involves the interaction of amino alcohols with orthophosphoric acid by adding nanoparticles and further diluting them with water to form a 2% solution. It was found out that the inhibitors developed by NSC for saline deposits at a flow rate of 20-30 mg/l are highly effective for controlling the deposits of calcium and magnesium sulfate in the produced water model. The controlling effect of inhibition in these cases is 86.3-99.4%.

Keywords: inhibitor; amino-containing compound; orthophosphoric acid; hardness deposition; nanoparticles.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200676


N. M. Safarov1, F. B. Ismayilova2, S. G. Hajizade1

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Development of the diasgnostic method for determination of density of «water-oil-sand» type mixtures

In this article has been proposed empirical dependencies for the direct determination – without mathematical calculations or experimental measurements of density of “water-oil-sand” type rheological complex mixtures resulting from arbitrary mixing of oil with water and sand in the processes of production, collection and transportation of well products. Also, based on the application of «Colour characteristics», a new diagnostic method that allows to explain the dependence of density, which is one of the main quality indicators of heterogeneous liquids transported by pipeline, on watering and temperature factors, as well as the concentration of filler element, leads to new trivial solutions in the processes of production and transportation. Given its practical significance and expediency for use in hydraulic calculations, its application prospects have been commented.

Keywords: granular filler; dispersed systems; heterogeneous liquids; suspension; density factor; empirical dependence.

In this article has been proposed empirical dependencies for the direct determination – without mathematical calculations or experimental measurements of density of “water-oil-sand” type rheological complex mixtures resulting from arbitrary mixing of oil with water and sand in the processes of production, collection and transportation of well products. Also, based on the application of «Colour characteristics», a new diagnostic method that allows to explain the dependence of density, which is one of the main quality indicators of heterogeneous liquids transported by pipeline, on watering and temperature factors, as well as the concentration of filler element, leads to new trivial solutions in the processes of production and transportation. Given its practical significance and expediency for use in hydraulic calculations, its application prospects have been commented.

Keywords: granular filler; dispersed systems; heterogeneous liquids; suspension; density factor; empirical dependence.


  1. Ismayilov, G. G., Safarov, N. М. (2010). Reotechnology of visco-loose systems. Baku: «МSM».
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  4. Safarov, N. M. (2014). On the need to take into account the rheophysical features of oil-water-sand mixtures during their collection and transportation. Pipeline Transport (Theory and Practice), 3-4(43-44), 44-49.
  5. Ismayilov, G. G., Ismayilova, F. B., Мusayev, S. F. (2021). Prediction of viscosity properties of oil-water systems. SOCAR Proceedings, SI1, 109-115.
  6. Evdokimov, E. N., Losev, A. P., Fesan, A. A. (2012). Lack of additivity of oil mixtures. Drilling and Oil, 1, 27-28.
  7. Evdokimov, I. N., Fesan, A. A., Kronin, A. M., Losev, A. P. (2016). Common features of «Rag» layers in water-incrude oil emulsions with different stability. Possible presence of spontaneous emulsification. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 37(11), 1535–1543.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200677


E. N. Mamalov1, G. I. Dzhalalov1, E. V. Gorshkova1, A. S. Hadiyeva2

1Institute of Oil and Gas of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova, Aktau, Kazakhstan

Intensification of oil production using water-air mixture

The inhibitors based on nano-containing compositions (NCC) have been developed for hardness deposition. A method for developing an inhibitor for saline deposits involves the interaction of amino alcohols with orthophosphoric acid by adding nanoparticles and further diluting them with water to form a 2% solution. It was found out that the inhibitors developed by NSC for saline deposits at a flow rate of 20-30 mg/l are highly effective for controlling the deposits of calcium and magnesium sulfate in the produced water model. The controlling effect of inhibition in these cases is 86.3-99.4%.

Keywords: oil saturation; permeability; formation; polymer; water-air mixture; viscosity.

The inhibitors based on nano-containing compositions (NCC) have been developed for hardness deposition. A method for developing an inhibitor for saline deposits involves the interaction of amino alcohols with orthophosphoric acid by adding nanoparticles and further diluting them with water to form a 2% solution. It was found out that the inhibitors developed by NSC for saline deposits at a flow rate of 20-30 mg/l are highly effective for controlling the deposits of calcium and magnesium sulfate in the produced water model. The controlling effect of inhibition in these cases is 86.3-99.4%.

Keywords: oil saturation; permeability; formation; polymer; water-air mixture; viscosity.


  1. Ruzin, L. M., Morozyuk, O. A. (2014). Methods for enhanced oil recovery (theory and practice). Ukhta: USTU.
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  5. Toma, A., Sayuk, B., Abirov, Zh., Mazbaev, E. (2017). Polymer flooding for enhanced oil recovery in light and heavy oil fields. Territory «Neftegaz», 7-8, 58-67.
  6. Shevtsov, I. A., Kabo, V. Ya., Rumyantseva, E. L., Dosov, A. N. (2001). New technologies for the use of polymeric reagents in oil production. Oil Industry, 7, 28-30.
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  8. Nazhisu, Erofeev, V. I. (2018). Research and application of polymer flooding technology for enhanced oil recovery. Successes of Modern Natural Sciences, 11(2), 420-424.
  9. Khimchenko, P. V. (2017). Selection of polyacrylamide of various compositions for enhanced oil recovery when using polymer floodihg technology in high-temperature reservoirs and formation waters with high salinity. Territory «Neftegaz», 6, 64-75.
  10. Sheng, J. J., Leongardt, B. (2015). Status of polymer-flooding technology. Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 54(2), 116-126.
  11. Mikhailov, N. N., Zakenov, S. T., Kiynov, K. K., et al. (2019). The experience of implementation of polymer flooding technology in oil fields characterized by a high degree of salinity of reservoir and injected waters. Oil Industry, 4, 74-78.
  12. Babaev, E. R., Mamedova, P. Sh., Soltanova, Z. G. (2016). Compositions based on water-soluble polymers for use as oil displacement agents. Oil and Gas Chemistry, 3, 17-19.
  13. Suleimanov, B. A. (2006). Features of filtration of heterogeneous systems. Moscow-Izhevsk: ICR.
  14. Drozdov, A. N., Drozdov, N. A. (2017). Fundamental proposals for the technical implementation of water-gas treatment at the Urengoy field. Territory «Neftegaz», 10, 56-60.
  15. Drozdov, A. N., Telkov, V. P., Egorov, Yu. A., et al. (2007). Study of the efficiency of high-viscosity oil displacement by water-gas mixtures. Oil Industry, 1, 58-59.
  16. Nadyrov, A. I., Vladimirov, I. V. (2018). Study of water-gas impact in the development of high-viscosity oil deposits using a U-shaped multifunctional well. Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, 3(113), 9-22.
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  20. Perry, S., Amos, R., Brewer, P. (1974). A practical guide to liquid chromatography. Moscow: Mir.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200678


N. Sh. Iskandarov

«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Improving the accuracy of temperature measurements in heat supply systems

The constant rise in energy prices leads to an increase in the cost of thermal energy, which is used in heat supply systems for industrial and residential premises. Therefore, improving the accuracy of measuring the heat supplied to consumers is an urgent task. Instrumental metering of heat energy requires regular measurement of the temperature of the coolant in the pipelines of the heat supply system. There is an opinion that all the problems of measuring temperature when accounting for thermal energy have been solved. However, this is not the case. The analysis shows that the systematic component of the error in measuring the temperature and the temperature difference between the supply and return pipelines, especially in conditions of small values of the difference, makes a significant contribution to the instrumental error of accounting for thermal energy. The article discusses solutions to minimize these errors in temperature measurement, taking into account the consumption of thermal energy.

Keywords: temperature measurements; measurement error; thermal energy; thermodynamics; metrology.

The constant rise in energy prices leads to an increase in the cost of thermal energy, which is used in heat supply systems for industrial and residential premises. Therefore, improving the accuracy of measuring the heat supplied to consumers is an urgent task. Instrumental metering of heat energy requires regular measurement of the temperature of the coolant in the pipelines of the heat supply system. There is an opinion that all the problems of measuring temperature when accounting for thermal energy have been solved. However, this is not the case. The analysis shows that the systematic component of the error in measuring the temperature and the temperature difference between the supply and return pipelines, especially in conditions of small values of the difference, makes a significant contribution to the instrumental error of accounting for thermal energy. The article discusses solutions to minimize these errors in temperature measurement, taking into account the consumption of thermal energy.

Keywords: temperature measurements; measurement error; thermal energy; thermodynamics; metrology.


  1. Shah, Y. T. (2018). Thermal energy. 1st edition. CRC Press.
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  6. Sharma, A., Tyagi, V. V., Chen, C. R., Buddhi, D. (2009). Review on thermal energy storage with phase change materials and applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(2), 318-345.
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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200679


A. N. Gurbanov1, I. Z. Sardarova2

1«OilGasScientificResearchProject» Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan; 2Azerbaijan State Oil and Gas Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Increasing the efficiency of microbiological protection of underground facilities

Highlight important aspects of microbiological protection of underground facilities. It is shown that an important environmental and technological problem is the protection of underground oil and gas pipelines from microbial corrosion by soil corrosion-hazardous microorganisms, including the crucial role played by sulfatvosstanovitelnye (SRB) and thione (TB) bacteria. The influence of the nature of the inhibitor and the hydrophobicity of the electrolyte composition of basic and modified mastics. The influence of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from the damaged asphalt blocks pipeline, the stability of modified bitumen-polymer sealant. The effect of nitrogen-containing corrosion inhibitors on the growth and enzyme activity of the bacteria and the sulfur cycle, the mechanism locks thiobacteria and gidrogenaznoi reaction korozionnoaktivnih SRB. The efficiency of the derivatives dioksodekagidroakridina the rate of microbial corrosion of steel under the ISF and thiobacteria. A comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of these inhibitors in industrial inhibitor. These inhibitors provide a high degree of protection from corrosion in the presence of SRB (90%), which indicates their antibacterial properties and offers the prospect of their use in industrial applications of anaerobic corrosion caused by SRB.

Keywords: temperature measurements; measurement error; thermal energy; thermodynamics; metrology.

Highlight important aspects of microbiological protection of underground facilities. It is shown that an important environmental and technological problem is the protection of underground oil and gas pipelines from microbial corrosion by soil corrosion-hazardous microorganisms, including the crucial role played by sulfatvosstanovitelnye (SRB) and thione (TB) bacteria. The influence of the nature of the inhibitor and the hydrophobicity of the electrolyte composition of basic and modified mastics. The influence of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from the damaged asphalt blocks pipeline, the stability of modified bitumen-polymer sealant. The effect of nitrogen-containing corrosion inhibitors on the growth and enzyme activity of the bacteria and the sulfur cycle, the mechanism locks thiobacteria and gidrogenaznoi reaction korozionnoaktivnih SRB. The efficiency of the derivatives dioksodekagidroakridina the rate of microbial corrosion of steel under the ISF and thiobacteria. A comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of these inhibitors in industrial inhibitor. These inhibitors provide a high degree of protection from corrosion in the presence of SRB (90%), which indicates their antibacterial properties and offers the prospect of their use in industrial applications of anaerobic corrosion caused by SRB.

Keywords: temperature measurements; measurement error; thermal energy; thermodynamics; metrology.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200680


M. Ya. Khabibullin1, R. N. Bakhtizin2, G. G. Gilaev3

1Institute of Oil and Gas, Ufa State Oil Technical University, Oktyabrsky, Russia; 2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia; 3Institute of Oil, Gas and Energy, Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar, Russian

A new method of designing a conversing mechanism of a hinged four-link of a pumping machine

The transforming mechanism of pumping units is a four-link articulated mechanism, made according to symmetrical and asymmetric kinematic schemes. With a symmetrical scheme, the center of rotation of the crank is on a straight line passing through the points corresponding to the extreme positions of the connecting rod and balancer articulation. All other cases correspond to the asymmetric scheme. Currently, in accordance with the existing methodology for designing a converting mechanism of a symmetrical circuit, the kinematic ratios r/k and r/l are used as initial data - the ratio of the crank radius to the length, respectively, of the rear arm of the balance bar and connecting rod. It is considered more preferable and practical to design a mechanism according to predetermined output parameters. As a result, we find that the overall dimensions of the converting mechanism of domestic pumping units of a symmetrical scheme (length by 45…60%, and height - 25…30%) are less than those of foreign pumping units of an asymmetric scheme. The developed technique allows to compare the technical and operational indicators of pumping units made according to various kinematic schemes.

Keywords: connecting rod; balancer; cranks; traverse; radius; mechanism.

The transforming mechanism of pumping units is a four-link articulated mechanism, made according to symmetrical and asymmetric kinematic schemes. With a symmetrical scheme, the center of rotation of the crank is on a straight line passing through the points corresponding to the extreme positions of the connecting rod and balancer articulation. All other cases correspond to the asymmetric scheme. Currently, in accordance with the existing methodology for designing a converting mechanism of a symmetrical circuit, the kinematic ratios r/k and r/l are used as initial data - the ratio of the crank radius to the length, respectively, of the rear arm of the balance bar and connecting rod. It is considered more preferable and practical to design a mechanism according to predetermined output parameters. As a result, we find that the overall dimensions of the converting mechanism of domestic pumping units of a symmetrical scheme (length by 45…60%, and height - 25…30%) are less than those of foreign pumping units of an asymmetric scheme. The developed technique allows to compare the technical and operational indicators of pumping units made according to various kinematic schemes.

Keywords: connecting rod; balancer; cranks; traverse; radius; mechanism.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200681


R.M. Akbarov, E.A. Garibli

Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Baku, Azerbaijan

Determination of the dimensions of the differential mining rent in the oil industry of Azerbaijan to optimize the tax burden

In modern conditions, the definition of the amount of differential mountain rent on the macro level (the oilproducing company, the industry) should allow optimizing the tax system in oil production by determining the maximum limits of seizure. Оn the basis of a methodology based on the submissions of political economy, on a differential mining at the level of production facility as a difference between the closing costs, calculated on the production volume and its actual costs, a methodology was proposed by the method of differential mountain rent on the macro level as The amounts of the dimensions of the specified rental income on individual production facilities (well, deposit). On the basis of the proposed methodology, the work was calculated by differential mining rates on oil production of Azerbaijan in 2020 according to state statistics. The calculation and subsequent seizure of the amount of differential mountain rent in the state's income will allow further taxation of oil production can be carried out at unites rates or differentiated by the natural and transport component (Rent of location), as a tax on mineral mining (NPPI).

Keywords: differential mountain rent; limit costs; actual costs; production facility; production volume; rent on macro levels.

In modern conditions, the definition of the amount of differential mountain rent on the macro level (the oilproducing company, the industry) should allow optimizing the tax system in oil production by determining the maximum limits of seizure. Оn the basis of a methodology based on the submissions of political economy, on a differential mining at the level of production facility as a difference between the closing costs, calculated on the production volume and its actual costs, a methodology was proposed by the method of differential mountain rent on the macro level as The amounts of the dimensions of the specified rental income on individual production facilities (well, deposit). On the basis of the proposed methodology, the work was calculated by differential mining rates on oil production of Azerbaijan in 2020 according to state statistics. The calculation and subsequent seizure of the amount of differential mountain rent in the state's income will allow further taxation of oil production can be carried out at unites rates or differentiated by the natural and transport component (Rent of location), as a tax on mineral mining (NPPI).

Keywords: differential mountain rent; limit costs; actual costs; production facility; production volume; rent on macro levels.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200683


K. A. Suleymanov

Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Survey Institute of Energy, Baku, Azerbaijan

Real-time monitoring and control of energy security indicators based on synchrophasor measurements

Based on the analysis of the development of the Azerbaijan EPS, it is distinguished by its power and network structure, expanded intersystem communications, and is substantiated by a monitoring and control plan based on synchrophasor measurements of the state of the reliability mode - an indicator of energy security. The effectiveness of a large-scale assessment of the PMU installation in the Azerbaijan EPS.

Keywords: energy security; regime reliability; power system; SCADA/EMS – WAMS, PMU.

Based on the analysis of the development of the Azerbaijan EPS, it is distinguished by its power and network structure, expanded intersystem communications, and is substantiated by a monitoring and control plan based on synchrophasor measurements of the state of the reliability mode - an indicator of energy security. The effectiveness of a large-scale assessment of the PMU installation in the Azerbaijan EPS.

Keywords: energy security; regime reliability; power system; SCADA/EMS – WAMS, PMU.


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DOI: 10.5510/OGP20220200682
